...KhongorgerelGankhuu MG371HOA: Mgt& Organizational Behavior Instructor: Frank Conforti August 26, 2014 Homework Assignment #1 Bloomberg Business Week case in the news; page 32-35 1. How does CEO Jelinek’s management approach resemble that of former CEO Sinegal? * -Since they have high level management skills, they especially focus on their wage and health benefits to keep and make their work environment happy in satisfaction condition. Sinegal boosted those benefits when Wall Street repeatedly asked it to reduce and Jelinek has valuable opinion that people need to make a living wage with health benefits. 2. How would you describe Costco’s approach to planning and strategy? * -I would describe Costco’s approach is that they are increasing international presences which are located in EU and Asia. It is good planning move to make global deals. Costco has diverse strategy to increase gross profit and pay the wages, such as they sell and buy more products than anyone and it allows to bulk discount from its suppliers. 3. What is Costco’s approach to managing its workforce? How has this approach influenced the culture and values of the company? * -They pay more than other retailers and 88% of employers have company-sponsored health insurance. However they do not hire business school graduates and 70% of their managers started at the company by pushing carts and ringing cash registers. The Wall Street Journal case in the news; page 75-77 1. How would you...
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...Management Process & Organizational behavior ASSIGNMENT NO-2 Q1) Compare and contrast Taylor’s philosophy of management and Gilbreth Couple’s philosophy of management. Answer Frederick Winslow Taylor is regarded as the father of scientific management and was one of the first management consultants, and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, are known as the ‘Gilbreth couple’. The main basis on which the management philosophies of both Taylor and The Gilbreth Couple, can be compared and contrasted is their respective work on TIME AND MOTION STUDIES, while Taylor was more concerned with ‘saving time and energy’ and focused primarily on the “saving time” aspect and the standardization of tasks, his time studies had to work in unison with the motion studies of frank and Lillian Gilbreth who included the concept of ‘fatigue’ in the time and motion studies. Time study developed in the direction of establishing standard times, while motion study evolved into a technique for improving work methods. The two techniques became integrated and refined into a widely accepted method applicable to the improvement and upgrading of work systems. This integrated approach to work system improvement is known as methods engineering, and it is applied today to industrial as well as service organizations, including banks, schools and hospitals. THE OBJECTIVE OF CONDUCTING TIME AND MOTION STUDIES The main objective of a time and motion study is to determine reliable time standards for the...
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...Saint Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management Group project for the Organizational Behavior course “Aeroflot” MiM, cohort II, group 5 Group members: Cherenko Polina Pitubaeva Tatiana Samadov Imruz Tarasenko Vladimir Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Latukha Marina 2015 Table of Contents 1. Aeroflot’s Background 3 2. Country-specific context 7 3. Peculiarities of OB and HRM in country of a company’s origin 11 3.1. Main Characteristics 11 3.2.Trends 15 3.3.Perspectives 16 4. HRM strategy and practices and OB areas 17 4.1. HR Policies 17 4.2. Employee training 18 4.3. Department for Aviation Personnel Training 18 4.4. Aeroflot Aviation School 19 4.5. Social Programs For Company’s Employees 20 4.6. Health and safety 21 5. Analysis of existing problems and challenges in OB or HRM areas. 22 6. Problem description and analysis. Recommendations 24 List of Sources 27 1. Aeroflot’s Background After the World War I many European countries started to look forward civil aviation development. Since then, Soviet Union Government established Dobrolet - the first Russian air fleet that had flights from Moscow to many airports in European part of the USSR and nearest foreign locations. In the beginning, only one plane served the route from Moscow to Kenigsberg (Kaliningrad). That plain could accommodate four passengers and mail carriage. During early years of activity the company enhanced number of flight, adding following destinations...
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...Understanding Organisational Behaviour IB1230 ID: 1323413 Describe how either Taylor or Ford changed organisational management and workplace practices. Critically analyse how they continue to influence contemporary organizational behaviour Student ID: Word count: 1976 Submission Date: 1 1323413 20/01/2014 Understanding Organisational Behaviour IB1230 ID: 1323413 Introduction “In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first.” Frederick Winslow Taylor. In the late 19th century, Frederick Winslow Taylor, known to many the forefather of scientific management, sparked the automation revolution, the third great transition in the history of humanity (after the Neolithic Revolution, a result of the development of agriculture around 6,000 B.C and the industrial revolution in the 18th century) (Souza, 1999, p.1). However, it can be argued that Taylor’s greatest contribution to capitalism was not the revolution itself, but how Taylorism brought about the era of competition and syncretism with contrasting or corresponding concepts on organisational management and workplace practices, particularly Fordism, which arguably extended the dynamics of Taylorism centered on the use of assembly line. This essay will examine how Fordism developed organisational management and modified workplace practices by exploring known historical application of its principles and theories. Thereupon, it will further analyse how elements...
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...1, No. 1; 2012 Organizational Communication, Job Stress and Citizenship Behaviour of IT Employees in Nigerian Universities Fidelis Aondoaseer Ayatse (PhD) Department of Business Administration College of Management Sciences University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Darius Ngutor Ikyanyon (Corresponding Author) Department of Business Management Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria E-mail: ikyanyondarius@gmail.com Received: June 23, 2012 doi:10.5430/jbar.v1n1p99 Abstract The study examined the relationship among organizational communication, job stress, and citizenship behaviour of IT employees in Nigerian universities and investigated if differences existed in the rating of these variables between federal and state university employees. Data were collected from IT employees in University of Agriculture Makurdi and Benue State University Makurdi (n = 49). Using Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test and regression model as tools of data analysis, the study found that there was no difference in organizational communication and stress levels between IT employees in federal and state universities. However, differences existed in citizenship behaviour between the two samples, with IT employees in the state university showing higher levels of citizenship behaviour. The study also found a significant positive relationship between organizational communication and citizenship behaviour while stress levels were not found to be related to either organizational communication or citizenship...
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...often dependent on how well the organization can adapt. Which of the following behaviours on the part of individuals is necessary for the organization to survive? 2) _______ A) Being innovative. B) Performing their work in terms of productivity, quality, and service. C) Being motivated to join and remain with the organization. D) Being flexible. E) All of the above. 3) Which of the following statements best defines an "organization"? 3) _______ A) A group which accomplishes common goals through social interactions and individual effort. B) A collection of formally organized social entities. C) A social invention for accomplishing common goals through group effort. D) A social convention for accomplishing individual goals through group effort. E) A combination of people and physical capital designed to accomplish a common goal. 4) Organizational behaviour is interested in 4) _______ A) the structure of organizations. B) the formation of groups in organizations. C) the behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations. D) the attitudes of individuals and groups in organizations. E) all of the above. 5) A large Canadian corporation has recently merged with a French company. Which of the following is least likely to be related to the field of organizational behaviour? 5) _______ A) The adoption of a bilingual...
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...What is Organizational Behaviour? * Organizational Behaviour is a field of studies that seeks to understand, explain, predict and change human behaviour, both individual and collective in the organizational context.m * Human Capital is defined as the knowledge that employees possess and generate, including their skills, experience and creativity. * Roots of Organizational Behaviour Discipline | Influence on OB topics | Unit of Analysis | Psychology | Learning, personality, leadership, motivation, perception, attitudes, performance and appraisal. | Individual | Engineering | Design of work, efficiency, performance, standards, productivity and goal setting. (Scientific Management) | Individual + Group | Social Psychology and Sociology | Work teams, group and communication, group dynamics, roles, norms and standards of behaviour that emerge within groups; complaint and deviant behaviour, effects of codes of ethics in organizations, organizational change, and power. | Group | Anthropology | Organizational culture, origins of culture, patterns of behaviour. | Organization | Management (Administrative Science) | Design, implementation, and management of various administrative and organizational systems. | Organization | * Organizational Behaviour and Management. * Organizations are groups of people who work interdependently toward some common purpose. * Managers are people in organizations who perform jobs that involve the direct...
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...ONE Introduction to Organizational Behaviour CHAPTER 1 Study of Organizational Behaviour INTRODUCTION The study of Organizational Behaviour (OB) is very interesting and challenging too. It is related to individuals, group of people working together in teams. The study becomes more challenging when situational factors interact. The study of organizational behaviour relates to the expected behaviour of an individual in the organization. No two individuals are likely to behave in the same manner in a particular work situation. It is the predictability of a manager about the expected behaviour of an individual. There are no absolutes in human behaviour. It is the human factor that is contributory to the productivity hence the study of human behaviour is important. Great importance therefore must be attached to the study. Researchers, management practitioners, psychologists, and social scientists must understand the very credentials of an individual, his background, social framework, educational update, impact of social groups and other situational factors on behaviour. Managers under whom an individual is working should be able to explain, predict, evaluate and modify human behaviour that will largely depend upon knowledge, skill and experience of the manager in handling large group of people in diverse situations. Preemptive actions need to be taken for human behaviour forecasting. The value system, emotional intelligence, organizational culture, job design...
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...1. Introduction Organizational behaviour and correct management concept are very important for companies in their long term development, if a company does not have good organizational behaviour and correct management concept, it would fall into organizational difficulties. This essay will argue that how unacceptable organizational behaviour and management concepts will lead to organization face difficulties. This argument will be supported with some theories, including ethical decisions making, CSR (corporate social responsibility), management functions and scientific management principles. 2. Analysis the article with theories 3.1 Analysing the issue with ethical decision making Ethical is a criterion that people used to measure that whether their behaviour is acceptable by others or social. However, Unethical behaviour will hurt organizational reputation. According to this article, one of the reasons for the Husi Company falling into food safety scandal was that they were doing unethical work practices. People in the company did not apply ethical decision making criteria. This can be seen with three dimensions. Firstly, workers were forced to work overtime and employees were forced to change expired dates of food at the plant. These two facts can clearly show that decisions which were made by company leaders were not acceptable. Secondly, they were making unethical decisions which could not be discussed in public. They used two records to cover unethical works...
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...NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR MANAGEMENT Management is generally considered to have three major dimensions—technical, conceptual and human. The technical dimension consists of the manager's expertise in particular functional areas. They know the requirements of the jobs and have the functional knowledge to get the job done. But the practicing managers ignore the conceptual and human dimensions of their jobs. Most managers think that their employees are lazy, and are interested only in money, and that if you could make them happy in terms of money, they would be productive. If such assumptions are accepted, the human problems that the management is facing are relatively easy to solve. But human behaviour at work is much more complicated and diverse. The new perspective assumes that employees are extremely complex and that there is a need for theoretical understanding given by empirical research before applications can be made for managing people effectively. MODERN APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR The modern approach to organizational behaviour is the search for the truth of why people behave the way they do. The organizational behaviour is a delicate and complex process. If one aims to manage an organization, it is necessary to understand its operation. Organization is the combination of science and people. While science and technology is predictable, the human behaviour in organization is rather unpredictable. This is because it arises from deep needs and value systems of people...
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...Introduction to Business Management and Organizational Behaviour Organizational Behaviour - Change Organizational Behaviour – Change Introduction Change affects us all in different ways. The reality today is that managing change and coping with change is a never-ending process that can be complex and stressful. Constant change is commonplace in the modern workplace. Specific factors driving change include changes in the work itself, structural and organizational design alterations, shift to the global economy, and increased diversity. There is often resistance to change in organizations. This is usually traced to some combination of individual, group, or organizational characteristics, including the design structure of the organization, changing systems and programs, changing organizational policies, and the organizational culture. Organizations need to remain compatible with their external environments. However, the environments in which organizations operate are constantly changing, so they must recognize the shifts and respond accordingly in order to survive and remain effective. Successful organizations monitor their environment and take appropriate steps to maintain a compatibility with the new external conditions. Given the increasing amount of change that organizations experience, it is critical that all employees learn strategies to manage change and cope with change. Rather than resisting change, employees and successful organizations embrace change...
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...com A study of Organizational Citizenship Behaviours, Organizational Structures and Open Innovation M. Muzamil NAQSHBANDI* Dr. Sharan KAUR Deptt of Business Strategy and Policy Faculty of Business and Accountancy University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia- 50603 E-mail: virkul@gmail.com* Abstract With increasing technological advances, the need to create not only innovations but faster innovation has become a part of sustaining or gaining competitive advantage. Open innovation paradigm answers this need by utilizing larger resources and expertise that firms involved in the open innovation process offer. Given the recency of the concept of open innovation, the factors that influence the creation of open innovation are hazy. Most of the research on open innovation looks at the “hard” aspects of organizations, while the soft issues stand less researched. This conceptual paper draws attention to two such aspects of organization: organizational citizenship behaviour and organizational structure. This paper proposes that practicing organizational citizenship behaviours by the employees enhances the chances of creation of open innovation while not doing so can botch up the whole exercise particularly during the infancy stage. It is also proposed that informal organizational structures favour creation of innovation in the open innovation paradigm more than the rigid formal structures. It is further argued that besides proper citizenship behaviours and informal structures...
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...Investigating the Impact of OJ & POS upon OCB: An Empirical Study Of LIC Employees In And Around Chandigarh. A SYNOPSIS SUBMITTED TO UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL PANJAB UNIVERSITY CHANDIGARH ON SEPT 11, 2012 SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Dr. RUPINDER KAUR BIR PARMEEN MBA (HR) 3RD SEM ROLL NO: 18[pic] CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………..2 - Organisational citizenship behaviour……………………….........................2 - Organisational justice……………………………………………………......3 - Perceived organisational support…………………………………………...5 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………6 - Literature review of OCB……………………………………………………7 • Dimensions of OCB…………………………………………………….....8 • OCB as latent construct……………………………………………….......11 - Literature review of OJ………………………………………………………12 • Organisational support theory……………………………………….......13 • Justice fosters employees OCB……………………………………….......14 • Justice builds customer satisfaction and loyalty……………………......14 • Justice builds trust and commitment…………………………………….15 • Justice...
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...Programme: PGDM Area: Course Name: Course code: Course Instructor: Objectives: Batch – 2012-14 Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour Individual and Group Behaviour in Orgnisations PGDC 102 Prof. B K Mohanty, Asst. Prof. Amaresh C Nayak This course is designed to help the students to understand why employees behave the way they do and also there by predict how they are going to behave in the future. It is the study of how people think, feel and act in the organisational setting. Prediction and understanding of the behavior of employees as an Individual and in Groups. K. Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behavior. Trimester Credits : 1st :3 Learning Outcome: Text Book: Text Books are only indicative and not subjective and also not a limiting exercise. Being the Post Graduate Students you are required to refer to the online and offline journals. Besides you should also refer to other publications (Journals and Magazines) and books on the subject. Evaluation: Case Studies Current Issues Quiz / Surprise Test Mid Term Class Attendance End Term : : : : : : 15 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points. 05 Points. 50 Points. Case Studies: This would involve the Groups of students taking up a case assigned to them for analysis and Presentation in the class. Besides, students need to produce the Individual analysis in writing of two cases for their evaluation as instructed by the course instructor. Current Issues: This...
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...Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within an organization. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management; and it complements the academic studies of organizational theory (which is focused on organizational and intra-organizational topics) andhuman resource studies (which is more applied and business-oriented). It may also be referred to as organizational studies ororganizational science. The field has its roots in industrial and organizational psychology. Organizational studies encompass the study of organizations from multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. For instance, one textbook[1] divides these multiple viewpoints into three perspectives: modern, symbolic, and postmodern. Another traditional distinction, present especially in American academia, is between the study of "micro" organizational behaviour — which refers to individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting — and "macro" strategic management and organizational theory which studies whole organizations and industries, how they adapt, and the strategies, structures and contingencies that guide them. To this distinction, some scholars have added an interest in "me so" scale structures - power, culture, and the networks of individuals and i.e. ronit units in organizations — and "field" level analysis which study how whole populations of organizations...
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