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Marine Biologist

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Over the course of time, there has always been an occupational job for earth scientists. The astronomer studies celestial objects like stars and constellations, while oceanographers study the ocean and what is in it. Other careers consist of studying rocks and minerals (geology), examining fossils to know what life was like during the prehistoric times (paleontology), and seismology, the study of earthquakes. The area of science that stood out to me the most was oceanography. One area in the field of oceanography is marine biology. By the end of this essay, you will know the expectations and obligations it takes to be a marine biologist, what marine biologist would find in this field and the unique tools found in the field.
The obligations and expectations of a marine biologist are a major requirement. One duty or expectation of a marine biologist is that he or she must study animals and their habitual state. According to, a responsibility of a marine biologist is to inspect the features of animals and classify them.Lastly a marine biologist is required to create and conduct experiments to creature in its habitat. These are of the tasks and obligations of a marine biologist. …show more content…
Many biologists have searched many places around the world to see a new creature of the sea but in this case, it’s a fossil. On September 24, 2015, the University of Bristol had found a radiocarbon coral fossil that would be able to be dated back to the last delegation, or the time when the glaciers melted. During this time, the carbon dioxide levels raised to about 80 parts per million (ppm). At the same time, the sea level raised, approximately 120 meters because of the ice melting and global warming. Using a radiometric uranium-series, the University of Bristol, University of St.Andrews and the University of California dated the fossils giving it a certain age that can be related to the ice core

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