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Life Safety Code

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What is the life safety code, the life safety code is the building code that is the requirements for the safety, quality, and function of the buildings proposed by the government authorities are in the form of documents, such as fire codes, building space specifications, and building modular standards. And the practice of developing, approving and implementing building codes varies widely. In some countries, building codes are formulated by government agencies or quasi-governmental standards organizations and are then implemented by the central government throughout the country. These codes are called national building codes. The building code is very important in our life whether it's for builders or for every household. First, to ensure the quality of construction and safety, so as to protect the interests of the people; the second is to regulate and protect the interests of …show more content…
The rapid development of the construction industry has improved the urban and urban and rural areas, improved the people's living and living standards, and provided many jobs, promoted the transfer of labor force, and promoted the national economic development and social progress. The biggest enemy of the building is fire. Energy conservation is one of the focus of the Chinese government's work in recent years. China requires all new buildings to strictly enforce the 50% energy saving standard. Some experts recommend the use of organic insulation materials, organic insulation materials, although very easy to cause the fire, but because of good energy saving effect, so the public allowed to use organic insulation

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