...The Social Science Mixed Racial and Cultural Groups in the United States ENG COMP II/ABE1314D Dr. Nicole Martinez and Mrs. Karissa Sullivan May 6, 2013 Mixed Racial and Cultural Groups of the United States is a huge topic being discussed recently because mixed racial relationships are increasing daily all around the world, but especially with-in the United States. There are many individuals who elaborate on whether or not each group expects to be treated as a separate entity, or be considered just Americans without the hyphen. Is the United States better off by classifying individuals by their ethnic background? What do we actually gain by these separate entities? Why is the government so concerned on everyone’s ethnic background? These are just a few of many questions that are being discussed and I will answer based on facts. While mixed racial and cultural groups continue to rise in the United States, it seems that the vast majority continues to pursue their separate ethnicity with-in the United States, but when approached abroad with-in another country, they seem to consider themselves as Americans vice African-American, Mexican American, Asian American, etc. (Perez and Hirshmann, “The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the United States). Many Americans have multiple identities that reflect complex ancestral origins, tribal and communal associations, and varied ideological outlooks on race and culture. In general, people do not change their ethnicities...
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...one mentions diversity they think of the different racial groups that they encounter on a daily basis. The United States, the country we call home, is one of the most diverse countries ever. Some people may not see all the diversity because they do not understand or are not willing to understand, or maybe they are just too busy with their daily lives. But if everyone was to just pay attention to the things they encounter and the people they interact with, they could really learn a lot. Since taking this class I have learned so much about the struggles that different cultures are faced with and it is so disturbing because it is something that they cannot even change, it is just who they are. Since our country is so diverse and we have so much “different”, we certainly have a lot of prejudice and discrimination that we need to work on. Some people would say it is because they are comfortable with their ways; I say it is just fear and ignorance. Growing up I lived in Elk Grove, California. It was a somewhat smaller town at the time and mostly consisted of Caucasian Americans. I am half Caucasian, or a mix of Italian and German, and my other half is Ecuadorian; Quito, Ecuador in South America. I was blessed enough to have an open hearted family where I never even knew what racism was until I started to see it first hand in school. In high school is where I really saw stereotyping and racism. Everyone hung out in different groups; the way the person dressed, the race the person was...
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...Vulnerable Populations Vulnerable populations are groups of people not well integrated into the health care system because of ethnic, cultural, economic, geographic, or health characteristics. As a result those individuals are in danger of not acquiring medical care there by creating a potential threat to their health. Examples of vulnerable populations include racial and ethnic minorities, elderly, underinsured or uninsured, psychiatric population, immigrants, children, and people with disabilities or multiple chronic conditions (Urban Institute, 2010). To demonstrate an understanding of the impact vulnerable populations have on the United States health care system, it is important to focus on one particular population, e.g., children. It is important to discuss a description of children demographics, explain why children are classified as vulnerable, what influence does this have on America’s health care, and finally to perform an analysis of how stakeholders are affected by this population. Demographics Gender mix. According to the 2010 census, there were 74.2 million children in the United States, 1.9 million more than in 2000, a number that is anticipated to increase to 87.8 million by 2030. There were approximately equal numbers of children in three age groups: 0–5 (25.5 million), 6–11 (25.0 million), and 12–17 (25.1 million) in 2010 (The United States Census, 2010) Children made up 24% of the population in 2010, down from the “baby boom” (1964). The population of...
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...Studying the meaning of diversity and learning about the benefits that a brought forth when living in a diverse culture has made this word much more than just letter but a goal for a new lifestyle. Learning that we as people can be broken down into simple groups, “there are four groups of people identified by race, ethnicity, religion, and gender” (Schaefer, 2012). From these groups we can be further more separated into our separate cultures. When we come together from different walks of life and create a diverse culture, we gain the knowledge and skills of many people with new and different ideas to better our culture. America is a great example of diversity, we are a nation made of immigrants from every other nation in the world and also compiled of our Native Americans. Our diverse nation has earned us a nick name as a melting pot, which as explained by Schafer is a “diverse racial or ethnic groups or both, forming a new creation, a new cultural entity.” Not only do we learn about others when we study cultures and groups, we also learn about ourselves; discovering things about our ancestors and how we came to where we are today. The most basic of groups for me would be simply white, while historically this group was actually to describe the English and did not include the Irish. When we think of white in the terms of race we now think of just a skin color and not what nation the person or their ancestors originated from. While also the most dominate race in America...
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...The Intense Cultural Conflicts of The 1920s Throughout the 1920s the United States faced harsh cultural conflicts including controversies with race and immigration. First, in the years leading up to the 1920s racial tension began to rapidly cultivate due to a multitude of reasons including the rapid change in the racial demographic of the northern economy, which up until that point had been principally white. African Americans who had fought in World War I had additionally began to express their want for civil rights due to their contributions in Europe in the war. The previous actions caused the eruption of violence from white mobs in several areas. One of the first cities to see the eruption of violence was Tulsa, Oklahoma which had contained the wealthiest African American business community in the Southwest. The violence commenced after a 19-year-old African American man was accused of assaulting a white female elevator operator which would give rise to a substantial amount of violence in which the number of killed and injured is not completely known with an approximate by the state of Oklahoma stating that 26 African Americans killed, 10 Caucasian killed, and 317 injured. Following the events in Tulsa on New Year’s Day 1923 the small African American settlement in Rosewood, Florida was attacked by a white mob believed to be from Georgia. The death toll from the incident has varying accounts with some newspapers reporting seven deaths and others 21.Hence, the early 1920s...
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...Afro-Americans in Germany The free-of- Jim-Crow ambience in Germany had influenced Afro-American soldiers so much that their “experiences in postwar and Cold War West Germany thus proved pivotal in the struggle against racial discrimination in America” (Hön and Klimke 1). America’s contradictory attitudes of leading the free world and at the same time hosting institutionalized racism was targeted by “the Soviet and Eastern German propagandists” (Hön and Klimke 2). What worsened matters, Jim Crow segregations were carried out in German communities. “The failure of African-American units thus were attributed to the African-Americans, and in the cases where black units achieved successes, credit went to the white officers leading them” (Schroer 47). However, “in May 1946, for the first time a majority of white Americans polled agreed that “Negroes are as intelligent as white people”” (Schroer 71). 1964 showed examples of the American government’s handling of the problem of racism producing “The President’s Committee on Equal Opportunity in the Armed Forces, Final Report: Military Personnel Stationed Overseas” (Hön and Klimke 3). One of the most important examples of collaboration between GIs and civilians in fighting for racial equality was “the “Call for Justice” meeting...
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...an extraordinary pace and each new change provides more customization and convenience for you. If you use Myspace. com, Del.icio.us, Secondlife, or any one of hundreds of new products on the Web you are already part of the new world of the Web! Not long ago the Web simply provided a modern channel for traditional businesses. Music led the way with file-sharing services such as Napster and eventually online stores such as iTunes. The entire entertainment industry followed by offering books, movies, television, radio, and photography on the Web. The digital revolution allowed all of these businesses to benefit from the technical aspects of the Web. Now the term Web 2.0 is used to describe the changes in the World Wide Web that reflect the growing interest in collaboration, open sharing of information, and customer control. Many products and services such as podcasts, weblogs, videologs, social networking, bookmarking, wikis, folksonomy, and RSS feeds are already available, and many more are in development. As the focus moves from providing a new channel for existing businesses to empowering individual consumers with customized products, suddenly the Web is all about you! You can create your own video and post it on YouTube, sell your photos on iStockphoto, build a social networking site on Ning, and publish your ideas at Blogger. How did this happen? The marketing environment changed! First, technologies such as high-speed Internet, high-resolution displays, and file-transfer software...
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...Discussion Forum 1 Discussion Forum 1: What is your cultural background, and what is it like where you live? In Discussion Forum 1, post your response to the following discussion questions. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar. 1. What is your cultural background, and what is it like where you live? 2. Describe how you have encountered the strange in the familiar in your own neighborhood or in some other place and what reference groups do people use in your neighborhood to define what is culturally and socially appropriate habitus? 3. In your neighborhood, are there ways that the people create social distance to separate themselves from others unlike them even to the point of being ethnocentric? CO1, CO7 Discussion Forum 2 Discussion Forum 2: Cultural Experiences In Discussion Forum 2, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar. Using a blend of your own experiences, supported by your understanding of the course readings and key terms integrate the following questions into your discussion board posting. It should be three strong paragraphs of 4 – 5 sentences in each paragraph. Then respond to at least two colleagues with an antithesis question on their posting. 4. Culture defines social roles, religion, family, fashion, foodways, language etc. within a given people group. Describe some aspects of your culture. 5...
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...the United States culture Diversity in the United States For decades, the human race has been identified as nothing more but unique! From the various shades of skin to the native language and geographic native land, people are diverse and have a major impact on our world and society. United States has had major culture changes as money continues to be one of the leading causes to mankind’s problems. However, knowledge of justice has help citizens and the governments realize to a degree, humans are the primary concern rather than the root to all madness “Money”. The effects of money has had an impression on the cultural diversity of the United States primary because power played the role of inequality that lead to the destruction of many families of minorities by the majority because of money. Moreover, the United States has overcome barriers to fix the disarray that power has had on individuals to help the citizens to reach out for understanding and answers that has led to the combination of knowledge, awareness and solutions. Let’s examine how! Understanding the history of how the United States met with cultural diversity has helped me to see that through history the effects begin with a negative view and later after harsh treatment was administered; lawmakers examined the outlook of the country to benefit the citizens. Two unique situations were race and gender that had an influential role of the American culture. Race was distinguished between major groups; majority...
Words: 1870 - Pages: 8
...For example, J-pop and K-pop are, stylistically, Western music, but it is dismissed simply because it is music that the Orient has made. However, the concept of hybridity does not explain, for example, German popular music not being playing the in the United States. If hybridity is about West versus the Orient, what about West versus West? Western music has deep roots in German music (Ludwig van Beethoven comes to mind), but in the modern world, German pop music is dismissed from the United States. Could it be that there is a new classification of hybridity, one that differentiates between songs sung in English and songs sung in a foreign...
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...Kerin−Hartley−Berkowitz−Rudelius: Marketing, Eighth Edition I. Initiating the Marketing Process 3. Scanning the Marketing Environment © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 Kerin−Hartley−Berkowitz−Rudelius: Marketing, Eighth Edition I. Initiating the Marketing Process 3. Scanning the Marketing Environment © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 CHAPTER 3 SCANNING THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT IT’S SHOW TIME! Don’t blink, because the world of entertainment is changing faster than anyone imagined possible. Online music, high-definition televisions, digital photography, computer-based media centers, and software for making movies are just some of the many products new to the entertainment industry. The revolution began with the combination of Apple’s iPod music player, which can store 10,000 songs in a device smaller than a deck of cards, and its iTunes Music Store, which sells more than 10,000,000 songs each month for just $.99 each. Other new forms of digital entertainment products include digital video recorders (DVRs), which record TV shows on hard drives instead of tape, and home entertainment “hubs,” which utilize wireless networks to link digital devices from around the home. Some experts even predict that there will probably be a version of iPod and iTunes for movies in the near future. Suddenly the music, television, photography, movie, and computer industries are converging. Musicians, recording companies, television networks, camera companies, movie studios...
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...a brutal and inhumane system, played a pivotal role in shaping the Chesapeake's racial and social order. European traders, primarily from England, Portugal, and the Netherlands, engaged in the capture and transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic. The demand for slaves in the Americas was insatiable, leading to the development of complex networks of trade routes, slave markets, and plantations. The Chesapeake, with its fertile land and lucrative tobacco industry, became a major destination for enslaved Africans. By the early 18th century, the slave trade had become firmly established, and the region witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of enslaved people. This influx of African slaves significantly altered the demographics of the Chesapeake, transforming it from a society primarily composed of European indentured servants to one with a substantial and growing Black population. A quote from the article What Was Life Like in...
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...mindset in America stems from the times of slavery, where blacks were thought to be inferior to whites. Throughout history, the ideology of race and racism has evolved and developed several different meanings. Today, we can still see the devastating effects of racism on people of color, as well as whites. “Racism, like other forms of oppression, is not only a personal ideology based on racial prejudice, but a system involving cultural messages and institutional policies and practices as well as beliefs and actions of individual” (Tatum, pg. 9). As a result of this system, it leaves the oppressed at a great disadvantage in society. This includes “access to social, cultural, and economic resources and decision making” (Rothenberg, 2007). In order for change to come about and for the American society to reach racial inequality, we first have to acknowledge the problem openly, which our society has yet to do. In this paper I am going to analyze the meaning of racism and how it affects both people of color and whites. In doing so, I am going to explore how racism impacts one’s racial identity, using my life experiences as an example. I will also demonstrate how racism leads to prejudice and discrimination and provide examples of these. I will close the paper with solutions and ideas to improve our communities and our society as a whole. Racism Defined Racism is defined as a system of advantage based on race (Tatum 1997). In America whites have control over...
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...CAP-STONE- PSY 490. INSTRUCTOR: SEYMORE, RICHARD DEL VILLERS. Date: 12/17/2012 Student: Ramy Barrett * OUT LINE: “Cultural competence an important skill to a health care practice”: * What is cultural competence? What is not? 1. It’s not cultural awareness, cultural sensibility. 2. According to the anthropologist, Williams Haviland: Cultural 3. According to the office of Minority Health, defined Cultural and linguistic ( Website: www.competence (http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/) 4. Kate Berardo as Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication. 5. Stephanie Quappe and Giovanna Cantatore( 2007). * Why is cultural competence important in the health field? 1. I’ am an immigrant (My experience) : I have seem poor quality of care 2. Personal experience as an interpreter. (Example). * The Benefit and the lack of cultural competence:(Negative & positive effects): 1. Zborowski, M. (1952). Cultural Components in Responses to Pain. Journal Of Social Issues, 8(4), 16-30. 2. Dr Elyse R. Pork PhD from, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (2006) 3. http://xculture.org/why-cultural-competency 4. Used: Schwartz, M. C. (1978). Helping the worker with counter-transference. Social Work, 23(3), 204. 5. Cultural Competence in Psychosocial and Psychiatric Care: A Critical Perspective with Reference to Research and Clinical Experiences...
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...objective is to reveal successful strategies in the global consumer goods industry market on the example of the quite important competitor in this market – Nordstrom Inc, the owner of high class department stores chain in the USA, examining its way to success, the industry it is competing, and the reasons of the effective and fail solutions, that occurred in the particular regions as well as company’s strongest and weakest parts. Hence it would be important to note that retailing corporations and Nordstrom Inc, in particular have captured a number of markets and nowadays their marketing, organizational and developmental strategies could be referred to as one of the most effective ever used. The deep understanding of the market niche and target group in different areas, added to the effectiveness of Nordstrom Inc strategies, despite the number of negative factors, oppressive competition and certain fails in particular regions. Among the objectives of the research investigating any ability of cross country infrastructure the company’s suppliers, their experience in managing the complex catering places, choosing places, where the restaurants would be located and finally marketing activity. This report is going to examine the global strategy of Nordstrom Inc, retailing shops network, their global marketing success and their fail in some areas, made due inappropriate use of the. This report would provide recommendations for further...
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