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New Testament Book


Submitted By laralou
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Summary of the Books of the New Testament Books

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark is the second book in the Gospels and is easily considered a Gospel. It was written by Mark, cousin of Barnabas and companion of Peter the apostle. This Gospel covers the events that took place and the run-ins that people had with the resurrected Jesus. Mark deals more with the miracles Christ performed than the other gospels. It starts with John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism then goes on speaking of the moment when Satan had to test Jesus and he sent him away into the wilderness for forty days then comes out triumphant. The final section of the book completes with the empty tomb. It focuses a lot on the last week of Christ’s life in Jerusalem. The recipients of this Gospel that Mark aimed for was the suffering church and it was written around 60 or 70 ad and is the earliest of the canonical gospels.


The next book in the New Testament is Acts and it has a narrative history to it and includes several sermons. There are many key characters in the book of Acts such as Peter, Paul, John, James, Stephan, Barnabus, Timothy, Lidia, Silas, and Apollos. This is the conclusion to the Gospel of Luke and was also written by Luke because he wanted to tell the story of how the believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit and worked to spread the Gospel of Christ. It tells of how the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles to take Christ’s message forward to the ends of the earth. It also records the transition of the church from being a almost excusive Jewish church into becoming a international institution. It begins with Jesus’ resurrection, his ascension, the Day of Pentecost, and the beginning of the apostle’s ministry. A major focus was on Paul and his conversion, ministry and ultimately his arrest.

2 Corinthians

The following chapter, 2 Corinthians, was also written by Paul to the Church of Corinth and is considered a book of Epistle’s. This book is a letter from Paul that was written in about 56 AD. The main characters in this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Titus and were written after he was publicly humiliated and rejected by Corinth. Paul continued to “try and win them back” by writing them letters to defend and protect his Apostleship and to teach and warn against false teachers who were spreading heresy. He did not turn on them. Finally, the church accepted him and his teachings and he wrote this letter to express his happiness of this. He also wrote it as a reminder to the financial obligations the Christians had to those in Judea and also what it means to be a follower of Christ. This is a very personal letter of Paul’s.


The author of this letter to Jewish Christians is not known to us but appears to have been known by the recipients and the book is considered a Epistle. Most people would now accept Paul or Barnabus as the writer and it was written as a warning to new believers not to stray and go back to their “old ways”. The authors were writing to a group of Christians who were under serious persecution and some wanted to head back to Jerusalem. The author wanted to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the savior in comparison to anything that the old covenant had to offer. The Hebrews could be viewed as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments and continues to confirm that Jesus is the savior spoken about in the Old Testament. The author speaks of consequences should one fall away from the faith and he was trying to tell them not to turn away from their only hope of salvation.


The final book in the Bible is the Book of Revelations and it was written by John to the seven churches of Asia and is considered an apocalyptic book. This is a unique book because it prophesizes what is going to happen during the period after the rapture but before the glorious appearing. It forecasts the horrible plagues and hardships that will happen to the non-believers that were left behind. Through disasters that occur, God will show us his ultimate plan for humanity and God will once and for all show us his sovereignty and his final conquer over Satan and evil. There are a total of 21 wraths/prophecies that will take place. God will deliver his people and set up his reign on the new earth for all eternity. The popular book series “Left Behind” was based on the scripture, mostly the Book of Revelations. This will be a very dark time period for the world and will show God’s plan that has been in place since the beginning of time.

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