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Lacey Act Research Paper

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The Lacey Act was created in the 1900s to protect wildlife. However, since then, quite a few things have changed. The main purpose remains the same, to protect plants and animals by creating civil and criminal penalties for a wide array of violations. The Lacey act prohibits the trade of wildlife that has been illegally trapped, transported, or sold. The original intentions of the Lacey Act are far different from what the act has become today. The recent addition of the Burmese Python, Yellow Anaconda, Green Anaconda, Reticulated Python, DeSchauensee’s Anaconda, Beni Anaconda, and two types of Rock Pythons to the Lacey Act, (16 U.S.C. §§ 3371-3378) is a tragedy and will inhibit not only the livelihoods of the breeders, keepers, and …show more content…
The definition of injurious is “causing or likely to cause damage or harm,” (Oxford Dictionary) and the definition of invasive is “tending to spread proficiently and undesirably, possibly harmfully.” The addition of these species of snakes to the injurious species list is supposed to help prevent the accidental or intentional introduction and possible establishment of populations of these snakes in the U.S. These additions were made partially due to the Burmese Python infestation in Florida, specifically south Florida ad the Everglades. The additions of these eight species of large constrictor snakes was proposed after the supposed investigation of their likelihood to establish themselves after release based on climate and the amount of specimens in the pet trade. A US Geological study stated that the Burmese Pythons could migrate to …show more content…
What exactly went wrong? The husbandry for each of these snakes varies by species. Burmese Pythons, Reticulated Python, and both species of African Rock Pythons require 60-80% humidity in their enclosures and temperatures ranging from 80-96 degrees Fahrenheit. The Anacondas require temperatures of 80-92 degrees and 70% relative humidity. If temperatures drop below 60 degrees, the snake will not be able to digest its prey items and will slowly starve to death. Some of those giant constrictors can hibernate, however, even the winter in Florida can have large effects on Burmese Python populations. It is unknown as to why these snakes hibernate in their natural habitats, but do not usually successfully hibernate in Florida. With that being said, all the states in the United States, excluding Hawaii, experience winter temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. However, starvation is not usually the cause of death of these large pythons in Florida. Cool weather makes these giant snakes lethargic and more vulnerable to other predators and people. With all that being said, it’s understandable that some would worry about the infestation of these giant constrictors. It is unclear exactly how the infestation of the constrictors began. However, some speculate many were pets that became unwanted or specimens that have escaped from facilities in the aftermath

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