...Michelle Obama My favorite leader is Michelle Obama because she is a very inspiring and charismatic woman. She is not only the honorable First Lady of our country but is also a very active individual who has taken initiative to literally bring change into this nation by starting a campaign about combating obesity in our nation. Michelle hasn’t just been motivating people to change after taking her role as First Lady; rather she has been an independent and successful woman in her past as well. Michelle got her undergraduate education at Princeton and went to Harvard Law School to become a lawyer after which she continued to focus in social work. In 1993 she became an executive director for the Chicago Office of Public Allies where she helped young adults develop careers in the public sector. Then, in 1996 she became an associate dean in the University of Chicago and developed the first community service program. Furthermore, she became a vice president for external affairs at The University of Chicago Medical Center. Now she serves as a board member for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Since the beginning of her husband’s career as a president, she has been played a very supporting role for him. However, that responsibility hasn’t stopped her from playing an active role for this nation. Currently she is working hard towards helping military families by encouraging women to balance family and work life. Also, her latest project is promoting volunteer work and healthier...
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...Chapter 10 – Increasing Profitability through Diversification CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY ARTICLE SYNOPSIS References/ Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/arieladams/2013/03/14/montblanc-on-how-to-be-a-luxury-brand-for-many/ Ariel Adams is an Author and a Forbes Contributor Just to tell you a little about him, he covers both timepieces and other luxury items that interest him, such as cars and technology. He states that he has an unshakable interest in wrist watches mixed with a passion for curiosity afforded him the opportunity to make them his career. He has spent a lot of his time traveling internationally to Europe to meet with esteemed watch makers and to get a hands-on look at many of the rare and interesting timepieces and items he both loves and write’s about. CEO of Montblanc is Lutz Bethge The reason why Adams interviewed Mr. Lutz Bethge was due to the fact that he was curious how he maintained this strong image while diversify its products line that ranges from pens and watches to leather goods and fragrances, while still offering something for customers at the very top. Here is just a little of what Mr. Bethge had to say in reference to that: CEO Lutz Bethge states his company’s strategy for successfully diversifying its product line with new categories such as leather goods and timepieces, was due to the fact that they could rely on the trust of our customers, who believed in Montblanc as a brand that provided not only excellence in its core category...
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...Detectan habilidades clave en mujeres líderes 23 Octubre, 2012 - 08:25 CREDITO: Patricia Ortega Las mujeres de alto rango tienen mayor aptitud que los hombres en ciertas habilidades clave necesarias para liderar en una estructura organizacional matricial, evidenció un estudio de Hay Group, empresa global de consultoría gerencial y directiva. En una serie de entrevistas a decenas de ejecutivos y gerentes con experiencia en el liderazgo de equipos matriciales, Hay Group determinó que algunos rasgos del liderazgo, como son la empatía, el manejo de conflictos, el conocimiento de sí mismo y la influencia, están sistemáticamente ligados a resultados de negocio exitosos dentro de las organizaciones con una estructura matricial. HALLAZGOS DEL ESTUDIO * La empatía es una fortaleza para 33% de las mujeres, contra sólo 15% de los hombres. * De las mujeres, 51% es fuerte en casos de manejo de conflictos, comparado con 29% de los hombres. * La influencia fue citada como una fortaleza por 32% de las mujeres, frente a 21% de los hombres. * El conocimiento de sí mismo es una constante en 19% de las mujeres, pero tan sólo 4% de los hombres posee esta habilidad. “A menudo, las mujeres se enfrentan con barreras a lo largo de sus carreras que requieren que desarrollen estas habilidades para poder destacar y avanzar en las organizaciones permitiéndoles, en efecto, estar mejor preparadas para los desafíos y las complejidades del liderazgo en una matriz”. Por otro lado, entre...
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...grandparents in Hawaii. Barack Obama grew up in a middle-class upbringing with a strong sense of family and the value of education. Through his adolescence, he struggled with the absence of his father. He was uncertain personal and racial identity. His father’s failed aspirations and absence became a cautionary tale of life for him. Obama has been quoted saying “Every man is either trying to live up to his father’s expectations or making up his mistakes.” Excelling in school and basketball, he graduated High school from Pun haw academy in 1979 with honors. He then went on to attend Columbia University. He graduated with a degree in political science. In 1988, he attended Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, he met his wife, Michelle. They settled down in Chicago, where Obama practiced as a civil rights lawyer. This is where he began his political career. He began a helping as an organized for registration drive during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign. In, 2000, Obama made an unsuccessful Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives. Obama began his political career as a State Senator in 2004. On January 20, 2009, Obama became the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African-American president. For all his efforts to improve foreign policy, the aid of the taking down the pirates off the coast of Somalia, preparing the nation foe the Swine Flu, He was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize....
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...1 POPULAR CULTURE ESSAY Popular Culture Essay Racquel Gibbs English 101-142 Prof: Marten – Miller 2 POPULAR CULTURE ESSAY Racquel Gibbs English 101-142 Prof: Marten – Miller In society today there are many forms of popular cultures that have a compelling impact on our ideals, norms, attitudes and values of the world. Childhood obesity is a major contemporary epidemic in low-income communities. Some reasons for this infectious disease are lack of essential resources in underprivileged communities, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise, and Lack of education and healthcare. These are some of the struggles that neighborhoods face today. Many neighborhoods are lacking essential resources that contribute to living a healthy life. A large percentage of low-income environments are suffering from deprivation and unfortunately they are overeating. In addition, people have limited access to healthcare where they can learn through literature and professionals about children being overweight and the proper steps that need to be taken to correct this matter. Due to economic strain these families are struggling to provide food in general, but because their funds only allow them but so much it cause worse eating habits, plus there is lack exercising too. The underserved communities have a variety of fast food restaurants to eat from however; they do not have a variation of fresh produce markets available. If there are available retailers, the price for 3 POPULAR...
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...Seelische Gewalt ist stärker verbreitet als die körperliche Obwohl es den Menschen gut bekannt ist, dass die Gewalt nichts Gutes ins Leben bringt, kommt dieses Phänomen in verschiedenen Formen sehr oft vor. Es ist unmöglich zu bestimmen, welche Art der Gewalt (seelische oder körperliche) stärker verbreitet ist. Die beliebige Art der Gewalt hat schwere Konsequenzen für den allgemeinen Zustand des Menschen, d.h. für die physische und psychische Gesundheit. Die Opfer der Gewalt sind oft die schwachsten Mitglieder der Gesellschaft – Kinder und Frauen. Sie werden häufiger untergedrückt als Männer, weil sie gewöhnlich nicht imstande sind, der Miβhandlung selbststandig entgegenzustehen, und deshalb lassen sie sich einfacher einschüchtern. Was die Frauen anbetrifft, leiden viele von ihnen unter den Gewaltakte ihrer Ehepartner. Die Statistik zeigt, dass die häusliche Gewalt in jeder vierten Familie in Russland verwendet wird. Eine Menge Frauen wird zu Hause geschlagen und beleidigt. Viele Männer demonstrieren auf diese Weise seine Eifersucht und sein Wunsch, alle Aspekte im Leben der Frau zu kontrollieren.Viele von ihnen meinen auch, dass sie mit der Gewalt die entstehende Familienprobleme lösen können. Für einige Männer ist die Gewalt (einschlieβlich sexuelle) einfach ein Mittel, die negativen Emotionen auszugieβen. Es ist ein Paradox, aber nach den Statistikangaben können die Frauen brutale Mißhandlung in der Ehe bis zu 10 Jahren dulden, bevor sie sich zu einigen Veränderungen...
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...VEJLEDNING I UDARBEJDELSE AF KEMIRAPPORT En kemirapport bør indeholde følgende oplysninger og AFSNIT: Oplysninger på forsiden : (side nul; husk sidenumre) TITEL på rapporten / øvelsen. DATO for udførelse samt aflevering. DIT NAVN samt klasse / hold / gruppemedlemmer. Formål: Her skal du skrive et par linjer om formålet med forsøget – hvilke kemiske sammenhænge skal afprøves eller demonstreres med forsøget. INDLEDNING: Skriv nogle linier mere perspektiverende art, fundet på Internet / leksikon / dagblad… Rapporten får herved en mere læseværdig start for f.eks. en kammerat på en anden skole, og øger "din egen bevidsthed" ! TEORI: En redegørelse med dine egne ord for teorien bag øvelsen. Skal indeholde reaktionsligninger og reaktionstyper. MATERIALER: En liste over ALLE de materialer, der bruges til øvelsen. Dvs. alle glasvarer, alle kemikalier, opløsningers koncentration (evt. anføres giftighed og eventuelle særlige forholdsregler), alt apparatur osv. Det er meningen, at man skal kunne bruge materialelisten til senere at finde tingene frem, hvis man vil gentage øvelsen. METODE: En gennemgang af fremgangsmåden / øvelsens udførelse - illustreret med tegning af opstillingen og meget gerne inddelt i passende underpunkter. Igen er det meningen, at en udenforstående skal kunne gentage øvelsen, kun med rapporten i hånden. Hvis materialelisten er meget lang, eller hvis metoden...
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...Abstract The various forms of persuasive tactics are ideal for public leadership in effectively gaining and leading an audience. Public leaders have a great responsibility in effectively leading an audience, crowd or various forums to complete a goal. How the public leader interacts with potential followers can determine if and when a task will reach completion. The documentation below will cast some light into the various persuasive forms of leadership, followed by an evaluation of persuasive tactics used to facilitate change. As change is often met with resistance persuasive tactics are ideal. Two sources referenced as credible tactics are logical and transformational. The documentation includes two prominent public figures First Lady Michelle Obama and Billionaire Oprah Winfrey in reference to successful persuasive skills used to influence followers and votes. The information shared is from the perspective of a student. The intent is not to discredit the authors or public figures of any credit for works performed. * Persuasion Contrary to what people may believe, persuasion is healthy and rewarding! According to (Rusaw), transformational leaders use tactics to educate and inspire followers to achieve a completed goal or task. As differences in views may label persuasion as being manipulative, in leadership the task is warranted. Great public leaders possess skills and tactics for gaining supporters and followers that aid political forums and completion of task. The...
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...3 Oct 6:55 pm - Scope Luee: l 3 Oct 6:55 pm - Scope Luee: Sori we don't know !! 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Okay 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Oops 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Sorry 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Its okay 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Next meeting: tomorrow after school 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Do u guys ok? 3 Oct 7:10 pm - Scope Ray: 3 Oct 7:11 pm - Scope Michelle: 3 Oct 7:11 pm - Scope Jason: 3 Oct 8:19 pm - Scope Luee: Okok 3 Oct 8:19 pm - Scope Amy: 4 Oct 4:31 pm - Prudence: IMG-20141004-WA0035.jpg (file attached) 4 Oct 4:31 pm - Prudence: Second meeting 11 Oct 3:26 pm - Scope Michelle: IMG-20141011-WA0007.jpg (file attached) 11 Oct 9:23 pm - Scope Jason: 可唔可以sd番今日傾過既野嚟睇? 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0001.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: Sori我唔知係我電話 13 Oct 11:32 am - Scope Jason: Thx 13 Oct 11:32 am - Prudence: Thx 13 Oct 11:40 am - Scope Ray: Thx 14 Oct 12:54 am - Scope Luee: 各位有無email 我fd有份pm嘅project借左黎參考 腥俾你地睇下 14 Oct 12:55 am - Scope Michelle: chung1994abcd@yahoo.com.hk 唔該晒 14 Oct 1:00 am - Scope Ray: raylau512@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:01 am - Scope Luee: 仲有每個項目解釋大約一至兩句is ok 原來果一大段係成個project description 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: wongprudence@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: Thx 14 Oct 1:10 am - Scope Luee: 法國妹咁慢又腥多次 14 Oct 1:15 am - Prudence: Sorry岩岩先見到個msg 14 Oct 1:15 am - Scope Luee: Sd jor la...
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...My Mother is My Greatest Influencer in My Life The person who influences me the most is my mother. My mother is the type of person who has thoughtful discussions about the importance of having a lovable family. My mother is the type of person who always has the time to listen when I really needed to express my feelings. I consider my mother a security blanket because she always listens to me at anytime of the day or night no matter if she is sleeping, sick or busy. She is always helping my sister and me when we are in the time of need. She always lends a helping hand to others as well. Growing up with such a strong role model, I developed many of her characteristics and interests. Even before my first tear hit the ground my mother is there to wipe it away. When I am feeling down she is always there when I need her the most. She is the kind of mom who would always stick out for my sister and me. Even when times got rough she would never let her hardships in her life distress her children. My mother has always been a very strong role model to me growing up with someone like her to look up to has changed my life in many different ways. As a child she taught me everything from feeding myself and dressing myself, and also how to be respectful to adults. She has helped me to grow physically and intellectually. She would always call me to wake me up for school and after every phone call she would say I love you and have a good day at school. That would mean a lot to me because...
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...Geld, Geld und nochmals Geld für das Auslandssemester in Neuseeland Für das Auslandssemester in Neuseeland kommen natürlich einiege Kosten auf einen zu. Die Semestergebühren belaufen sich auf ungefähr 7000 - 10000 NZ$ (4214-6020€) wenn aber deine Hochschule oder Universität einer Partnerschaft mit dem Lehrinstitut in Neuseeland hat, sollte man sich dieses Vorteil nicht entgehen lassen. Plus die Auslandsversicherung in Höhe von ca. 245 NZ$ (148€). Die Flugkosten belaufen sich je nach Abflugdatum und Buchungszeitpunkt auf zwischen 1100-1600€. Bei STA-Travel erhält man als Student auch noch mal einen bemerkenswerten Rabatt. Die Lebenshaltungskosten incl. Unterkunft liegen bei ca. 600€/(Juli-November = 3000€) wobei die Lebenshaltungskosten in Neuseeland niedriger sind als in Deutschland( http://www.tourleader.co.nz/de/index.php/neuseeland-reiseplanung/neuseeland-geld-kosten-preise ). Das Visum in Höhe von EUR 110,- ist zu zahlen per Verrechnungsscheck oder Euroscheck. Somit sollte man für ein Auslandssemester in Neuseeland mit einer Summe +/- zwischen 8500€ und 10.900€ an Grundkosten rechnen. Wobei diese Kosten wie schon oben erwähnt durch eine Partnerschaft des Lehramts und eine günstige Unterkunft reduziert werden können. Leider ist der NZ$ zum € Kurs nicht mehr so ganz beachtlich wie vor einem Jahr trotzdem zeigt er momentan eine positive Tendenz und ist mit momentan 0,602NZ$ zu 1€ bzw. 1NZ§ zur 1.660€ immer noch sehr hoch. Wie sich der Devisen Graph der letzten zwei Jahre...
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...Twenty Four - Best Show on TV I. INTRO: 1. Attention: Which CTU agent was executed in season three of "24"? When did the vindictive Nina and Sherry die? How does Jack Bauer return to CTU after being assumed dead at the conclusion of season four? 2. Credibility: I have not missed a single episode of twenty four since its deputed 5 years ago. Tonight the show is on from 8pm-9pm but you better believe that the TIVO is set. 24 revolutionized the after work action/drama genre for me. It deals with contemporary issues, real and more or less plausible terrorist threats, and a real-time hourly format, 24 redefined my expectations for all shows going forward. 3. Thesis: 24 is a great alternative to mindless, dull, and uninteresting television shows that flood the airways today. 24 is sure to grasp your attention away from other shows such as “The Apprentice©”, “Americas Funniest Home Videos©”, and “Gilmore Girls©” that sure the same time slot. II. BODY: 1. NEED STEP: A. There are many shows on television that just don’t catch the attention of the viewers. If any of you are like my uncle you may just watch whatever show the remote takes you too. While this can be entertaining, it does may not satisfy you as much as it could. B. Although “CSPAN©” may teach you politics, “Iron Chef©” may enhance your cooking skills, and “WWE Raw©” may give some that macho soap opera experience; none of these shows will give you the overall satisfaction...
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...April Hardee Professor Jamie Haines ENG11 7/5/16 School Lunch Programs With the new and improved “heathier” lunch menu most students and teachers would rather turn down this free meal, and head over to their next period class instead. Others see this change to be remarkable and a great way to help kids balance what they eat. Since this act passed in 2010 and was sponsored by first lady Michelle Obama the disputation of a healthier menu has been a nonstop argument between schools and the NCLP (National School Lunch Program). With nothing but good intentions involved most students would rather stick to their bad eating habits. Trading in those fried potato wedges for a whole wheat sub was not so easy for some, and the controversy of a healthy school menu aroused quickly. Kids and even staff seemed uneasy about the change and thought it was a bit drastic. With unhealthy lunch and snacking taking from kids, they look at lunch to be a disadvantage to get rejuvenated for next two to three classes. Most kids are no longer waiting for the bell to dismiss for lunch anymore because of the unappetizing school menu. With nothing but good intentions involved with changing the schools menu kids feel otherwise. National School Lunch Programs thought the idea of what you do should balance out with what you eat and that idea should apply to students as well. Knowing students have no in school activities that requires major...
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...Dienstleistungen des täglichen Bedarfs • Banken / Versicherungen - Bargeldversorgung - Finanzberatung - Personenbezogene Versicherungen - Sachbezogene Versicherungen • Bildung / Erziehung / Betreuung - Schulangebot o Grundschule o Gymnasium o Hauptschule o Realschule - Kindergarten - Freizeitgestaltung Jugendliche - Bibliotheken - Nachhilfe / Hausaufgabenbetreuung - Kindertagesstätten - Hochschulen • Allg. Reparaturen / Reinigung - Reinigung - Schuster - Schneiderei - Reparaturservice für Haushalte (Handwerkerservice) - Autoreparatur - Schlüsseldienst - Wartungsarbeiten für Haushaltsgeräte: Kaffeeautomaten – u. Espressomaschinen, Mikrowellen, Toaster, Mixer – Reparaturservice - Uhr-Reparaturservice - PC – Reparaturservice - Handy – Reparaturservice • Friseur • Apotheke / Basis Gesundheitsservice - Optiker - Medikamentenversorgung - Beratung bzgl. Medikamenten (Apotheke) - Allgemeinmediziner - Krankenwagendienst - Notdienst - spezialisierte Ärzte • Altenpflegedienst / Unterstützungsleistungen - „Essen auf Rädern“ - Altenheime - Hausbetreuung (verschiedene Stufen) - Sterbebegleitung - Betreutes Wohnen - Hausnotruf (Pflegedienst mit Rufbereitschaft) Versorgung mit „Basisangebot“ an Ware - Drogeriemärkte - Lebensmittelgeschäfte ...
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...Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Faculteit Taal & Letteren Studiegebied toegepaste taalkunde Bachelor in de toegepaste taalkunde Hoe Russisch is Russisch? Een onderzoek naar de Engelse leenwoorden in de Russische taal Bachelorproef aangeboden door Lieze HARDY tot het behalen van de graad van Bachelor in de toegepaste taalkunde Promotor: Martine VAN GOUBERGEN Academiejaar 2012 – 2013 Voorwoord Voor een studente van de opleiding Bachelor in de Toegepaste Taalkunde is deze bachelorproef een hoogtepunt en een mooi sluitstuk van deze driejarige bacheloropleiding. In dit onderzoek kon ik zowel mijn interesse voor Engels als voor Russisch uitdrukken. Het heeft veel tijd en energie in beslag genomen, maar ik denk dat ik er best fier op kan zijn. Graag zou ik enkele personen willen bedanken, aangezien zij bijgedragen hebben aan de realisatie van deze bachelorproef. Eerst en vooral zou ik mijn promotor Martine Van Goubergen willen bedanken. Ik wil haar bedanken voor alle hulp die ik tijdens het schrijfproces van haar heb gekregen. Zonder haar begeleiding en bijsturing had ik dit nooit kunnen schrijven. Vervolgens wil ik mijn medestudente, Eveline Bosmans, bedanken. Zonder haar hulp en zonder haar adviezen was het nooit gelukt. Ook al schreven we elk een aparte bachelorproef, toch kunnen we hier spreken van hechte samenwerking. Ten slotte wil ik mijn ouders en mijn vriend bedanken voor alle steun en begrip tijdens het schrijfproces. Zij, die in uitzichtloze en inspiratieloze tijden...
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