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North Dakota Warrant Analysis

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At its core, a North Dakota warrant is an order by a judge that permits law enforcement to perform an act for the purpose of administering justice. There are three types of warrants: bench warrants, arrest warrants, and search warrants. Although these warrants have different names, they share the common purpose of permitting law enforcement to take action. If you have been served with a warrant of any type in North Dakota, you will need a North Dakota criminal defense and warrant lawyer to handle your case.

Many people mistakenly believe that an active warrant permits an arrest to take place but an inactive warrant does not. If the North Dakota court system states that your case is inactive, this simply means that the case is placed on hold by the court until an event occurs which allows the case to proceed. Usually, the event that needs to take place is the arrest of the person accused in the case. Once arrested, a hearing will take place before the judge and the case will become active again. An inactive case does not mean that your case has concluded or that you will not be held responsible for your alleged crime.

Many of Wynne Law’s clients have been on the receiving end of search warrants, bench warrants, and arrest warrants. Often, the person with a warrant out …show more content…
Rather than command law enforcement to take a person into custody, search warrants permit law enforcement to search a household, vehicle, or other object that police or law enforcement believes holds evidence of a crime. Search warrants are subject to rules, laws, and existing case law regarding their use. Search warrants must also be limited in scope as to allow for the investigation to take place while not impeding on the rights of the individual whose property is subject to the warrant. In many cases, a crime has already occurred and the police and prosecutor are looking to really damn the case of the defendant when they serve a search

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