...Universitas Surabaya 2014 PENGANTAR E-BUSINESS Statement of Authorship “Kami yang bertandatangan dibawah ini menyatakan bahwa makalah/tugas terlampir adalah murni hasil pekerjaan saya/kami sendiri. Tidak ada pekerjaan orang lain yang saya/kami gunakan tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya. Materi ini tidak/belum pernah disajikan/digunakan sebagai bahan untuk makalah/tugas pada mata ajaran lain kecuali saya/kami menyatakan dengan jelas bahwa saya/kami menyatakan dengan jelas menggunakannya. Saya/kami memahami bahwa tugas yang saya/kami kumpulkan ini dapat diperbanyak dan atau dikomunikasikan untuk tujuan mendeteksi adanya plagiarisme.” Kelas : KP.D Anggota : No | Nama | NRP | 1 | Achmad. Anwar | 3132384 | 2 | Komang Arvin K.S | 3132347 | 3 | Muhammad Didhyn A | 3133259 | Dosen : Tim Dosen Pengantar E-Business Surabaya,18 maret 2014 Achmad Anwar Ketua Kelompok KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan izin dan kekuatan kepada kami, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan judul “E-Business Models” tepat pada waktunya. Tugas ini ditujukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Pengantar E-Business. Dan juga kami mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang tidak sempat kami sebutkan satu per satu yang turut membantu kelancaran dalam penyusunan makalah ini. Kami menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahannya, baik dalam isi maupun sistematikanya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh keterbatasan...
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...UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA SIX SIGMA MAKALAH diajukan sebagai salah satu tugas mata kuliah Manajemen Kualitas Terpadu yang diampu oleh Bapak Dr. Ir. Rahmat Nurcahyo, M.Eng.Sc. NAMA : TRISNA YUNIARTI NPM : 1406507114 FAKULTAS TEKNIK DEPARTEMEN TEKNIK INDUSTRI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA 2014 KATA PENGANTAR Alhamdulillah atas kehadirat Allah SWT karena berkat segala rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah ini dengan baik. Makalah ini merupakan salah satu tugas mata kuliah Manajemen Kualitas Terpadu yang membahas mengenai Six Sigma baik itu sejarahnya, konsep Six Sigma, tahapan, tools yang digunakan dalam six sigma, serta contoh studi kasus. Akhir kata semoga makalah ini bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca pada umumnya dan penulis pada khususnya. Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam pembuatan makalah ini masih ada kekurangan untuk itu penulis menerima saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun demi perbaikan kearah kesempurnaan. Akhir kata penulis sampaikan terima kasih. Penulis, Trisna Yuniarti ABSTRAK Metodologi Six sigma untuk peningkatan kualitas adalah sebuah sistem yang banyak konsep, tools, dan prinsip-prinsip yang dapat membantu perusahaan fokus pada pengembangan dan membuat produk dan layanan yang mendekati sangat sempurna. Hal itu berdasarkan pekerjaan statistik Joseph Juran, seorang Rumania yang lahir di US sebagai perintis manajemen mutu. Kata Sigma adalah huruf Yunani yang digunakan untuk area statistik yang mengukur...
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...Msc(CS) SISTEM INFORMASI PADA SHUTTLE EXPRESS Diajukan Oleh : Erry Wibawa P056134252.51E KELAS E-51 PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 2014 Abstrak Persaingan bisnis saat ini semakin ketat, oleh sebab itu Sistem Informasi telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan bagi perusahaan dalam menghadapi kompetitor dalam persaingan dengan perusahaan lain dalam bisnis yang sama. Sistem informasi dapat membantu perusahaan dalam mengembangkan strategi bisnis, proses bisnis, serta mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan yang efektif sehingga dapat membantu perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan. Sistem informasi yang digunakan oleh perusahaan jasa layanan antar jemput Shuttle Express, dari Top Management hingga supir memakai sistem informasi terpadu dan saling berintegrasi dalam berkomunikasi. sehingga database pelanggan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan memudahkan pencarian pelanggan yang telah didaftarkan sebelumnya. dengan sistem pengumpulan dan pengolahan database pelanggan yang terpadu, prosedur pemesanan layanan antar shuttle express semakin mudah. Inilah yang menjadi pendorong dalam perkembangan usaha shuttle express. Hal tersebut berdampak bagi kemajuan perusahaan dalam meningkatkan usahanya sehingga dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor dalam bisnis yang sama terbukti dengan semakin eksis keberadaanya. Kata kunci: sistem informasi, perusahaan, kinerja perusahaan Abstract Competition business is getting tougher today, and...
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...Chapter 13 Case 2 Wyoming Medical Center, LosAngeles County, and Raymond James: EndPoint Security Gets Complicated (James A. O’Brien dan George M.Marakas, Information and Management Systems. 10th Edition. 2007. McGraw-Hill Irwin) Mata Kuliah Sistem Informasi Manajeman Dosen : Dr. Ir. Arif Imam Suroso, MSc Disusun Oleh: Dani Surahman P056111101.47 PROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 2012 i DAFTAR ISI Halaman Daftar Isi......................................................................................................... i BAB I. PENDAHULUAN .......................................................................... 1 I.1 Latar Belakang........................................................................... 1 I.2 Tujuan Penulisan ....................................................................... 2 BAB II. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA.................................................................. 3 II.1 Manajemen Keamanan Teknologi Infotmasi ............................. 3 II.2 Endpoint Security ..................................................................... 3 II.3 Enkripsi .................................................................................... 3 II.4 Data Loss Prevention ................................................................ 4 II.5 Firewalls................................................................................... 5 II.6 Virus .......................................
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...Hewlett-Packard Global Account Management I. PERNYATAAN MASALAH Masalah dalam kasus "Account Management global Hewlett-Packard" adalahkonflik Account Manager Global (GAM) dan manajer negara sementara pelaksanaan program GAM. Di luar sistem pengukuran kinerja, manajer negaramerasa terancam oleh GAM secara keseluruhan. Negara manajer yang tidakmembeli ke program GAM diberi beberapa peluang untuk menerima program danbekerja dengan Gams. Jika manajer tidak akhirnya membeli ke dalam programmereka didorong untuk mengejar peluang lain dalam organisasi atau HP luar. II. TUJUAN Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah untuk dapat memahami pentingnya pendelegasian tugas kepada karyawan dalam sebuah organisasi. III. AREA PERTIMBANGAN Tiga bidang yang paling penting dari pertimbangan untuk kasus ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Program Global Manajemen itu sendiri. 2. Delegasi tugas untuk karyawan Hewlett-Packard. 3. Manfaat dari GAM untuk pelanggan Hewlett-Packard. IV. KURSUS ALTERNATIF TINDAKAN Berikut ini adalah program alternatif tindakan untuk studi kasus ini: 1. Untuk melanjutkan Program Manajemen Account Global dan mempertahankankebijakan yang ada. 2. Untuk menghentikan program GAM dan merumuskan strategi lain karena menciptakan konflik antara manajer account global dan manajer negara. 3. Untuk melanjutkan program GAM dan memiliki analisa lebih lanjut atau re-evaluasi terhadap delegasi yang tepat dari tugas-tugas untuk karyawanHewlett-Packard. V...
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...Unit VIII Article Critique Columbia Southern University DBA 7553 1. Introduction of the Article This article is found in the Directors and Boards magazine. It is written by Donald P. Delves who “is president of the Delves Group, a compensation and corporate governance consulting firm that advises boards of directors” (Delves, 2012). The article is titled “What about everyone else? The problem may not be that executives are paid too much, but that employees are paid too little.” 2. Statement of the Problem Studied In this article, Mr. Delves examined why people complain about executive pay, how companies used to inflate employee earnings, and how companies can increase employee wages now. 3. Significance of the Problem Studied With sky rocketing pay for many executives over the last few decades, many employees have wondered why their pay has not also increased. In the past companies have used stock options to provide incentive for employees and to use these as a pathway to increase employee pay. However with the economic recession and many of the changes in accounting practices, companies could no longer use this incentive to increase wages for employees. Thus Mr. Delves presents the question, “what do we do about [increasing employee incentives]?” (Delves, 2012). If this question can be answered, it has the potential to not only increase employee productivity but also to provide them with increased opportunities. ...
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...1. At what levels does control takes place in this organization? Control can take place at the corporate, divisional, functional, and individual levels. 2. Which output performance standards (such as financial measures and organizational goals) do Managers use most often to evaluate performance at each level? Performance standards include financial measures (such as ratios), organizational goals, and Operating budgets. 3. Does the organization have a management by objectives system in place? If it does, Describe it. If it does not, speculate about why not. Management by objectives (MBO) is a system of evaluating subordinates by their ability to Achieve specific organizational goals or performance standards and to meet operating budgets. Without measuring whether goals or standards are met. A management by objectives system involves the following steps: • Specific goals and objectives are established at each level of the organization. • All levels of employees participate in the goal setting is a process. • Periodic reviews are made of progress toward meeting goals. 4. How important is behavior control in this organization? For example, how much of managers’ time is spent directly supervising employees? How formalized is the organization? Do employees receive a book of rules to instruct them about how to perform their jobs? Behavior control systems are used to enable managers to keep their subordinates on track and make their organizational structures work...
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...The Concept of Program Reengineering J. Olivia Prince-Griffin PAD 500 Modern Public Administration Professor Popejoy May 19, 2012 Abstract This assignment will cover 4 specific areas as it relates to Mayor Schell’s unique initiative to eliminate homeless in Seattle. This report will cover Mayor Schell’s policies choices and their practical outcome. It will cover restructuring Mayor Schell’s program to fit new objectives. Lastly, the report will analyze the importance of conducting assessments prior to new program implementation. Introduction On June 2, 1998, Mayor Schell made a daunting pledge to the community regarding Seattle’s homeless population. He pledged that by Christmas of that year, there would be no more homeless on the streets of Seattle. During the following months Mayor Schell and his Director of the Community Services Division of the Department of Housing and Human Services, Alan Painter, diligently strategized on how to successfully meet this pledge while weighing all the applicable factors. Four Policy Choices of Mayor Schell At the time of Mayor Schell’s pledge, there was an estimated 5,500 homeless on the streets of Seattle nightly (Draft, 2010 pg.1). Of those, 1,300 were homeless while 4,200 had temporary housing (Draft, 2010, pg.1). At that point in time, Seattle had several local programs, such Operation Nightwatch, that assisted such ones with transitional living. One of the first policy choices Schell had make was to insure...
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...ventory planning Chapter 12: Inventory planning and... Study guide | This chapter is relatively unusual in so much as it takes more of a quantitative approach to its topic. While not avoiding quantitative models where they are appropriate, the general approach of this book is to deal with operations management from a ‘general management’ point of view. Here we include some quantitative models of how inventory is managed mainly to demonstrate that some parts of the inventory decision can be quantified. In practice, most of these decision models will be embedded within an operation’s routine stock control computer system. However, whilst working through them remember that it is the underlying principles behind the models which are more important than the mathematics on which the models are based.Your learning objectivesThis is what you should be able to do after reading Chapter 12 and working through this study guide. * Understand what is meant by an inventory and why they exist. * Identify some of the advantages and disadvantages of keeping inventory in an operation. * Understand the basic principles behind the quantitative approaches to deciding how much inventory to keep. * Be able to describe the limitations of traditional quantitative models of inventory decision making. * Identify the two main approaches to managing inventory on an on-going basis.What do we mean by inventory?The chapter discusses inventory (we use the word interchangeably with the word ‘stock’)...
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...Outsourcing: What’s the true Impact? Cameron D. Rafford MGT 580: Intro to Organizational Behavior University of New Hampshire INTRODUCTION Outsourcing has quickly become one of the most controversial business tactics in the United States. Nowadays, if you call the customer service line of a major business or corporation, there’s a good chance you’ll end up talking to someone thousands of miles away. If you go shopping for new clothes, it’s likely that some of the shirts and pants you try on were manufactured by people from foreign countries, in shops far less glamorous than the ones the finished products end up in. Outsourcing is so commonplace in certain industries, we don’t even think twice about it anymore. But over the past few years, the trend has spread to practices far beyond call centers and apparel manufacturing. In fact, you might be surprised at the industries that rely on outsourcing now (Divine, 2010). This paper will examine the effects that outsourcing has already had on business, as well as look a little bit into the future to see what it holds for us down the road. It will focus on how it has affected our economy and society as a whole, as well as the individual organizations and their employees. There are both positive and negative impacts of this way of doing business that need to be realized and accounted for in order for the economy and American business to remain strong. We will reflect...
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...identify specific audit procedures. After his meeting with Smith Company’s new management and predecessor auditor, he is now made aware of possible fraud in the financial statements. With this knowledge, he is now responsible to take steps to identify the errors due to fraud in the financial statements. Initially, Reed and his audit team should assess the risks within Smith Company such as the motives and where opportunities exist to commit fraud. Once all the risk information is gathered, the next step is to audit Smith Company’s financial statements to see if they are prepared in accordance with GAAP and if they are not to identify any material misstatements. During the course of the audit, they should plan and develop tests that account for the risks assessed. As with any audit, Reed, CPA and his staff must “conduct the audit with due professional care and an attitude of professional skepticism.” (Boynton & Johnson. 2006, p. 58) B. Identify and describe Reed’s responsibility to report Smith’s errors and fraud. If Reed, CPA detects that Smith Company’s financial statements are materially misstated, then he should notify the management at Smith Company and have them revise them so that they are in accordance to GAAP with all proper disclosures. Reed has the responsibility to notify others when appropriate including the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee , Senior management of Smith Company. The auditor may not disclose this information to parties outside...
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...| Entrepreneurship | SBMG 6006 | | Discussion on an importance of risk taking and innovation in entrepreneurship. | | 7/14/2011 | | Executive summary: - This academic work explores that how risk taking and innovation play an important role in entrepreneurship process. This report provides critical view about these given topics by examined different models, theories and opinions of different authors etc. This report also puts light on differences between term entrepreneurship and entrepreneur. Methodology: - Introduction: - Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change and innovation. It requires an application of energy and passion toward the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative solutions. Entrepreneurship has been categorized in different skills such as inner control, planning and goal setting, risk taking, innovation, reality perception, use of feedback, decision making and human relation etc. Miller (1983) defines entrepreneurship as a multidimensional concept encompassing a company’s action relating to innovation and risk taking and proactive measures.Innovation and risk-taking has an important place in entrepreneurship. Schumpeter (1994) described role of entrepreneurship as tendency of company to engage in and support new ideas, novelty, and experimentation that may result in new products, services. Risk taking describes the nature of entrepreneur. A.H. Cole has explained entrepreneurship as, “the...
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...A Little Beginning for a Succesful Future Been involved in some college organizations and extra activities has given me more than just uncountable networking, but also favorable thoughts, insightful knowledges, until the priceless experiences. Those are things that I have never learnt in a formal way, it’s happened naturally when I’m being in social activities. I love to interact and communicate with people, meet new people, share the experiences, and, hopefully, generate the new ideas. I started to shape my leadership role from the early time I became an university student. Fortunately, I’m in a competitive environment that encourage me to be a future bightful leader. Recently I was in charge at a ITB’s event named Mechanical Festival 2013. I was appointed as a General Advisor, along with the Organizing Committee President, helped the Committee to do their jobs in creating the biggest festival at Teknik Mesin ITB. Giving recommendations, suggestions, and advises to the Committee were my primary duties as a General Advisor. All the working departmens were under my and the OCP’s supervisions. We made sure the Committee worked on the tracks. People might question me why I was involved in other university’s event, I could answer confidently, I need to challenge my self in accordance to the self-development. It was my pleasure to manage and direct people whom I never know before. Though the moments were really exhausted yet stresful, but I was really proud with the result I got...
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... Lastly, I will conclude the extent to which I feel my leadership abilities are consistent with transformative leadership principles, as well as how these abilities will help me in the future. I will also discuss how I might strengthen said abilities in the present. Occupational Background I entered the workplace by the age of fourteen. I managed to get a job bussing tables at a supper club on the lake. I continued working in restaurants until the age of nineteen, moving up the ladder from busser, to hostess, and eventually settling on bartending. I liked restaurant work, for the most part. Truth be told, it was the money that kept me in the field. My experience was so narrow, that I had a hard time getting out of it. Management at this point in my life was never something that interested me; I was content just doing my job. I was immature, and did not have enough responsibility. I had a lot of terrible managers in this line of work, and I attribute that to the many reasons I wanted to get out of the hospitality industry. My ambivalence towards careers changed when I eventually enrolled in the local community college, University of Wisconsin Washington County. By this time I was twenty-one years old, with the hopes of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. I was strongly motivated to succeed at this point in my life, and was...
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...managamnet that emphasizes on workflows and specifically on labor productivity. Managers in this period have made a significant influence on managamnet as a whole, since this was the first time managament was considered a science. Frederic Taylor, who is considered to be the father of scientific managament, started developing scietific managament in 1880's. After his theories became famous, there were many more followers of scientific managamanet and many other theorists, like Douglas McGregor. Douglas McGreorg was born in 1906, received quality edcuation, peeking with the Ph.D. form Harward University in 1935. (The Economist) He is most famous for his book "The Human Side of Enterprise", thus his theoy of X and Y. McGregor theorizes that management should view the employees' motivation for work in two distinct ways, Theory X and Theory Y. Theory x is authoritative and it assumes that workers naturally do not like to work and that managers have to make effort to make the employees work. (The Economist) The following are principles of Theory X: 1) The average worker naturally does not like work and will avoid it whenever possible. (2 Managers must always control, motivate, and direct their employees to perform well. (3 Most workers prefer being directed, avoid responsibility, and seek job...
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