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Lasagna Research Paper

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In my family, there are seven people. My husband and I have five children. We all lead very busy lives with school, school activities, and work. We are always busy during the week. On Sunday, we like to all sit down and have a nice family meal. Unfortunately, after a hard week of work, I don't feel like slaving over a hot stove cooking to feed my horde of a family. That is where my amazing lasagna makes its way to our oven. It is mouth watering and my kids just eat it up. So can your family, by following all these steps. First, you have to prepare the meat sauce. This is the basis of a great lasagna. Without all the flavors in the meat sauce, your lasagna will be bland. Grab your Dutch oven and turn up the heat to medium. If you don't have …show more content…
You will need to open up a twenty-eight ounce can of crushed tomatoes, twelve ounces of tomato paste, and thirteen ounces of tomato sauce. I like to combine all my seasonings into one bowl and add all together at one time. It makes for easier mixing. In a bowl, mix in two tablespoons of white sugar for sweetness, one and a half teaspoons of dried basil seeds, one teaspoon of Italian seasoning, one tablespoon of kosher salt. Also, add in however much pepper you would like. You'll also need to add in about one to two teaspoons of garlic powder and onion powder. Go ahead and mix all your seasonings together in this bowl. Also, go ahead and chop up your fresh and washed parsley. This adds some color to your lasagna as well as flavor. Now, go ahead and add in all the canned tomato products to the meat. Then, add in a one-half of a cup of water. Stir to coat the meat. With a ladle, make a well in the center of the sauce. Pour in your seasonings and two tablespoons of parsley. Let the seasonings be absorbed into the liquid before you stir. Once they have been absorbed, go ahead and stir the seasonings into the meat sauce. Cover your pot and simmer for about an hour and a half. Make sure you stir occasionally or it will stick to the bottom and give your meat sauce a bitter …show more content…
Take one and a half cups of the meat sauce and spread it over the bottom of your 9X13 inch baking dish. Arrange and place six noodles over the meat sauce Spread one-half of the ricotta cheese mixture over your noodles. Top with six slices of mozzarella cheese. Spread another one and a half cups of meat sauce over the cheese. Sprinkle on one-fourth cup of your grated parmesan cheese. Add another layer of one and a half cups of meat sauce, followed by the rest of the noodles (six). Add the rest of the ricotta cheese mixture and spread it out. Lay down six more slices of mozzarella and the rest of the meat sauce and spread out evenly. Top with the rest of the mozzarella and parmesan cheese. It gets really cheesy and really gooey, but it is so good. You need to cover the dish with aluminum foil. To avoid it sticking to your cheese, spray cooking spray onto the foil before placing it over the

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