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Missing Man Research Paper

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She thought her husband went to work as he usually does until she received a phone call from his employer telling her he never showed up. Panic set-in when she could not find her husband who appeared to just vanish in what became a very mysterious way.

Lee Arms was gone. His car was found on the side of a road still running with a box underneath it, but the Texas father of three was nowhere to be found. Police did find an odd scene when they located Arms vehicle, leading to many questions about the circumstances of how he ended up being a missing man.
As previously reported by Independent Journal Review, the missing man's car was still running when it was located with the car door open. Police saw his his wallet and cell phone still inside …show more content…
Arms wife, Kathy, family members and the community joined together to do everything they could to help find the man.

They created a Facebook page, Finding Lee Arms, to post any tips and updates they came up with to help police in their investigation and teamed with the Heidi Search Center to post a Missing Person Flyer around town after he disappeared on February 5th.

The good news is the family and members of the community that put weeks into searching for Arms can now relax because he has been found, unharmed. But, locating the missing man created even more confusion after finding out he was never really missing or in danger.

According to News4SA, Bexar County Sheriff's Office said:
Arms was discovered on February 16, by a tip from an out of state police department. The mystery was solved when the husband pulled off a huge shocker by being located in Ohio with a woman he met online.

The husband decided on his own that it was time to move on, leaving his wife and family terrified that he had been hurt or killed, and wondering if he would ever be found.

Akron Beacon Journal reported Arms was found in Bath, Michael McNeely, Ohio Bath Township Police Chief,

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