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Olfactory System Research Paper

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Our sense of smell also known as the olfactory system works as a chemical sense, meaning it detects chemicals in the environment. This sense is the only sense in the human body that can detect chemical changes in the environment from afar than what your other senses are able to. It can differentiate from one smell from another by means of the olfactory sensory neurons that send the signal to the brain. The anatomy of the sensory system starts with the two nostrils housed in what is called the nose that is position on the front of the face. The nostrils have little hairs that act as a barrier to help keep pollutants in your environment from entering your body and endangering your internal organs. You also have another set of little hairs in …show more content…
This sense allows us to hear the world around us whether we are in a conversation, or listening to music. The ear is made up of three parts, the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. They each play a specific role in making sure we hear what is being said or played. The outer ear is the defined body located on both sides of the head. This is the part of the ear where the sounds start its journey. Then sound travels to the middle ear which basically vibrates sound waves via the eardrum. Depending on the loudness and how the sound is constructed will determine how the sound is vibrated through this area. Once it passes the eardrum it is handed off to the three small bones located in the middle ear. The three small bones are called the malleus, incus and the stapes. When sound enters and bounces the vibrations off these structures it causes them to vibrate into what is called the oval window. Lastly, the sound is then handed to the inner ear or also known as the cochlea which is a snail-shaped shell that is filled with fluid that lubricates the millions of tiny hairs attached to the inner ear wall. Once the vibrations get through to the inner ear the nerve fibers located in this area sends a signal through the auditory nerve to the hearing part of the brain called the auditory cortex. Once it hits its destination it causes the brain to recall the sound which in turn causes our other senses to react to what we are hearing as

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