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Paper 1


Submitted By mp1970
Words 479
Pages 2
Dying is an aspect of life that starts from the day we are born. Each day that passes and the human becomes older and one step closer to death. Biological, psychological, social and cultural factors can all affect the capacity for coping with death. Fry states that death is considered a natural part of life that disrupts life’s plans and can cause immense pain (1990). Often in religious communities death is welcomed as a better place than being here on earth. Individuals are encouraged to accept that death is a natural part of life and offer coping mechanisms to grieve. Younger individuals tend to see death as being far off into the future whereas an individual in late adulthood is experiencing the thought of death on a daily basis. As a young adult we live life in the fast lane and take many things for granted. Illness and disease can also affect how the aged cope with death. Suffering from cancer, heart disease and other serious disease can cause extreme fear of dying. If he or she is biologically unstable dealing with death may lead to an unhealthy acceptance of death or lead to one taking part in dangerous and risky behaviors. Ineffective coping skills can lead to emotions of depression, fatal illness and suicide.
When death is sudden or unexpected people are not allowed the time to prepare mentally and can lead to feelings of loss and confusion. Losing a friend, spouse or loved due to murder, accident or war can make the process of grieving hard and difficult to accept. A death that is prolonged can also affect how an older adult copes with death and how close the adult was to the deceased. Being overwhelmed by death and bereavement can be detrimental to his or her physical and mental health. Accepting death does take time and when it is allotted it allows the aged to say goodbye to the people they love the most and prepare things how they would like. As the

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