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Islam In China Research Paper

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Islam is a monotheistic religion (belief in only one God) articulated by the Quran a religious considered by its followers as the word of God. Vast majority of the followers believe in the teachings of Muhammad considered to be the last prophet of God. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim. Islam in religious context means submission or surrender, therefore Muslim a follower of Islam is one who surrenders or one who submits. Muslims demonstrate submission to God by serving God, following his commands and rejecting polytheism (worship of many Gods).
Muslims believe God (Allah) is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to worship God. Muslims believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith (is the …show more content…
This is about 16 years after the Nestorian Christian missionary named Alopun went to Chang An. The embassy was led by Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas, the maternal uncle of the prophet himself. Emperor Gaozong, the Tang emperor who received the envoy then ordered the construction of the Memorial mosque in Canton, the first mosque in the country.
Islam arrived after Buddhism and Christianity, Muslim traders began to arrive in China during the Tang Empire, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Muslims were brought to the Mongol Yuan Empire. The Mongols used them to govern and administrate China and many Mongols became Christians. While modern historians tend to argue that there is no evidence for Waqqas himself ever coming to China, they do believe that Muslim diplomats and merchants arrived in Tang China within a few decades from the beginning of idle Ages. The Tang Dynasty’s cosmopolitan culture, with intensive contacts with Central Asia and its significant communities of originally non Muslim Central and western Asia merchants’ resident in Chinese cities, which helped the introduction of

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