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Life Is Strange Analysis

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This has been a week of reviews. First, I reviewed This Savage Song by V. E. Schwab for last Saturday's feature post, then we had the first Goodreads Review of Coraline by Neil Gaiman, and now Life is Strange. If you follow me on Twitter you will know about my love for Life is Strange. I have played through the complete game twice now, and absolutely adore the soundtrack - which I am currently listening to while I write this review.

Life is Strange is an episodic, choice based game set in the fictional town, Arcadia Bay, Oregon. You play as Blackwell Academy photography student, Max Caulfield, as she develops her new-found ability of time travel; and attempts to unravel the mysteries of Arcadia Bay with the help of her best friend, Chloe. …show more content…
Between the heartwarming and the heart-shattering, this game delivers an emotional blow, with some episodes, leaving you tear stricken, staring at a wall, questioning all the decisions you made leading up to that point. This emotional reaction is a direct result of the character building throughout; not only with Max and Chloe, but every character you encounter, or choose to encounter - you may choose to completely ignore all side characters, in which case, you will miss out on the relationship building element which could aid in your progression.


Furthermore, the way you interact with a side character could impact the game later down the line - if you neglect being nice to NPCs, you may find it more difficult to interact with them later on, being nice is pivotal if you want to be successful. Additionally, talking to every available character adds a depth to the world of Arcadia Bay, and may open up a new path to achieving your goal.

Plus, there is a multi-layered narrative, following various stories, which all culminate into one larger narrative which reveals the mysteries of Arcadia Bay. The plot explores a variety of themes, from light-hearted romance and friendship, to sacrifice and death. Also, photography have a massive influence on the narrative and mechanics of the game - but, I don't want to include any spoilers so that is all I am going to say about …show more content…
This final decision only allows you to choose one of two endings. No matter how you played your game leading up to this point, there are only two choices, and the cinematic scene that follow is not impacted by earlier choices. I had the opportunity to watch both endings as I chose the opposing one during my second play through. One of these choices is quite open-ended, leaving many questions about the events of the game and what will happen to the cast next, - sadly, no questions will be answered as the sequel, which is in talks, will have a different cast and setting. The other possible choice is devastatingly emotional and manages to wrap everything up in a nice, neat

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