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My Social Location

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My paper is a self-analysis of my own social location and my identity as it is tied to my who I am in regards to race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, class origin and current class position. This assignment will encourage me to explore how my social location shapes my personal values and my willingness to work with and uphold the human rights of certain client groups. Within writing this paper I will gain an understanding of the constantly evolving role of race, ethnicity and culture in this country and be able to appreciate the complexity of issues related to race, ethnicity, and culture and it implications for their practice.
For starters, I’m a bi-sexual low-class Dominican female that knows nothing about my Dominican side. In my eyes I see myself as American-Dominican because I’m a citizen of the United States. I was born in New York and I continue to grow in the State of Connecticut. I would describe my social location as a place of plain suffering but I also see it as a place where within every tear drop there …show more content…
For example, my parents have told me stories, one being that my grandma wouldn’t let my mom out unless the entire house was clean and apparently my mom had to clean many house just so she can go out. For my father his father never showed him love so the way my father shows it isn’t ideal. I myself have problems letting myself get love from my mom. She the one that tries to be the lovey dovey type of love like she suffocates me with it and I just push her away because I’m not sure I just don’t like being smoother. she not letting me grow like she tells me to open my eyes but won’t let me explore. The way I’ve dealt with this oppression is to try and teach my mom how there is new ways in which thing can be solved not just going by the old book but by going by other

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