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Motivation in Organization


Submitted By siddheart
Words 2950
Pages 12
People management and organizational behavior

Table of Contents Serial No. | Particulars | Page No. | | Introduction | 3 | Task 1 | Application of any two theories of motivation to motivating the supermarket staff | 4 | | Team | 4 | | Principles the two factor theory | 6 | | Applicability of the factors theory | 7 | | Principles of the Expectation Theory | 7 | | Validity of the Expectation Theory | 8 | | Reliability of the Expectation Theory | 8 | | Applicability of the Expectation Theory | 8 | Task 2 | Explanation of what approaches the manager could use to build cohesive, cooperative and effective teams | 8 | | Process to build cohesive, cooperative and effective teams | 10 | | Conclusion | 11 | | References and Bibliography | 12 |

Motivation is the process of guiding, initiating, developing and maintaining relationship with employees in the organization that why people of the employee should give their best efforts for the achievement of organization success. Motivation is one of the most important management techniques that must be used in the Human resources that include the top management to the last level employee of the organization. So every organization tries to think how to motivate their employees and how the goal of the company should be gained. And that’s why different types of motivation theories developed by the authors that was really more successful on the practical world of the organization. Among different types of motivation two different types of theory are discussed in the below that are (Herzberg, F. et al 1959):

* The Two factors theory developed by Frederick Herzberg * The Expectancy theory developed by Victor vroom

The above two theory are very much practical and mostly used for the employees to satisfy and move to work in the desired goal of the organization.

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