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Least Restrictive Continuum

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In special education, the continuum of alternative placements is a list of educational settings in which a student with disabilities may receive instruction from the least restrictive setting (the general education classroom) to the most restrictive setting (an institution). In the phrase “least restrictive setting” the term “restrictive” implies the amount of time that a student with disabilities will spend with their nondisabled peers. The continuum of alternative placements then, is a list of acceptable settings or combination of settings in which a student will receive all or part of their instruction and still be able to interact with their nondisabled peers. An example of a placement is a student receiving reading and spelling instruction …show more content…
If at any point a student’s parents disagree with the school district’s implementation of their child’s free and appropriate special education, they may file for a due process hearing. Essentially, a due process hearing is a court case that is brought in front of a third party hearing officer who will hear the testimony and review the evidence presented by both the parents and the school district. The hearing officer will then come to a decision regarding the disagreement. If a hearing officer sides with the school district, the special education that a student is receiving will stay the same. If a hearing officer sides with the parents, the school district may be required to do one of the following: provide the attorney’s fees for the parents of the student, provide injunctive relief (requiring a school to stop or refrain from partaking in an action), provide tuition reimbursement, provide compensatory education, or pay punitive damages (a monetary award to the parents in addition to the damages that the school already has to pay). Part of the due process hearing is an aspect referred to as the stay-put provision. The stay-put provision requires that a student remains in their current least restrictive environment placement setting while a dispute is being resolved. This ensures that a school district cannot move a student from placement to placement without the consent of the student’s parents and provides the student with a stable education throughout the due process

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