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Mike Huckabee Analysis

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The article “Mike Huckabee: Confederate Flag is No 2016 Issue” on Politico Magazine describes how the Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is defending the Confederate flag as not an issue for the candidates to comment. The column writer Theodoric Meyer explains Huckabee’s comment that came after other contenders who denounced the flying of confederate flag. Huckabee justified his claims saying “Flying the Confederate flag doesn’t make South Carolina a racist State, they’ve more diversity in the people they’ve elected to offices than New York, Connecticut or Massachusetts” (“Mike Huckabee: Confederate”). The whole column of the story makes it clear that the flag is about freedom of Speech and should not be an issue to anyone. I was first surprised to read this article because it came from a man who usually opposes other people's rights to free expression and as a former host of political news analysis at Fox, he has put his fingerprints everywhere. Unless the issue is something he …show more content…
However, I argue that this fact is overstated and not accurate. For instance, there is only one black representative from SC out of seven, for the US Congress. For years to come, there will always be only one black representative and it will be impossible to elect more than that because of the gerrymandering. The State has intentionally concentrated all black and minority voters in one district out of seven for House Representatives. Even though the US Census Bureau says 28% of the population in SC is African American, because of this systemic redistricting, they will always continue to be underrepresented. Comparing these facts with Huckabee’s claim, one can clearly see that, he is either trying to deceive or mislead

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