...dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
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...Erick M Hudtwalcker Illegal Immigration English 102- Katema Lee Due Date: 04/14/08 Illegal Immigration The United States of America is a country made up of millions of people. Its society has many different cultures and religions. These blends of diversity make up America. The United State’s way of life is based on how people’s ancestors grew up and by the different traditions passed down from generation to generation. America is unique from most other countries in that she was founded by immigrants from numerous other countries. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth, people from every where came to America some were fleeing religious persecution and political chaos. Most of them came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory systems that responded to changing demands in labor markets; others, came here by choice and all eventually were integrated into the “American society” to become a homogenous people. These immigrants had a vision, work ethic, values, fortitude, imagination, and pioneering spirit which enabled her to become the greatest nation on earth. While it took longer for some than others, they and their descendents ultimately became "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Many, but not all, modern immigrants to the United States are not much different. However, unlike the distant past, immigration now consists of two components:...
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...Sample Research Paper on Citizenship Introduction Citizenship is being defined as the relationship between the state and individuals. Historically citizenship is being inevitably linked with the state formation. Originally citizenship was denoting residence of people within protected walls of a city. Thus, whoever belonged to a community residing inside the boundaries was considered a citizen. Later this term has acquired a different meaning and the standards and definitions of citizenship have changed. There were many reasons that have caused such changes: history proceeded with its migrations, wars and annexation and along on its way brought new meanings to citizenship. Such change in definition, for example, can be found in suffrage granted to women and the nonpropertied classes. Paupers, convicts and soldiers are another example of how political and civil rights were once a privilege of certain classes only (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 11). With the introduction of mass democracy and social protection as well as introduction of welfare state a need in the new conception that would look on the relationship on an individual and the state appeared consequently. The norms of citizenship, therefore, have improved with the development of state and citizenship became a multination concept, which implies different things to different nations (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 12). According to Michael Ignatieff (1995), the introduction of the welfare state can be explained as an attempt to make citizenship...
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...Essay Questions: How and why do the workplace experiences of employees from non – English speaking backgrounds differ from other workers? How can, and should, should actor respond to this? How are these differences manifested, and responded to, in your own workplace? The workplace experiences of employees from Non–English Speaking Backgrounds (NESB) differ from other workers for a number of reasons. Employment opportunity is a primary reason why individuals emigrate to other countries (de Castro et al. 2006). While employment in a host country has benefits, immigrants often face considerable challenges as they learn and adjust to the norms and values of the host culture. In particular, immigrant workers may face the ‘‘double jeopardy’’ of dealing with stressors related to both working in a new country as well as to living in a new society (de Castro, Gilbert & Takeuchi 2008). Like other European countries, Australia is also a very attractive destination for migrant workers. Migrants have been part of Australian society and the Australian workforce since colonisation began in 1788. However the migrant population at the time was of a predominantly European background. It was from the mid-nineteen century when Chinese, Pacific Islander, Lebanese, Afghan, Indian and European migrants arrived and settled in Australia. Due to the gradual liberalisation of Australian immigration policies, the ethnic composition of Australian migrants has shifted significantly, bringing...
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...Illegal Immigration and Border Policy In recent years, Illegal immigration has been a contemporary political and social debate. It has been the platform of many politicians, especially in the southwest, and it is often a popular subject in news media. People in favor of strict immigration policy often claim that illegal immigrants are costly to the American economy and that they take American jobs. The border control policy is ineffective, it is often too costly for its effectiveness. Border policies have increased the number of immigrant deaths in the deserts of border states. Not only that but the US/Mexico border is harmful to the environment. The anti-immigration policy that's currently in effect goes against a rich cultural history in North America. Lastly, popular arguments made for strict immigration will be brought to light. In 2006, George W. Bush signed H.R. 6061, also known as the Secure Fence Act, in an attempt to increase border security and expand the US/Mexico Border. Prompted by heightened national security measures after 9/11, the bill was designed to "help protect the American people" and marked " an important step toward immigration reform" (Bush 2006). The bill doubled funding for border security, increasing expenditures from $4.6 billion in 2001 to $10.4 billion in 2006. This money went to "[authorize] the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border" and to "[deploy] thousands of National Guard members to assist...
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...(2005) DOI 10.1007/s00148-005-0015-1 ORIGIN AL PAPER Timothy J. Hatton Explaining trends in UK immigration Received: 11 February 2004 / Accepted: 6 December 2004 / Published online: 22 November 2005 © Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract Since the 1970s Britain has gone from being a country of net emigration to one of net immigration, with a trend increase in immigration of more than 100,000 per year. This paper represents the first attempt to model the variations in net migration for British and for foreign citizens, across countries and over time. A simple economic model, which includes the selection effects of differing income distributions at home and abroad, largely accounts for the variations in the data. The results suggest that although improved economic performance in the UK relative to overseas has tended to increase immigration, rising UK inequality has had an even larger effect. Immigration policies at home and abroad have also increased net immigration, particularly in the 1990s. Keywords Immigration . Emigration . Immigration policy JEL Classification F22 . J61 . J78 1 Introduction In the last 20 years the UK has become a country of net immigration. During the 1960s and 1970s, emigration exceeded immigration so that net immigration was persistently negative. Since then net immigration has progressively increased. The best available measure of long-term trends indicates an increase in the annual net immigration from −24 thousand in the early 1970s to 89 thousand...
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...socially and culturally prosperous” (Government of Canada, 2011). Yet a look at the income statistics for Canadian immigrants makes one wonder whom is prospering economically. Are Canadian immigrants given equal economic opportunity when they arrive here, or are they subject to economic inequality? To answer this question, one can first look at earnings statistics and reports from Statistics Canada. This information can provide basic earnings information on immigrants, which will show how much Canadian immigrants earn in comparison to their native Canadian counterparts. A few drawbacks of using this information are that the statistics haven’t been updated since 2006, so the numbers may not be completely accurate, and numbers alone do not tell the whole story. As such, peer reviewed research articles and papers on the subject of economic inequality in Canadian immigrants can be used. These articles and papers provide both qualitative and quantitative information that paints a clearer picture of the situation. However, many of these papers are usually biased towards writer’s point-of-view, so there may be a lack of complete information. Finally, this issue can brought to light by telling of personal experiences and stories. Argument Using a variety of information from Statistics Canada, research reports, and personal observations, I will argue that immigrants to Canada are in fact facing economic inequality when they arrive. This inequality can be attributed to a number...
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...In this paper, I want to focus on Immigrant Students in Secondary Schools. As a previous high school immigrant when I first arrived in United States, I have experience numerous difficulties in school that I would never forget. In addition, I believe immigrant students of secondary school can face major difficulties in learning English and succeeding in school. Since these students do not have a lot of time than elementary students to learn English, and they have to pass several test that require English skill such as the ACT and SAT. Above all, most secondary school texts and materials require a sufficient English reading ability to understand, which will even make learning experience becoming even tougher for high school immigrant. Before going into detail, lets take a look at the statistics of the United States’ immigration in the past few decades. According to U.S Bureau of the Census 1997a statistic, over a million immigrants, legal and illegal, entering the United States each year. And since the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which eliminated national origin quotas. Europe is no longer the main sources of newcomers to the United States but instead of Asia and Latin America. The largest groups come from Mexico, China, Cuba, and Vietnam. In the fall of 1997, 9 million (about one in five) elementary and secondary school students had a foreign born parents. With over 90% of recent immigrants coming from non English speaking countries, schools are increasingly...
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...I. Introduction: Limited Health Care Access for Hispanic Immigrants who are not citizens or legal permanent residents • The topic examined is how a particular group of immigrants (non-English speaking or non-Western) coming to the US receive insubstantial health care access. o The component issue is: immigrant status and inequity in the US healthcare system II. Thesis Statement: I will examine if Hispanic immigrants coming to the US receive limited health care access due to biopower (Foucault 1984). • This topic is important because I want to examine the role race may play in determining immigrants’ health care access. By doing so, I hope to find hidden prejudices that still exist in the US health care system. • Questions I want to answer in...
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...Integration to Canadian Society This paper will examine the difficulties immigrants have when they arrive in Canada with respect to assimilation of language, transferability of education in finding a job in Canada and training that exists for the newly landed immigrant. We will also touch the difficulties it poses for Canadian citizens in dealing with this influx of immigrants into our urbanized centers. Anglo Canadians have quickly become a minority and continue to become a shrinking minority. Immigrants arriving to Canada in most cases believe that they have made the right choice to leave their homeland in pursuit of a better life for themselves and their children. After all Canada has a global reputation as being one of the best countries in the world for many reasons. There is free healthcare available and educational opportunities if so desired as well as many provincial social services in place to help new immigrants transition into Canadian society. Some immigrants leave there come country because of instability within their government causing national unrest and dangerous circumstances for ordinary citizens. In other cases immigration can occur simply because they are seeking a better opportunities in life. Up until 1960’s “Canada’s immigration objective was to attract more British and American immigrants, as well as immigrants from the “preferred countries” of central and northern Europe” [4] Canada’s immigration policy after 1960 has historically been very relaxed...
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...Research Paper Racism and Immigration Rémi Drapeau Student ID: C3623 Mailbox # SH649 Work presented to Kimberly Cook, course professor Social Problems & Their Impact on the Workplace BA Organizational Management, OM3413 Degree Completion Program Crandall University April 12th, 2016 Introduction 5 What Is Racism and who does it affect? 6 Challenges in the labour market 8 Who are the Muslims in Canada? 10 Aboriginals in Canada 11 References 13 Introduction Racism, immigration and exclusion are topics that seem to go hand in hand. From what I have learnt in the past few weeks, they are all far more present than I had realized. We see it in schools, justice system, job market etc. In the next few pages I will explain how they correlate in Canada today. More specifically relating to aboriginals and Muslims. Canada is home to more than 200 ethnic groups, with 16% of its population (over five million individuals) identifying as a visible minority. Information from the Census showed that Canada’s visible minority population grew 27% from 2001 to 2006, five times faster than the population as a whole. The diversity of Canada’s population is expected to continue to increase over the next two decades. According to projections by Statistics Canada up to 14.4 million Canadians (or about one-third of the population) will be members of a visible minority by 2031. The religious composition of the country is also changing, with some of the largest...
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...Immigration in Human Resources In today’s world, the economy is weak and we are facing a shortage of work and qualified workers. There is much debate over whether or not that statement is completely true. Some people say there is a shortage of work, due to immigrants taking over American jobs, while others say there aren’t enough qualified Americans to fill the open positions. In this paper, I will discuss both views on the topic and provide information from both point-of views to provide my answer to the question: Is the hiring of foreign workers good for business and fair to citizens? Some Say It Is Based on a study from the San Francisco Federal Reserve, an article in The Huffington Post states that immigration increases wages, employment, and productivity. States that have had a large influx of immigrants tended to produce more, hire more, and pay workers more than states that have few new foreign-born workers. For every one percent increase in employment from immigration, a state will see a .4 to .5 percent increase in income per worker. (Hindman) Based on the letter The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity (Peri), there is no evidence that immigrant workers take jobs at the expense of citizens. The letter reviews the analysis of how foreign workers affect productivity, income, and employment over a period of time. The study conducted indicates foreign workers may actually increase the job opportunities rather than displacing American workers, based...
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...Immigration: Positive Net Benefits Immigration has been a growing hot topic in the United States for decades. Obviously, immigration is not a new issue. Over the past couple of hundred years there have been several events that have spurred an increase of immigration in America and around the world. Today’s number of immigrants are in the millions, and according to critics those numbers have social and economic affects. Although host countries have to deal with the negative aspects of it, overall immigration has a positive net effect on a country. The difficulty comes in balancing the good with the bad. For example, a more specific issue of immigration in the U.S. has been illegal immigration. Critics say that undocumented immigrants threaten the American social fabric, native economy, national security, and everything American ("Usa immigration problems, n.d." ). Living in poor economic conditions, people from Mexico were illegally traveling to the U.S. with hopes of improving their quality of life. Undocumented aliens were such a concern that the U.S. built walls hundreds of miles along the border to strategically prevent people from illegally crossing over, a costly way to deter people considering the border is over a thousand miles long. Since the walls construction immigration from Mexico has decrease significantly, although it is mostly due to the weak U.S. economy. Some other costs are social. Such as, the effect of illegal immigration on America’s social insurance...
Words: 1987 - Pages: 8
...Immigration Reform Is Imperative John Doe University of Good Times Almost 350,000 immigrants sneak into the United States illegally each year. Typically these people immigrate to the United States in hopes of finding employment to support their families. Once here, about 70% of them will obtain employment. The jobs that illegal immigrants occupy are the lower end jobs, which hurt unemployment rates especially for the lower class. Illegal Immigrants costs the United States about 113 billion each year. These costs are spread out over our education system, medical care, judicial system, and more. The information presented in this research paper will address the seriousness of this issue. Illegal immigration has a negative impact on the United States in many ways. Immigrants have entered our country illegally and stolen millions of jobs, crippled a struggling education system, manipulated welfare programs, and drastically raised crime rates. Without immigration reform, the crippling effects of illegal immigrants will break this country. With illegal immigrants willing to work for less pay and in poor work conditions, they negatively impact employment rates. Illegal-immigration has a negative impact on the available jobs for U.S. citizens. People often protest that the illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. However, that is not the case. They are able to work for low wages and in poor conditions, where citizens must follow minimum wage...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...Ian Fischer January 26, 2014 Paper #1 for Global Issues Irish Immigration Before and After the Potato Famine Globalization is to be defined as, “The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration,” according to BusinessDictionary.com. The immigration to the exponentially growing United States had been open to all types of ethnicities and cultures throughout the 18th and 19th Century, and along the North-Eastern coast, the people of Ireland were settling. I chose this group and time frame, because I believe it represents globalization at its finest. Immigrants from Ireland had been immigrating to the United States before the Potato Famine, but it had been just the wealthy population of Ireland, because they could afford to start a new life in America. After the Potato Famine in the 1840’s, the majority of the immigrants were the surviving peasants of Ireland, which I will need to research why that was. As I searched for a background source by looking up Irish Immigration to the United States, I found a very informing and reliable website named Irishamericanjourney.com. After I read through this website, I was able to understand their culture and the reasoning behind why they left their country even before the Potato Famine, and how these Irish immigrants were accepted into American Culture and ideology. To find even more in depth information I used Google Scholar through the library’s database to explore what books and articles...
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