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Mission Command Research Paper

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The Marine Corps’ command philosophy of mission command and maneuver warfare are rested in several tenants one of which being the single-battle concept. The foundational constructs and very nature of the MAGTF ranging from task organization, capabilities, assets, and employment models across the spectrums of warfare, warfighting functions, and domains characterize and achieve this concept of single-battle. This inter-connectivity of assets and capabilities all couched within a Commander’s Design, allows for the MAGTF to be preeminently qualified to conduct operations in which all activities are driven towards a single goal and mutually support each other.
Each of the MAGTFs’ elements, the Command Element (CE), the Ground Combat Element (GCE), …show more content…
The targeting working group develops these products and measures and disseminates them to the MSCs. Their development which is incumbent upon the input from the S2 entities from the MSCs then, in turn, facilitate operations throughout the MAGTF. The targeting working group and the establishment of fire support coordination measures demonstrate the means in which the command element supports the single battlefield concept in that it directly enables MSCs to employ fires throughout the battlespace. Furthermore, it creates an ability to utilize fires whether ground based fire support or aviation fire support in shaping and decisive actions. The fire support coordination measures, when applied to ground based fire support accurately demonstrates the employment of capability within the single-battle …show more content…
The push and pull models allow the LCE to create an interwoven capacity to provide support throughout the MAGTF. The current operational picture of the battlefield will dictate the employment of which logistical system. The means in which the LCE plans based off of the current intelligence picture and the current operational tempo will allow them to select best the employment option to support the friendly forces operating on the battlefield. For example, if the Commander is maintaining a high operational tempo during offensive operations, the LCE will anticipate requirements and be able to identify that to provide the best support to the single-battle being fought by the Commander they would employ a push system of logistical support. The LCE would be able to prepackage supplies of varying classes, they would be able to emplace medical assets forward, and they would coordinate with the ACE to support forward arming refueling sites. The election of a push system directly supports the Commander's desire for a high operational tempo holistically supports the single

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