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Introduction to Management


Submitted By julietran161
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In recent years, the tradition concepts of skill in many front line service jobs as low skill have been out of date, and clearly need to change if people want to capture the realities of work in a modern economy. Because traditionally thought that in terms of their technical aspects in many front line service job is low skilled , then actually suggest as form of skilled work since they require their employers to perform skilled emotional labor in their dealing with customers ( Bolton, 2004, Korczynski ,2005). Thus , According to Payne, he seeks to open up a critical discussion of the opinions and the key arguments of those authors who look a view the emotional labour as a form of skilled works in his article “ Emotional Labour and Skill : A Reappraisal “ was published by 2009 . Transfer to another aspects between gender and work, Leidner (1988) feels that the gender typed interaction is an expression of workers in their occupation. So, he did analysis of two highly routinized interactive services job “Serving Hamburgers and Selling Insurance”. This article explores the interrelationship of work, gender and identity. In this paper, we will have a critique in the main points of the two articles about emotional labor and skills, and the difference gender in the routinized interaction.

Firstly, According to Payne (2009), the ability of front –line staff to perform emotional work, whether it takes the forms of enthusiasm, politeness or remaining calm under pressure, is seen as making a vital contribution to customer satisfaction and competitive advantage ( Heskett ,1997) .As a evidence, the readers also permit that today, for many front-line service employees such as nursing, serving fast food or coffee in restaurant or receptionist , when we walk into any supermarket, or check into a hotel , we easily recognize workers who managing their emotions as genuine feelings towards customers and clients in order to give good service and interaction with customers. Additionally, Bolton (2004, p.20) believes that ‘emotion work can be viewed as a distinctive form of skilled work and employees as multi-skilled emotion managers’. As expert opinion, the author explains the essence of Bolton’s argument is that emotion has the division of many the objective characteristics include complexity, discretion and control over the labor process or another factor said that have been commonly been used to distinguish skilled jobs .Emotion work is seen to require a form of highly sophisticated and skilled social actors as employees “ develop an understanding of themselves that allows them to consciously use their emotions to influence the quality of the interactive service sector product ( Thompson2001, p.938). Furthermore, the emotion worker is an “active and controlling force in the labor process (Bolton, 2004, p.30). The point is here, emotional worker are placed in a position of deference or subordinate to the customers .In this way, it is completely logical when Payne had used the argument of many authors to statistic in his critique and also help the reader should trust to all emotion work is seen to tick box for being skilled work On the other hands, there are flawed and wrong with the view “emotion work is indeed skilled work” argued Bolton (2004, p.32). The author used many statistics in order to help the readers can understand better in this question. He noted that skill has both natural and motivation. For instance, in the nature, skill is seen as a part of personal’s ethical or moral such as personality traits, and motivation, skill is required as the demand of job. Therefore, it is a fact that not at all emotional labor is customer facing but also can be found in relationship between workers and managers as the fundamental feature of all job like to manage or hide stress before their boss.
Besides, it is evidence that some jobs require more and others require less (care workers, nurse) that means different skilled emotional labor. Thus, the author said that one does not reject any of these insights that the emotional work is necessarily and always skilled work. To open up a new problem with why attaching the label skill to emotion work may not bring greater reward for may low paid service workers. Some commentators recognized should improve status and pay for many low paid services workers ,but , they fails because of no shortage of those able to perform the kind of skilled emotion work required in most low end service job. For example, there may be no lack of potential candidates as these jobs require employees who are essentially polite, cheerful and calm under pressure. So, as expert opinion, we should pay for worker who has more high skill than others who unable to do the same skill.

Secondly, according to Leidner (1991), in his article, he explores the interrelationship of work, gender and identity. Although he does not use seemly too much statistics to prove his points, he succeeds to indicate his source. First, the term gender was used to refer to the social and cultural characteristics of masculinity and femininity .He noted gender is necessarily implicated in the design and enactment of service interactions. In fact, he conducted field work at Mc Donald’s and at Combined Insurance Company of America. Both jobs were not strictly gender segregated, but they were held predominantly by either men or women. Most at Mc Donald’s window crew were young women and men are almost at Combined Insurance’s agents. Therefore, it could be representative of segregation which sets of cultural beliefs, values, and attitudes about the genders that contribute to the rationalization of inequalities in society. Moreover, he maintained that the flexible of interpretations of gender-appropriate work draws on research on the routinization of jobs that involve direct interaction with customers or clients. For instance, employer makes assumption about what customer like and want, then they have interactive behavior that concern how men and women should behave. Furthermore, most of people know that Mc Donald provides to customer the quality of food and service every day. The major task for the worker was to serve to customers. There are more women than men work window. . In this case, the author clearly recognizes women were more presentable, more interested in dealing with people than men, so they looked better on window and customer were more likely to find them trustworthy. Friendly, keep their temper no matter how they were treated to control themselves, nice to one person and prospect are these skills required for worker. This is one of reason support for women working window. In contrast, Combined Insurance placed very different sorts of demand on its workers. They concentrate to door to door sales in rural sales. The main task is to sell and take prospects and turn them into customers. Life insurance agents are most white men and young because this work requires more “manly” traits or felt strongly such as control and self-direction, whereas women would be unlikely to succeed in the job. In ethical appeals, the sources are knowledge to statistic and author provided the accurate knowledge to readers that the different cultural valuation of behavior labeled masculine and feminine also contributes to the different meanings that enacting gender at work has for women and men, and additionally, it bases on the routinization of jobs and the ability interaction to customer in order to choose men and women will suit in that jobs. In conclusion, it can be seen that Payne and Leidener, both authors have provided these useful knowledge to audiences about emotional labor and skills, and the difference gender in the routinized interaction. They have argued completely successful their opinions to convince the reader in their ways. It is significant to impact to readers that emotional labor are swept together under the banner of skilled work and job features that allow gender appropriate behaviors are not necessarily welcomes, but then the work routines that prevent workers from enacting genders in ways. Gender segregation is to across occupations and also within an occupation at lower levels of the occupations hierarchy in terms of status and pay.

Bolton, S 2004, Conceptual Confusions: Emotion work As Skilled, pp. 19-37
Hoschild, A 1983, the managed heart: commercialisation of human feeling, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Heskett, J, Sasser, W & Schlesinger, L 1997, the Service Profit Chain, New York
Korczynski, M 2005, Skills in Service Work: An Overview. Human Resource Management Journal, Vol.15, no.2, pp. 3–14.
Leidner, R 1991, ‘Serving Hamburgers and Selling Insurance: Gender, Work and Identity in Interactive Service Jobs’, Gender & Society, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 154-77.
Payne, J 2009, ‘Emotional Labour and Skill: A Reappraisal’, Gender Work and Organization, vol.16, no.3, pp. 348-67.

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