Premium Essay

My Self


Submitted By muzzammil1
Words 318
Pages 2
What does it mean to make decisions? To make a decision is cutting all other possibilities and only choosing one. You might decide to take the path wide left, or take the path wide right, and for some people, they might even take the path straight down the middle. Usually when making decisions, there is no turning back. In some lucky cases, one can go back and fix their own decision, however it is very unlikely. Unless, of course, going back is your decision, but then it's likely not a very conscious decision, and so the question arises as to whether or not going back even counts as having made a decision in the first place. There are two kinds of decisions, good decisions and bad decisions. Making decisions involves gathering facts and information that supports one decisions or another. For example if your hungry and are in the kitchen, most people make a decision on checking what’s in the fridge first because that’s the most common place to find food (in most cases). According to the Princeton university researchers have found that making the wrong decisions might be the information that the brain received not the brain it self that made the wrong decision. Another words, the fault might be coming from the information your brain downloads everyday. A lot of decisions arise from errors that your brain receives or the noises it hears at the time your thinking of a decision. Making a good decision comes from different parts of your brain as well. For one, studies have showed that good decisions usually come to you when you are in a good mood. Witch makes sense because when you’re in a bad mood, your brain is under distress leading you to make judgmental calls witch; intern can cause you to make a bad decision.

“Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad

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