...Manuel A. Noriega – Friend or Foe? Manuel Antonio Noriega Morena was born on February 11th, 1934 in Panama City, Panama to a poor accountant and his maid. (Tyle) At the age of five, his parents allowed a school teacher to adopt him. As a teen, he attended a well known high school, the National Institute, in preparation of becoming a doctor. During his time here, he participated in various anti-US protests. When high school was over, his family could not afford to send him to medical school so instead, Noriega accepted a scholarship to attend the Chorrios Military Academy in Peru. He graduated in 1962 with a degree in engineering. For the next few years, Noriega trained obstinately at the U.S. Army School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia becoming highly decorated in intelligence, counterintelligence, and jungle operations and then went on to take a course in psychological operations (Psyops) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In 1967, Noriega returned to Panama and joined the Panama National Guard. One year later, he was promoted to lieutenant. That same year, the leader of Panama, Amulfo Arias was removed from power by the military a short 11 days after winning his second election. Many speculate Noriega played a major part of this military uprising. Control of government power was assumed by Colonel Omar Torrijos. Torrijos already had a great deal of respect for Noriega but one incident sealed the deal. In 1969, Torrijos was out of the country, a group of...
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...BMW Jalisco, Puebla, Querétaro, Guanajuato * Qué criterios consideraría para apoyar su decisión * Qué clase de fuentes consultaría? * Construya una tabla de decisión y explique su modelo? Criterios 1. Costo Terreno 2. Costo Mano de obra 3. Cantidad de gente capacitada en la Región para trabajo de planta automotriz. 4. Ubicación estratégica de la región/zona 5. Infraestructura 6. Apoyos económicos/fiscales del estado. Fuentes Primarias: * Investigación de terrenos Secundarias: * Internas (Información sobre clientes) * Externas (Base de datos web, Gobierno del estado, INEGI) Criterios | Descripción criterio | Fuente | Ponderación /Importancia | Costo y ventaja del terreno | Los estados para atraer inversiones incluyen ofrecerle al inversionista terrenos atractivos para sus plantas industriales. | Fuentes Primarias (Avaluó y análisis de terreno) | Alto | Costo Mano de obra | Se buscan los precios de mano de obra más competitivos. | Fuentes Secundarias ExternasComparación de nominas de distintas plantas. INEGI | Medio | Cantidad de gente capacitada en la Región para trabajo de planta automotriz. | Los trabajadores de la industria automotriz, en algunos estados tienen reconocimiento por su calidad. | Fuentes Secundarias Externas.Fuentes de universidades e INEGI | Alto | Ubicación estratégica de la región/zona | Recepción de insumos y autopartes, así como para la colocación de los vehículos...
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...___________________________________ [Presidente del Jurado] ___________________________________ [Asesor de la Tesis] ___________________________________ [Jurado] ii FACULTAD DE GESTIÓN Y ALTA DIRECCIÓN A mi madre por su amor y paciencia, a mi padre por su motivación y consejos, a mi hermano Marco por su carisma, a Heffer por su compañía, a mi familia por su apoyo y a mis amigos por las alegrias. Miguel Ángel Diestra Mejía A Dios por permitirme llegar a este momento tan especial en mi vida. A mis padres Lorenzo y Manuela por su abnegacion y amor. A mi hermano Alex y a toda mi familia por su apoyo incondicional. A Fernando con amor por su apoyo y compañia. Lizeth Maryuri Espinoza Delgado A Dios, a mi madre, a mis tios Manuel, Gloria, Teresa y José Luis y a mi familia, por su amor, su apoyo, su esfuerzo, su sabiduría y la confianza que depositaron en mí. Remo Alonso Liao López A Dios por brindarme la fortaleza para seguir adelante. A mis padres Jaime y César por ser mis ejemplos de vida. A mi madre Mary por su sabiduría y amor incondicional. A mi tío Gustavo por sus sabios consejos y su cariño. A mis hermanas y a mi familia por ser mi inspiración de cada día. Cinthya Lissette Portocarrero Guerra iii Índice General Resumen Ejecutivo ...........................................................................................................
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...Michael Milken and Manuel Noriega Michael Milken is guilty of 6 counts of security fraud. His brother, Lowell, who was involved was accused of wrong doing. His grandmother was being interviewed about Michael’s business. With a lot of pressure being put on his family, the government gave him an option to plead guilty to these tax and security fraud with a payment of $600 million and in return, they would drop the charges on his brother. April 1990 Milken agreed to the charges. Meserve (2012), “Three of the charges were linked to the convicted inside trader and arbitrager Ivan Boesky. He was also banned from the securities industry” (para. 22). Initially, he was supposed to serve 10 years in prison but because some of the financers didn’t found his guilty he ended up serving 22 months in federal prison. 1991 In 1991, the governments estimated the charges of $4,7 million but the federal judge said it was $318 million. He was then released in 1993. (Meserve, 2012) In comparison and contrast to Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison for smuggling cocaine in 1992. He was charged 8 counts of multiple felonies. “Convicted in federal court in Miami of turning Panama into a transshipment point for Colombian traffickers smuggling cocaine to the United States” (Jolly, 2010, para. 4). Noriega was charge for multiple counts. After serving federal prison in 2010 he was sentenced 7 years in prison for money laundering by a French judge and forfeit...
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...have contributed to weather by helping meteorologists predict the weather or see what’s happening at the moment. They contributed to communication by allowing telephone and data information to be passed. Satellites contribute to navigation by providing data for navigation the most famous are the GPS NAVSTAR. They provide rescue services by sending signals of those in distress allowing others to locate and help them. These are some of the few connections in which as the book says made people to connect worldwide Question 2) The New Public Sphere, In a well-developed paragraph (4-5 sentences), what does Manual Castells mean by Global Civil Society? The global civil society is the organized expression of values and interest of society. Manuel castells defined the global civil society in three definitions which are a global or international frame of reference in their action and goals, Social movements that aim to control the process of globalization, and the movement of public opinion”. Global civil society wants the government to seek the best for it citizens. Those involved in civil society advocates the publics opinion. They are like the voice of the people. Question 3) Overcoming the Three Digital Divides. In a well-developed paragraph (4-5 sentences) A) what are the three digital divides? B) Does the author believe the liberalization of...
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...This paper will serve as many examples into the legislative process of the failure and passage of the Panama Canal Treaty. The Panama Canal Treaty is seen as one of the most controversial piece of legislature in United States history but one that will daunt President Jimmy Carter presidency. In 1964, when objectors was having a recurring episode. After four days of plunder and fighting, the Panamanian National Guard reestablished order. Eighty-five were wounded and four American died. Twenty-one Panamanians died in severe riots in their home country, they demanded U.S. withdrawal from the isthmus where the United States had had the mandate to exercise "all the rights, power, and authority" of a sovereign state since President Theodore Roosevelt orchestrated the 1903 Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty. In December 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson pledge negotiations to repudiate the 1903 treaty, and by June 1967 a draft treaty was initialed. Strong opposition in both countries doomed its prospects. President Richard Nixon continue discussions in 1970, and several years later Secretary of State Kissinger signed an agreement of theory with the weak presidency of Gerald Ford jeopardized implementation and Panamanian foreign minister Juan Antonio Tack. President Carter, wanting to nurture goodwill in South America, continued negotiations and finalized two treaties based on the 1967 theory. The Canal Treaty prescribed twenty-two years for control to gradually pass to Panama. The...
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...Donald Freed, it talked about people making choices between the good and evil. Making decisions is a very hard thing to do between the choices. It makes people have a hard time to making decisions or escape from those choices. The play takes place in Panama in 1989. It is in the Christmas Eve of 1989 and the time of the American invasion of Panama. There were only two characters act on stage in the play. Those characters are General Manuel Noriega and Archbishop Laboa. General Manuel Noriega is the Panamanian strongman who had worked for the Central Intelligence Agency since 1960. Archbishop Laboa is a famed Jesuit luminary. In the United States invasion of Panama on Christmas Eve 1989, President George H.W. Bush had woven together a tissue of lies and provocation to justify bombing and occupying a sovereign nation, Panama, in order to make what appeared to be a drug bust. General Manuel Noriega was the target of the cosmic sting. He refused the demands of the Ronald Reagan administration. Archbishop Laboa offered him sanctuary, but General Manuel Noriega had to against him. It is hard for him to made a decision. The playwright’s purpose was trying to tell people about the politics. However, the play also told people that when you have to make decisions, you should follow your heart. Do not let others take control of your decisions. If we do not make decisions by our own, we might feel regret about it. I think the acting in the play was outstanding. Those two outstanding...
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...Chapter II Methodology Research Method and Design The descriptive method of research is used in this study. Since descriptive method is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings that describes what actually exists in current conditions. Consequently, descriptive method of research is best suited in attaining the purpose of this study because this research involved a description, recording, analysis and interpretation of what actually existed in current conditions. Respondents of the Study The respondents of this study were the 42 students of fourth year, Section V, of Manuel A. Roxas High School. The 42 students were interviewed and undergone tests to successfully determine the result of the study. Research Instruments The researcher formulated reading comprehension test that was utilized as a survey instrument. The test contains 45 questions based on the three short selections they have read. Procedure After acquiring the necessary permits to conduct the test regarding reading comprehension, it was administered by the researcher himself to the students and collected the answer sheets after completion. Then all data collected were used for interpretation. Statistical Treatment Data analysis was done using the statistical treatment. Rating scale, frequency, and percentage were used to identify the students status in reading comprehension. Chapter III: Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data This chapter presents the results and...
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...Historical Narrative Stepping off the plane my uneasy stomach started to settle. I don’t know how many times I have made the 7 hour flight, ever since I had gotten married and moved away I had never gotten use to the turbulence on the flight home to visit. This time my vacation would be different though. It was 1989 and I was traveling back to visit my family in La chorrera, Panama. In 1989 Manuel Noriega was the dictator and a former CIA spy for the United States where I now live. But somewhere down the line though doing good, was just not in Noriega sights anymore, it is said that he started laundering money through France and Drug trafficking through the United States. Since I no longer lived in Panama I only knew what my parents and sibling’s often told me. My husband on the other hand knew more mostly because he was a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I would soon learn from my visit why everyone was not pleased with Noriega. When I arrived at the house my parents lived at I was surprised how everything had changed from my visit last year. There was no government, everything was under military control. And the military was controlled by Noriega. People were dying, disappearing, and stepping down from power it seem Noriega and only the people that supported him were in high places of power. At the time I didn’t think much of it, I hadn’t seen my family in a year and nothing was going to stop us from having a good time. My husband took my family and I out...
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...Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work.[1][2] The idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules.[3][4][5] The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions like penalties, suspension, and even expulsion. Recently, cases of 'extreme plagiarism' have been identified in academia.[6] Plagiarism is not a crime per se but in academia and industry, it is a serious ethical offense, [7][8] and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement. Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work.[1][2] The idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules.[3][4][5] The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions like penalties, suspension, and even expulsion. Recently, cases of 'extreme plagiarism' have been...
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...Best Practices Manual Rita Dillman MGT/210 October 2, 2011 Kim Suarez Best Practices Manual The most important thing a supervisor can do to improve the productivity and effectiveness in an organization be an effective communication, along with having the skills to demonstrate it. Communication an effective tool use to in form, command, instruct, access, influence, and persuade other people. Supervisors will spend approximately 3/4 of their time communicating. These skills are use to absorb information, motivate employees, and dual effectively with customers (and patients), and coworkers whether or not a supervisor has effective communication skills will significantly affect their success. Supervisors will need to give direction to the people who work for them. In communicating effectively to employees, they will be more receptive to new ideals, more cooperative if, and feel better about performing their duties. Supervisors who failed to provide clear guidance to their employees will see poor job performance from their employees. Employees need to know what is expected of them from their supervisors. A supervisor who practices good communication skills will be more effective and performing their own duties, which in closing improving employee relations, resolving conflict, handling issues involving the unions, and improving overall productivity. In practicing good communication skills a supervisor must be able to teach the employees good communications practices and...
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...Manuel L. Quezon Ika-2 Pangulo ng Pilipinas Unang Pangulo ng Komonwelt Panunungkulan Nobyembre 15, 1935 – Agosto 1, 1944 Pangalawang Pangulo Sergio Osmeña Sinundan si Emilio Aguinaldo (position restored. 1935) Sinundan ni Jose P. Laurel Kapanganakan Agosto 19, 1878 Baler, Aurora Kamatayan Agosto 1, 1944 Saranac Lake, New York, Estados Unidos Partidong politikal Coalición Nacionalista (1935-1938); Nacionalista Party 1938-1944 Asawa Aurora Aragon Hanapbuhay Abogado Relihiyon Katoliko Si Manuel L. Quezon' (Agosto 19, 1878 – Agosto 1, 1944) ay ang ikalawang Pangulo ng Republika ng Pilipinas (Nobyembre 15, 1935–Agosto 1, 1944). Siya ang kinilala bilang ikalawang pangulo ng Pilipinas, kasunod ni Emilio Aguinaldo (na ang administrasyon ay hindi kinilala ng ibang bansa sa mga panahong iyon at hindi kinilala bilang unang pangulo sa mga kapisanang internasyunal). Manuel L. Quezon Ipinanganak si Manuel L. Quezon sa Baler, sa lalawigan ng Tayabas (tinatawag na ngayong Aurora) noong Agosto 19, 1878. Ang tunay niyang pangalan ay Manuel L. Quezon. Anak siya nina Lucio Quezon at Maria Dolores Molina, kapwa mga guro. Nagtapos siya ng pag-aaral mula sa Colegio de San Juan de Letran noong 1893. Bilang isang binata, nakilahok siya sa pag-aalsa laban sa mga Kastila. Nakipaglaban din siyang kasama ng mga Pilipinong Nasyonalista sa panahon ng Digmaang Pilipino-Amerikano, bilang katulong ni Emilio Aguinaldo. Naipakulong siya dahil sa gawaing ito. Makaraang palayain, nanumpa siya...
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...INTRODUCTION The 20th Century was characterized by a number of structural changes in the World economy. These changes were spawned by exponential technological breakthroughs in telecommunication and information sciences .In the last decade of that century, Globalization became the buzz-word: bringing together nation states, as it were, in what might be called a “global village” .The main pillars of this process were Liberalization and Deregulation of national economies. These developments combined, created both opportunities and risks for the society .The powers of political authorities were now becoming limited as new non-state actors, both legitimate and illegitimate, emerged in the global arena .Among those changes witnessed in the society was the proliferation of organised criminal groups, operating across national boundaries and sovereignties ,perpetrating various heineous crimes of different patterns and manifestations . The phenomenon of money laundering is an aspect of organized crime .It is a derivative crime; meaning it’s predicate on other criminal endeavours. Some experts estimate that the global crime economy constitutes about US$100 billion; while the British Intelligence estimated that the total amount being laundered annually is about US$500 billion..The illicit drug trade alone is estimated to generate about US$300 billion of which a significant part would require laundering1 . By far , organized crime poses one of the greatest challenges to the stability...
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...During the Korean War, America saw the rise of its first Hispanic-American Ace: Manuel John ‘Pete’ Fernandez. Fernandez became one of the highest ranking Military Officials during the Korean War. His outstanding achievement of 14.5 kills made him America’s third ace in the Korean War. In addition to his ace status, Fernandez was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross Award for his outstanding heroism, courage, and determination in Korea ("Manuel J. Fernandez, Jr"). Fernandez was born on April 19th, 1925 in Key West Florida. He grew up in a Spanish middle class family in Miami, Florida. Ever since he was a small child, Fernandez had always been fascinated by aviation, thus, earning his pilot license at fifteen years of age. Upon his graduation from High School, Fernandez enlisted to the Army Air Corps and entered the Aviation Cadet program in 1943....
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...COMMON PROBLEMS OF WORKING STUDENTS AT CAPIZ STATE UNIVERSITY MAIN CAMPUS A RESEARCH REPORT/ BABY THESIS Submitted to: DR. ANNIE V. REYES Research Professor Capiz State University Main Campus, Roxas City In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements In Research 41 (BSC) By: GEMMA B. SABIO JESSA C. JANEO GEM CLAUDINE A. BAGA MONA MAY R. CALAMINOS 2012-2013 Republic of the Philippines Capiz State University Main Campus Roxas City, Capiz APPROVAL SHEET Thesis Title: “Common Problems of Working Students at Capiz State University Main Campus” Researcher: GEMMA B. SABIO JESSA C. JANEO GEM CLAUDINE A. BAGA MONA MAY R. CALAMINOS Course: Bachelor of Science in Commerce Institution: Capiz State University Main Campus Roxas City, Capiz Advisory Committee: DR. ANNIE V. REYES _______________ Adviser Date _______________ Member Date _______________ Member Date _______________ Member Date Recommending Approval: _________________ Chairman, Research Date Approved: _________________ Campus Administrator Date Republic of the Philippines Capiz State University Main Campus Roxas City, Capiz ACCEPTANCE SHEET In partial fulfilment of the requirement in Research 41 for the degree Bachelor of Science in Commerce, this action research entitled “Common Problems of Working Students at Capiz State University Main Campus” prepared and...
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