...Literature Review: Vaccines vs Autism Emily Willingham and Laura Helft/posted 09.05.2014/NOVA www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/autism-vaccine-myth.html In the late 90’s the vaccine Measles, Mumps, and Rubella know as (MMR) was said to have a link to Autism in children. In my literature review I compared two articles both from the relation to Vaccines and Autism from the late 90’s until the present time. The assertion that vaccines could be linked to Autism burst onto the international stage with the 1998 publication of a paper in the British journal “The Lancet”. (Willingham, E.; Helft, L.et.al.) The other article I reviewed has somewhat of a different outlook. The 1998 publication of a study suggesting an association between (MMR) vaccine and Autism, 13 studies in five countries showed no such link, no data supported any causal connection between the (MMR) vaccine and Autism. (Thompson, J.et.al). I will describe the problem, if the vaccine MMR is the cause of Autism in infant children. Is this vaccine the cause of infant babies developing Autism? Here is what the problem was thought to be in the vaccine MMR. According to the article “The Autism/Vaccine Myth” the vaccine MMR is not responsible for Autism. The myth behind this assumption is first the ingredients used in the vaccine MMR and then the febrile seizures that the parents were concerned about. According to the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, most febrile seizure happen when a child is sick rather than...
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...Immunisation is the process of protecting the body against disease by means of vaccines or serums which contain antibodies. Antibodies defend the body in several ways, one of which removes the bodies body’s natural resistantresistance. The measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR vaccine) is an attenuated live virus, which helps the body produce antibodies and build immunity against the virus in case it comes into contract with it again. Since the introduction of the MMR vaccine there have been reported links that this vaccine causes autism and neurodevelopment disorders and affects the nervous system. It has been highlighted in the media that there is a possible connection between the MMR vaccinating vaccination and the formation if autism...
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...February 6, 2012 Shawn Castle Article Rebuttal Paper For many years there has been a long standing debate as to whether the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine causes children to develop autism shortly after receiving it. There seems to be a clear line drawn between those who believe the vaccine causes autism and thise who refute the claim. On one side, there are the parents who claim their child was “normal” until receiving this vaccine, and on the other side, there are the researchers, doctors, and drug companies who have completed in –depth studies of the MMR vaccine, and say that it is safe. According to an article in the Lancet, a British Medical Journal, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, completed a study that proved there was a connection between the MMR vaccine and early autism in children who were seemingly normal before they received the vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine inflamed the gut and that allowed the “toxic substance” to enter the bloodstream. The National Autism Association has even focused on the vaccine preservative, thimerosal, as a possible culprit. However, since 1992, thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines in the United States, and autism diagnoses continue to climb. Most children are given their first dose of MMR at around 12 – 15 months of age. Some parents are reporting that shortly after their child received this vaccine was when they noticed a change in their child. The parents of these kids are saying that their child was developing normally...
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...The Devastating Effects of the Measles Vaccine Thesis: The MMR vaccine is harmful to one’s health because it can cause sickness, degenerative diseases, and even death. Introduction The Measles vaccine is one of the many vaccinations children receive to supposedly keep them safe from the disease. While the effectiveness of this vaccination in combating the wild measles virus is debatable, the unintended consequences of the vaccines side effects have become increasingly alarming and may warrant the removal of this vaccine from the general populous. From the very beginning of the vaccines release studies have been linking numerous disorders that only occur after the vaccine has been given. One such example of this is a study published in 1973 shows that the measles virus vaccine can cause encephalitis, encephalopathy, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis generally occurring within six to 15 days after being vaccinated with the measles vaccine. It was estimated in this report that the encephalitis risk after having being vaccinated is one case per 1000 patients. (Landrigan, & Witte, 1973). In 1995 a group studied the causality between the measles vaccine and inflammatory bowel disease. They compared 3,045 people vaccinated in 1964 against 11,470 people who did not receive the vaccine. The results of the study were astounding. The group found that people who were vaccinated were three times more likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease, three times more likely to...
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...of them occur at birth. Some of them have no true cause--for example autism. Autism is a serious development disorder that is present in early childhood, it makes it difficult to communicate and socialize with others. There are almost 200,000 cases in the United States per year. Autism is diagnosed more in males than in females. In the early 90’s there was an increase in children being diagnosed with autism as well an increase in the number of vaccines children received (Novella 1). Many people believe there is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, because they connect vaccine-injuries, side effects of specific ingredients may be causing autism, and...
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...prior to the immunization as in specific there are lot of controversies about Measles Mumps Rubella immunization leading to autism. Therefore, this research essay will focus on the issues related to conflict of autism as a side effect of measles mumps rubella vaccine. The PICO process is the method to develop a framework and answer to a clinical question using evidence based practice based on literature research. The acronym PICO stands for P (Population/patient)-this addresses the specific population. From the scenario, it can be identified that the 11month baby as the patient or population. I (Intervention) – intervention can be treatment, procedure, diagnostic test, and risk or prognostic factors. In this scenario the intervention will measles mumps rubella vaccine immunization. C (Comparison) –not to immunize O (Outcome)- is the effect of the intervention. For example, it is the risk that comes after certain comparison. Therefore, the outcome in the scenario is causes autism. Hence, the question that was developed using PICO process is “In the infants does immunizing with Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) in comparison to no immunization leads to development of autism?” (Huang et al, 2006) The result of this research is based on the different database and literature reviews with search based on the immunization in infants for MMR vaccine causing autism. Among all database firstly the research was done...
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...Vaccines, Do They Cause Autism in Children? Michael L Eisenmenger Western Governors University Vaccines, Do They Cause Autism in Children? Vaccinations have been used for centuries to prevent the spread of some of the most dangerous diseases in humans. In 1998, a research study from Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published in the journal Lancet, suggesting common vaccinations were the cause of autism in children (Brink. 2013). That study has since been retracted by the Lancet and Dr. Wakefield has had his medical license revoked. However, the rates of vaccinations have declined because of the study and new outbreaks of diseases once considered eradicated are killing children. Research has shown that vaccines are not a cause of autism in children because the preservatives suspected of causing autism have been removed from them, research studies have shown no link between the two, the original research has been proven false, and the diagnosis of autism has changed. Ever since the debate of vaccines being a cause of autism has started, the ingredient thimersol has been one of the focus’ of study. Thimersol is a preservative that was used in vaccines until 2001. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated, “In 2001, thimersol was removed or reduced to trace amounts in all childhood vaccinations except one type of influenza vaccine, and thimersol-free alternatives are available for influenza vaccines.” (CDC, 2014) Thimersol contains the type of mercury...
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...that vaccines cause autism (Gross, 2009). Because of this lack of trust in vaccinations, the US saw the largest outbreak of measles in 2008, a disease that was declared eliminated in 2000, due to decreased rates of vaccinations (Ratzan, 2010). Mumps and whooping cough also made a comeback. By 2007, over 5,000 parents of children with autism had sued for compensation. One case in November of 2007 solidified beliefs that vaccines cause autism. The Department of Health and Human Services acknowledged that vaccines had aggravated a preexisting disorder in a baby girl, which caused “regressive encephalopathy with features of...
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...D1: unit 5 The way the media presented the MMR case in front of the public created a great contribution towards the public perception. It has also had a negative impact on the scientific information, which was given out parallel to the rumors regarding the link between MMR vaccine and autism. In 2003, a science based film named "Hear the silence” has influenced the media by naming Dr. Wakefield as "Bad Scientist" [6].This seemed to have disregarded the value of a scientist and his knowledge in front of the public. On the other hand, the media have done their best to emphasize the MMR vaccine scare by putting headlines " MMR LINKED TO AUTISM" in newspapers like the "EVENING STANDARD" [6]. All of this highly influenced people’s thinking and resulted in a lot of parents refusing the MMR vaccines for their children. However, when Dr Wakefield’s theory got proven as a "Swine flu outbreak" as said in an article of Media Influence, it opened people’s eyes about the reality behind the false link. The impact of the media on public was made by using Sensationalistic Language to attract the public’s attention. It is a sensitive topic because it questions parenthood and whether the parents are taking the right decisions for their children’s health. Whilst this aspect was important, media also sketched scientists as respected and intelligent human beings who are not meant to make mistakes. So why was it that they destroyed this image in front of general public? The answer can be that partially...
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...A big topic up for debate is whether or not vaccinations can cause Autism. Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. Typically autism can be detected form age 18-24 months. By this time most vaccines required for young children have taken place, one of the main reasons parents think vaccines cause autism. Developmental specialist usually pick up on the signs at younger ages, before the parents begin to notice anything out of the ordinary. There are measurable differences in the brain function and structure of children with and without autism. “Starting in the first six months of life, many autistic...
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...There has been ill press about how vaccines are more dangerous than they are helpful Prominent people, such as Robert Kennedy Jr., claim that certain vaccines are behind the rise in autism, a developmental disorder characterized by poor socialization, poor communication and restrictive and repetitive behavior. This is not true. There is no correlation between vaccinations and autism, be it vaccinations with the preservative Thimerosal or the Measles Mumps and Rubella vaccine. With the biggest concern over not getting vaccinated debunked, the many benefits of receiving vaccinations seem even more alluring. There is no danger in vaccinating. First and foremost, one needs to consider that Thimerosal, the mercury containing ingredient found in childhood vaccinations, had been removed from vaccinations. In fact, autism has been on the rise since the reduction of Thimerosal in vaccinations (JAMA). “The prevalence at ages 3 to 5 years has increased monotonically for each birth year since 1999, during which period exposure to Thimerosal has been reduced,” says Science Daily about a report done earlier this year in California by Doctors Robert Schechter and Judith K. Grether of the California Department of Public Health. Along with this, they also studied the prevalence of autism among 3 to 5 year olds from 1995 through March 2007 (JAMA). They found that the rate of autism has increased, while the use of vaccinations containing Thimerosal decreased,...
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...1 Potential Etiologies of Autism Autism spectrum disorder, also called autism, is a severe physical disorder of the brain, characterized by impaired cognition, limited language, repetitive patterns of behavior, difficulty with social interactions, and a lack of responsiveness to other people (Schreibman). Other conditions within the autism spectrum include Asperger syndrome, Child Disintegrative Disorder (CDD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), and Rett’s Disorder (58-63). Scientists consider these disorders to be similar because they share common characteristics (58). Asperger syndrome occurs when children have difficulty with social interactions, but do not exhibit delays in language. CDD develops within two years and autism is evident within the first year of life (59). PDD-NOS occurs when children have difficulty with social interactions and either communication problems or restricted interest (63). Rett’s Disorder is diagnosed definitively in females and autism is diagnosed primarily in males (58). The term autism was first used in 1943 by child psychiatrist Leo Kanner, who wrote a paper “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact” (Koegel 2). In his paper, Kanner described his observation of eleven children between the ages of two and eight who displayed a tendency to want to be alone and lacked the ability to interact with others. The children also displayed a delay in speech, a lack of imaginative play, unusual interest, and verbal...
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...is a process where a person is injected with a substance to make them immune to a disease. Diseases that can make you sick, disabled or even kill you. Most vaccines contain the disease that it is trying to protect you from by building up your immune system to help you fight it if you ever come across the real thing. Many parents of an autistic child blame the condition on vaccines being the direct and only cause. Often, many of those parents have no real concrete evidence to support their claim. Those parents usually are just reading blogs of parents who are facing the same issue. Over the past decade many parents face the hard decision on whether they want to vaccine their child or not. Jenny McCarthy said, “If you ask...
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...Vaccines are designed to produce immunity. Viruses in the vaccine cannot reproduce itself or cause diseases because they are made by killing or weakening them. Vaccines are given from the time of infancy. It helps in protecting the body against diseases in the future. Autism Spectrum Disorder, by definition, occurs before age 3 (Miller et al., 2009). It was during the 20th century, it was said that ASD occurred due to the ingredients in the vaccination given to the children. Although, more research and studies have changed the conversation about the effects of vaccines on autism to be more positive based on the history of vaccines, the ingredients in it such as thimerosal, and Wakefield’s fraud study. Starting by talking about the history...
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...The Link Between Vaccines and Autism Page | 1 The Link Between Vaccines and Autism Bethany P. Isaac PSYC1060: Psychology for the Health Care Professional The Link Between Vaccines and Autism Autism is a term used to describe a group of conditions that involve brain development known as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) or pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs). Autism is a regressive neurological disorder that can range from moderate to severe. Vaccines are a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease. What, you might be asking, is the significance of introducing these two definitions? It all began in the 1990’s, with a significant spike in autism diagnoses throughout the world. Concern, even fear spread. What was the cause? How could the trend be stopped? It is perfectly reasonable to ask questions about this increasing prevalence, which certainly suggests an environmental cause. Vaccines, therefore, were largely portayed as the environmental cause, even before extensive research had been set in motion. The media cought ahold of the idea, and just like that, the world was influenced by the idea. Even today, autism rates are rising yearly. According to the CDC, in 2000 the prevalence of autism was 1 in 150, and in 2010 it had increased to 1 in 68. But surely vaccines are not the case. The short answer is that much of the increase in the number of diagnoses can be explained by a broadening of the definition, increased...
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