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Mario Blanco Research Paper

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“Hello there I’m Mario Blanco and I’m here today in south florida because ‘Hurricane Andrew had humble beginnings, starting as a tropical wave off the west coast of Africa on Aug. 14, 1992,’ and today we have our scientist figuring out how hurricane Andrew happened.” said news reporter Mario Blanco “The hurricane made landfall near Homestead in the early morning hours of Aug. 24, 1992.’Warnings of Hurricane Andrew’s arrival led to massive evacuations across Florida, Louisiana and Texas. In South Florida, 55,000 left the Florida Keys, 517,000 abandoned Miami-Dade County, 300,000 left Broward County, and 315,000 fled Palm Beach County.’ please keep your radios on to know more facts and what’s going later this afternoon,this is Mario blanco …show more content…
Mario’s dad Octavio Blanco and mario’s mom Veronica Blanco were trying to get to him and have a meeting at church and ask everyone to pray for all of florida for three days,when they did Mario said,”that’s a great idea, we should do that,”

They were trying to make it to church and when they were going to the car it was raining hard as cats, and dogs, they got to the car, they were wet as dogs. Everyone was at church and started to pray it sounded dead silent that you can hear the crickets chirp loud enough that it echoed through the building.

“You could hear the thunder like lions in the sky roaring for the messiah jesus christ ,” said jacqi martinez.

Many others thought the same thing as jacqueline (jacqi)and were surprised that the rain had finally stopped when everyone was going to their cars and going to do what they were doing just an hour …show more content…
But over there in south florida it was atrocious and people's homes were horrible conditions and children without their parents.but some parents/parent didn’t have their children or their husband/ wife with them and they bawled for their family each night, day when they woke up with no home, no future,no family to love. Children darting to see if they could find or even see their family, some even died of splendid joy of seeing their kids and relieved that they are alive.

Many people were at a camp that gave them food water and a shelter, dry clothing that they could keep to wear because everything they own was wet and washed away, never to be seen again pets were being brought back to their family/ some stayed with their family.

“This is jousline saravia with jessica sanchez with a very interesting thing to tell people all over the world who have family but is losing someone hear her message that she want’s to give you today here in south florida,” said the news reporter jousline saravia (partner of mario

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