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Mindful Eating Research Paper

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Benefits to Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a concept that helps you to manage and maintain your eating habits. It is a dietary technique, but it is not a diet. It is a learned and applied lifestyle form of eating, but it is not a fad. Our daily lives are often filled with mindless eating habits that can sabotage our healthy intentions. Too often we’re in a hurry, we don’t take the time to make healthy food choices, and the food we do choose, we’ll end up eat too fast. Food is often thought of as a distraction from whatever activity has our attention and not as a pleasure as mindful eating teaches us.

We also tend to eat when we’re bored, when we’re stressed, when we’re watching television or reading a book, even if we’re not really hungry. These mindless eating habits often end up as extra …show more content…
Mindful eating is just what the words imply, it is a way to approach eating in a manner that zones in on how you eat rather than what you eat. There are no recipes, no food restrictions, nor any precise menus to follow because every meal, every snack, and every beverage is a conscious dining experience. Mindful eating establishes a balance between eating nutritional foods when you are really hungry and indulging in occasional social eating.

Mindful eating helps us to understand those emotional and physical triggers, called cues, that tell us to eat, even if we are not hungry, and how to reduce those urges. An emotional cue is boredom, sadness, and even extreme happiness. A physical cue is the sight or aroma of a favorite food. With the techniques of mindful eating, you will be able to recognize and dismiss unhealthy cues. And the best part of mindful eating is that you, and only you, will have control over what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat. You regain the joy of eating without the need to count calories or give up any of your favorite foods because you will be eating the right proportions for your health and

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