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King Henry The 8th Research Paper

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Henry the 8th was born on June 28th, 1431 in Greenwich. He is the second son of Henry the 7th and Elizabeth of York. After his brother died he became the heir to the throne. “His interest in foreign policy was focused on Western Europe, which was a shifting pattern of alliances centered round the kings of Spain and France, and the Holy Roman Emperor. His wife Catherine was Ferdinand of Aragon’s Daughter, King Henry’s sister Mary married Louis the 12th of France, and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles the 5th was Catherine’s Nephew.” ( King Henry the 8th was a very powerful man; anything he wanted he was able to get. When Pope Clemet the 7th wouldn’t allow him to annul his marriage with Catherine to marry Anne Boleyn, King …show more content…
First she married King Henry’s older brother Prince Arthur, but after he died later that year she married King Henry the 8th. He later wanted a divorce from Catherine because she wasn’t able to give him a son. She gave birth to four daughters and two sons, but all except one child died in childbirth or in early infancy. The only child that lived was Mary. King Henry needed a son to rule after he died and since Catherine wasn’t able to give him a son and because her age wouldn’t allow her, he wanted an annulment. King Henry the 8th claimed that their “marriage had violated the biblical prohibition against a union between a man and his brothers widow. Catherine appealed to Pope Clement VII, contending that her marriage to Henry was valid because the previous marriage had never been consummated.” ( The pope decided to not annul their marriage because he could not have Catherine’s nephew, the Holy Roman Emperor, as an enemy. This resulted in acts of cutting back papal power and influence in England bringing about the English Reformation. In July 1531 Henry was finally able to separate from Catherine and five months later he married Anne

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