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Kitten Home Psychology

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Bringing a new kitten home can be a very exciting and stressful scenario for all involved, especially if there is already an older cat living in the home. Many factors must be considered before the little fur ball is brought into its new environment. A little initial effort in the beginning can go along way and can greatly insure that a positive foundation is set, which could make the difference between a good or a bad relationship between the two. As the new kitten arrives it will take some time for the adult cat to get use to or adjust to the new arrival. Behaviorally this is what could start the initial conflict because cats tend to be despondent to change. This can be primarily due to a feline’s tendencies towards being very territorial more so than canines. Territorial aggression occurs when an intruder enters its territory which could include the outside area, …show more content…
Allowing the adult cat to see it, walk up to it at check it out. Some behaviorists include an additional step by getting the adult cat use to the kittens scent. This can be accomplished very easily by brushing the new cat with the same brush used by the other cat. As several minutes have gone by let the kitten out, again allow the adult cat to approach it but with supervision, just in case the adult cat becomes hostile or aggressive. Do not be alarmed if at the initial encounter the cats display is some hissing and or posturing behaviors, this can be considered normal. Again intervene if you think the behaviors might escalate into a fight. Monitor all interactions over the next several weeks. If you feel in an extreme case that the use an over the counter or prescription medication might be helpful consult your veterinarian. Finally, make sure that both animals have separate food and water bowls, toys, bedding and living

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