...Madrid, Spain Diversity Assessment Tools: A Comparison Abstract: Much has been written about how to address diversity in the human resources function (recruitment, retention, professional development etc.) but less has been written about how to develop strategies to leverage diversity in other areas. This study proposes an approach to exploring diversity through the value chain and a tool to help an organization assess its strategy. The Diversity Audit Tool (DAT) was developed from an analysis of current diversity practices in the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) Sector in Canada. This paper will review the dimensions of the tool and compare it to six other diversity lenses. Keywords: Diversity assessment, diversity audit tool, diversity lens, “business” case for diversity. Increasingly corporations in Canada have stressed the importance of embracing diversity and have stressed the benefits of creating inclusive work environments which: Promote the work of all organizational members and ensures that it is acknowledged, respected, and that employees are compensated equitably for it Value diversity both within the organization and outside of it Implement a meritocracy – rather than non-job-related ascribed characteristics – ensuring the need for equality and fairness underpins the organizational culture Emphasize individual accountability at all levels of the organization Constantly communicate the organization’s commitment to diversity both through...
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...bordering South-Southern Nigeria and South-Western Cameroon, an area recognized as a biodiversity hotspot characterized by species diversity and endemism (Edet, 2011). The subspecies is one of the most critically endangered primates of Africa (Oates et al., 2008; IUCN, 2013). The subspecies is also one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates (Mittermeier et al., 2009). As humans extend their land use, Cross River gorilla habitat is rapidly disappearing, and this may have adverse effects on number of individuals within the subspecies. The Cross River gorilla, Gorilla gorilla diehli, chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes vellorosus) and drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), though legally protected by the Endangered Species Decree 11 of 1985, are some of the primates hunted for bushmeat and other purposes (Edet, 2011). The Major threat to the survival of the subspecies is lack of thorough conservation strategy necessary for its protection. The survival of this endangered species and ecosystems depends on long-term participation and understanding of local populations (Oates, 1999). Due to the close relationship between cultural diversity and biodiversity, traditional knowledge systems play an important role when developing species conservation and management strategies (Caldecott et al., 2005; Hens, 2006). For example, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) (article 8j) calls for parties to respect, preserve, and apply knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities...
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...IMPACT OF WORKFORCE DIVERSITY ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR OF KARACHI PAKISTAN 1Hafiza Sumaiyyah Iqbal, 2Faiza Maqbool Shah (Supervisor) Department of Business Administration, Jinnah University for Women (JUW) Karachi Pakistan ABSTRACT Diversity is gradually used and accepted as a significant organizational resource in esteems to whether the objective is to be an employer of choice, to offer outstanding customer service, or to sustain a competitive advantage. It also has verified to have controlled to an opinion of being essential for organizational performance. This ultimate faith forces managers to hold and understand the theory of workplace diversity, its benefits and barriers. The purpose of this research is to discover the impact of diversify workforce towards organizational performance which focus into the education sector. The research also emphases on workforce diversity which contains the gender, ethnic and education background of the employees which is the utmost critical variables amongst all the others. The research was done by distributing 100 questionnaires to the faculty members of 5 different universities of Karachi. The questionnaire outcomes show that there is an impact on performance when diverse workforce is working in the education sector. Key words: Workforce Diversity, Organization, Performance, Gender, Ethnic, Qualification, Karachi, Universities. ___________________________________________________________________________ ...
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...UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONS & HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MBAN-609DE IKECHUKWU KINGSLEY NWAFOR R1405D126364 August 10, 2014 Page 1 of 26 Table of Contents GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................... 4 QUESTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 5 HR AS A STRATEGIC PARTNER .................................................................................. 5 A GLANCE AT STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ............................. 7 VARIOUS HR STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY ORGANIZATIONS ................................. 7 Fig 1 Strategic Framework for Human Resources .......................................................... 8 LOYAL SOLDIER (INTERNAL/COST HR STRATEGY) .............................................. 8 BARGAIN LABORER (EXTERNAL/COST HR SRATEGY) ......................................... 9 COMMITTED EXPERT (INTERNAL/ DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY) .................. 10 FREE AGENT (EXTERNAL/DIFFERENTIATION HR STRATEGY) .......................... 10 ALIGNING HR STRATEGIES WITH COMPETITIVE BUSINESS STRATEGIES ......... 11 Table 1 Compitetive strategies and HR strategies ........................................................ 11 SHRM & ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE...
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...Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists American Psychological Association Approved as APA Policy by the APA Council of Representatives, August, 2002 Copyright, American Psychological Association, 2002 Author Note: This document was approved as policy of the American Psychological Association (APA) by the APA Council of Representatives in August, 2002. This document was drafted by a joint Task Force of APA Divisions 17 (Counseling Psychology) and 45 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues). These guidelines have been in the process of development for 22 years, so many individuals and groups require acknowledgement. The Divisions 17/45 writing team for the present document included Nadya Fouad, PhD, Co-Chair, Patricia Arredondo, EdD, Co-Chair, Michael D’Andrea, EdD and Allen Ivey, EdD. These guidelines build on work related to multicultural counseling competencies by Division 17 (Sue et al., 1982) and the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (Arredondo et al., 1996; Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). The Task Force acknowledges Allen Ivey, EdD, Thomas Parham, PhD, and Derald Wing Sue, PhD for their leadership related to the work on competencies. The Divisions 17/45 writing team for these guidelines was assisted in reviewing the relevant literature by Rod Goodyear, PhD, Jeffrey S. Mio, PhD, Ruperto (Toti) Perez, PhD, William Parham, PhD, and Derald Wing Sue...
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...Bakken, J. P., & Smith, B. A. (2011). A blueprint for developing culturally proficient/responsive school administrators in special education. Learning Disabilities -- A Contemporary Journal, 9(1), 33-46. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Introduction Nationwide, schools are being faced with a rapid increase in the number of students of color, culturally and linguistically diverse students, students with learning disabilities, students from low-income families, and students from non-traditional and single parent families. As a result, determining how schools can adapt to meet the needs of these vast demographics, as well as how the varied demographics can play a role in the education of these students, has become more than just a topic of conversation and research for academic professionals, educators, researchers, and practitioners. Literature and research point to educational reform by improving school systems to foster multicultural educational environments. Specifically, school leadership and professional development are closely looked at as driving factors in which to achieve this educational reform. In their article “A Blueprint for Developing Culturally Proficient/Responsive School Administrators in Special Education,” Bakken and Smith (2011) focus on the need for school administrators to be culturally responsive/proficient in the special education arena particularly in order to better meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students who have learning...
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...heightened mind-body reaction to stimuli inducing fear or anxiety. b. A physiological change due to an environmental agent. c. A disruption in daily life caused by primarily negative events. d. All of the above. 2. None of the above. ______________ of preventive care among the poor is common. a. Underutilization. b. Overutilization. c. Utilization. d. There is extensive utilization diversity even in the poor. e. None of the above. 3. _______________ is where the deviants are temporarily exempted from normal obligations and gain some extra privileges, provided that they seek help in order to rid themselves of their deviance. e. Conditional legitimacy. f. Unconditional legitimacy. g. Illegitimacy. h. Forgiveness. i. None of the above. 4. The importance of Emile Durkheim's work for understanding stress lies in his: j. Typology of three specific types of suicide. k. Denial of biological influences on human behavior. l. Insight into the link between the state of the economy and certain types of illness. m. Notion of the capability of society to create situations where people are forced to respond to conditions not of their own choosing n. None of the above. ...
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...Diversity in Nursing In this paper, I will summarize what I have learned about diversity in nursing and the effect that diversity has on the nursing community as well as the impact it has on the public related to health disparities. Diversity comes in many forms such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, and ethnicity. The purpose of this paper is to discover the importance of diversity in the nursing profession. Importance of Diversity in the Workplace The lack of diversity in the healthcare setting could be linked to health disparities. Health disparities are gaps in the quality of health and health care that mirror differences in socioeconomic status, racial and ethnic background and education level (Minority Health, n.d.). Baldwin states, “A lack of minority health care providers has a trickle down effect on the health care of ethnic and racial minorities (2003).” These groups are already at risk for increased morbidity and mortality rates. They have less access to proper health care and are a greater risk for declining health due to the small number of minority health care providers (Baldwin, 2003). Efforts have been made to recruit and retain minorities into the nursing profession however they have not been very successful. According to Huston, recruiting underrepresented groups has been difficult for many reasons. One of which could be that minorities receive inadequate preparatory education leading to poor reading, writing and critical thinking...
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...The Diversity & Inclusion Study A Survey of Companies of Australia and New Zealand July 2013 Contents Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 Executive summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Demographics����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Structure of Diversity & Inclusion�������������������������������������������������������������������7 Compensation 2013�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Experience of a Diversity Manager���������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Diversity and Inclusion in Organisation Today��������������������������������������������� 16 Outlook������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 About the Survey Partners�����������������������������������������������������������������������������25 2 Introduction In April 2013, Korn/Ferry and Futurestep, in association with Diversity Council Australia (DCA), conducted a study of Diversity Managers and Human Resource leaders. The survey, the first of its kind conducted in Australia and New Zealand, aims to provide insight into the profile of the diversity function within organisations; on the professionals leading diversity within business...
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...The Benefits of Diversity in Higher Education Vanessa David de Campos June 30, 2014 Outline I. Introduction a. Thesis: Diversity in higher education, which is the inclusion and integration of minorities and marginalized groups, is important because it brings a variety of knowledge through the exposure of students to different perspectives, makes students prepared for working environments, and improves the country’s development. II. The Problems with the Lack of Diversity on Higher Education in the United States a. Comparison between the National Population Number of Minorities and the Number of People that Access Higher Education- Is it representative? b. Problems When the Minorities and Marginalized Groups are Misrepresented in Higher Education III. Higher education and Society a. Responsibility of Universities to Influence and Make Changes in the Society b. Affirmative Actions in the U.S Universities i. Historic ii. Controversial Points- a Defense of Affirmative Action as a tool to guarantee Diversity iii. Issues IV. Diversity a. What is Diversity? i. Defining Diversity in this Research Paper ii. Nomenclature b. Benefits to Society i. Collective and Individual Benefits ii. Numerical Representation and Informal Interactional Diversity iii. Interaction and Educational Benefits V. Preparing to Work a. Corporations, Global Trade Market and their necessities i. Amicus brief General Motors VI....
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...I Natural, patrimonial and landscape resources Sophistication and Modernity Sensations Vision Lisbon’s value proposal (vision) should be enhanced through elements that reflect the incentives and attractiveness hat characterise the region and set it apart as a tourist destination. The areas that make up his value proposal are: Authenticity, Capital Status, Attractiveness, Sensations, Sophistication and Modernity, the Human Element, Unique Historical Importance and Diversity of Experiences. Territory disorganized Suburbanisation process Poor human resources Mobility Governance T I C A L Capital Status Productive and scientific c resources Geo-strategic position Attractiveness Endowment of infrastructure and basic equipment's The Human Element Reduction of territorial intra regional asymmetries Expansion of infrastructures, human resources and I&D expenditures Unique Historical Importance Modernization of companies Expansion of tertiary activities Move up the value chain in some sectors like tourism Diversity of Experiences Objectives Upgrade the experience of visitors Increase quantity and value Increase the number of visitors (first-time and repeat visitors) from traditional and emerging markets, thereby maximising the value they create for the sector. Improve the experience of visitors (tourists and day-trippers) and their impressions of a destination with a very diverse offering (ranging from budget to luxury) Public Sector Private Sector ...
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...workplace performance: Support document. It can be accessed from NCVER’s website . To find other material of interest, search VOCED (the UNESCO/NCVER international database ) using the following keywords: cross cultural training; cultural awareness; workplace learning; capacity building; training provider; employee attitude; employer attitude. © Australian Government, 2008 This work has been produced by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) under the National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation (NVETRE) Program, which is coordinated and managed by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments. Funding is provided through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Requests should be made to NCVER. The NVETRE program is based upon priorities approved by ministers with responsibility for vocational education and training (VET). This research aims to improve policy and practice in the VET sector. For further information about the program go to the NCVER website . The author/project team was funded to undertake this research via a grant under the NVETRE program. These grants are awarded to organisations through a competitive process, in which NCVER does not participate. The views and opinions expressed in this...
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...of hate crimes, in addition to, being faced with the challenges that causes mental, emotional and health problems. The sexual orientation of LGBT was once known as a mental illness, however, the individual that classify as having same-sex attraction and/or sexually attract to both male and female, experience great levels of minority stress that result in mental and emotional problems. Minority stress, if experienced in severity over long periods of time will contribute to mental and physical illness. Therefore, individual in this community has developed modifiers to help cope with stressors. A mental health counselor will work with these individuals by informing on how to deal with stress through intervention planning and preventative education, that will last through out the lifespan, as a practice, when stress arrive. The Wellness and Resiliency Model The wellness model in counseling is based from research that help form the evidence bases for practice in the counseling field. The wellness approach used by mental health counselor involves a perspective that promotes a holistic approach of the mind, body, and spirit that emphasize empowerment, wellness, normal development, intervention, and prevention. Within this approach, the therapeutic goals, when working with the client, are to improve their state by striving for optimal health; the client is striving to reach a level of satisfaction and is empowered to reach their full potential of wellness. The counselor will work with...
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...Vocational Technical Education Framework Hospitality and Tourism Cluster Culinary Arts August 2007 Massachusetts Department of Education Career/Vocational Technical Education Unit address 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 telephone 781-338-3910 internet www.doe.mass.edu/cte/ email careervoctech@doe.mass.edu Massachusetts VTE Frameworks Culinary Arts August 2007 Page 1 Strand 1: Health and Safety 1.A Define health and safety regulations. 1.A.01a Identify and apply OSHA and other health and safety regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area. 1.A.02a Identify and apply EPA and other environmental protection regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area. 1.A.03a Identify and apply Right-To-Know (Hazard Communication Policy) and other communicative regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area. 1.A.04a Explain procedures for documenting and reporting hazards to appropriate authorities. 1.A.05a List penalties for non-compliance with appropriate health and safety regulations. 1.A.06a Identify contact information for appropriate health and safety agencies and resources. 1.A.07c Outline laws and rules of the regulatory agencies governing sanitation and safety. Demonstrate health and safety practices. 1.B.01a Identify, describe and demonstrate the effective use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 1.B.02a Read chemical, product, and equipment labels to determine appropriate health and safety...
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...Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 11(2), 2009 639 THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE ECONOMIC CRISIS Rodica Gherghina 1 Florin Văduva 2 Mirela Anca Postole 3 ABSTRACT: The need to reduce public spending in the developin g process and funding of public services has led to the introduction of performance indicators in the public institutions. Moreover, the need to optimize the educational activity, the implementation of an efficient management, insuring the quality and the compatibility of the e ducational systems has led to numerous investigations in this area by adopting, as a theor etical reference framework some organizational models to explain the functionality of the educatio nal system and to define a performance appraisal system. Each model generated by default a certain p hilosophy regarding the evaluation methods of the institutional performance, design and use of th e performance indicators on education institutions . Key words: economic crisis, performance, indicators , education JEL codes: I21, H52 Introduction Changes in higher education in Romania, just as thr oughout Europe and elsewhere, were as many and radical as they were continuous. Since the early 1990s, the first private universities were established in Romania and the number of public uni versities, of the faculties or of the new curriculum...
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