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Machiavellian Theory Essay

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How Trump Strays from and Contradicts by Machiavellian Theory.
Throughout the course of Trump’s presidency, he has had some interesting parallels from the teachings of Niccoló Machiavelli, the great Italian writer of The Prince. This short book explored statecraft and control, one of the most prominent topics being the choosing of ministers. Donald Trump has both pulled from and contradicted Machiavelli’s teachings. He has appointed incompetent cabinet members or ministers, sometimes through the very vices that Machiavelli warned of, which leads to him undercutting his own power. He has attempted to be feared by politicians and to brand himself as a man of the people, the opposite of what Machiavelli believed. However, in accordance with Machiavellian …show more content…
Trump has appointed many to his cabinet that have been fired within months, if not weeks of their appointments. 10 days after he was hired, Mr. Anthony Scaramucci was fired from his cabinet post of Director of Communications by John Kelly, the newly appointed Chief of Staff at the White House. Scaramucci had previously cursed out Kelly’s predecessor, Rience Priebus and many other members of White House staff. Priebus had also been fired by Trump just 48 hours after the Scaramucci rant. (CNN 1) Two cabinet members gone within 72 hours isn’t a strong record by any means, however it is only heightened by Scaramucci abnormally short term. In The Prince, Machiavelli writes the following concerning ministers, “And the first opinion which one forms of a prince, and of his understanding, is by observing the men he has around him; and when they are capable and faithful he may always be considered wise...But when they are otherwise one cannot form a good opinion of him, for the prime error which he made was in choosing them” (112). The choice of advisors is a very important part of being a prince due to the fact that the first impressions have a significant impact on how they can proceed in their career. Poor advisor choice erodes and weakens the base of power for a ruler, creating needless

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