...Laneta Washington Quality in Practice: Using the Balance Scorecard at USPS BSOP 588 Professor Walter Mamak April 3, 2014 There are many different companies that are always focusing on improving their quality management within their organizations. In order for companies to stay at the top of their industry, they must always look to improve and make sure that they are building and meeting all the needs and levels of the business. Many different companies use different techniques and tools to initiate quality management for the business as a whole and then internal and external customers. The ‘Balance Scorecard’ was one of the major tools that USPS used to measure, evaluate, and improve their quality management within the business, with the employees, and of course with their customers. ‘The balance scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organization worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy for the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals,’ ("Balanced scorecard basics," 2014). I believe that the balance scorecard is one of the best tools to use when trying to measure and evaluate different levels of the organization; which have a common goal. The voice of the ‘Employee’ is very important when supporting improved internal processes, ‘the Voice of the Business. This is true...
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...Keyword: Aio bot, Site to promote: http://aiowowbot.com Image URL: http://aiowowbot.com/aio-logo.jpg http://student.fizika.org/~aficnar/Zabava/Slike/Warcraft%203%20No3.jpg Title: Aio bot and the world of warcraft Are you new to the world of warcraft?or one of the fanatic of this game, If you are a fanatic of this game let me introduce to you the aio bot. This is new for you? Or you heard some rumor about it? Every rumor about it is true. Warcraft is first released in September, 2001 with blizzard executive Bill Roper behind this is the ever famous which is also my favorite game starcraft with this new released game called warcraft the expectation was high. Warcraft is a computer based online game that you can enjoy; you can set up your own character and then adventure to a given set of places to Azeroth. There are various groups, different races and classes to select from. The game will journey to never ending possibilities in which your character will level up depending on the performance you are getting within the game. Your character will start at level one in his journey then down to level seventy in which you need to kill the big groups to have a higher level. The warcraft game is an easy game which you can immediately learn in a couple of days. Warcraft make a big impact to the market in which from all over the world were engross with this game. The question is what is aio bot? Aio bot simply level your character in an easy...
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...technical college | Philosophy of Quality - | [Quality Philosophy Paper] | ------------------------------------------------- Jessica Gallo Managing for Quality (196-192) ------------------------------------------------- Moraine Park Technical College February 1, 2013 ------------------------------------------------- Jessica Gallo Managing for Quality (196-192) ------------------------------------------------- Moraine Park Technical College February 1, 2013 | Philosophy of Quality Introduction Organizations and people are in competition with one another, therefore having quality is vital to its success. Quality can be defined by me and others as a business that makes reliable products that are made to last or a business that makes a product at reasonable price to its consumer. Quality can also be defined by receiving outstanding...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Vanessa Velasquez MGT/449 - Global Business Strategies Facilitator: John Quesnel August 30, 2011 Total Quality Pioneers Paper Quality is a notionpresent in daily life. Activities such as grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant, purchasing a vehicle, clothing, or booking a hotel room involves the perception of quality. The meaning of quality differs depending upon circumstances and perceptions. When dealing with tangible products versus the perception of a quality service, the concept of quality changes. Quality is determined when purchases or services meet or exceed an individual’s expectation. The subject of this paper is to define quality and its elements, describe how a quality pioneer’s use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful, and explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment. Definition of Quality Quality is defined as “a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch & Davis, 2010, p. 5). Quality is considered a ‘dynamic state’ because it often changes with time and circumstances. Elements such as the products, services, people, processes, and environments are significant components of quality because of competition. Two competitors may produce the same product with a comparative quality; however, the competitor who looks beyond the quality of the finished product...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper LaShawn Smith Quality Management and Productivity MGT/449 March 14, 2012 Professor Gilbert Tillman Total Quality Pioneers Paper This paper will discuss quality, elements and the pioneer William Edwards Deming. Also this paper will discuss how quality pioneers use total quality elements and became successful. An explanation on why elements of quality are used in today’s environment, and finally a conclusion and what is foreseen about the future of quality. Quality is the described as the state that is in connection with the products, services, people, processes, and environments that’s meet or exceeds the expectations of the customer and helps produce superior value (UOPX ebook Ch.1 p.5). Elements in relation to quality are what assist in the structure of quality, what helps the supreme value to be sufficient with quality. Many people contributed to the various concept of total quality, however there were three main contributors, Joseph M. Juran, Philip B. Crosby, and William Edwards Deming. W. Edwards Deming is the best known out of the three. Mr. Demings work has become he most influential proponent of quality management. (UOPX ebook Ch.1 p.13). Deming is also known for the Deming Cycle, the 14 points for management, and his put together the production of the product and the consumer needs, but focus on the resources of all the departments, which conduct...
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...Total Quality Engineers Paper “Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value.” (Goetsch & Davis, 2010, p. 5) Quality is an important aspect within every business, and to achieve total quality, businesses must follow the key elements associated with it. This paper will define the key elements of the total quality approach and explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment. Furthermore, this paper will introduce one of the total quality pioneers, describe how the use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful, and discuss the future of quality. 11 key elements of total quality are crucial to the success of businesses today. They are as follows: strategically based, customer focus, obsession with quality, scientific approach, long-term commitment, teamwork, continual process improvement, bottom-up education and training, freedom through control, unity of purpose, and employee involvement and empowerment. All 11 of these total quality elements allow organizations to create a foundation for the business and constantly maintain improvements. Strategies are fundamental to the success of any organization doing business, whether big, or small. The strategies are created to help an organization reach their future goals, which can be found in the mission statement. Focusing on the customers that purchase a product...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Quality is something that everyone puts a premium on regardless what is being considered. Quality is considered from simple things as coffee pots to more extravagant items such as Rolex watch and complex micro chips that fuel modern day computers. Additionally, quality is placed on intangibles like service. Quality is important to both customers and business owners. If businesses do not provide quality services or products, then customers will not use that business or service. According to Smith (2012) “Most organizations have no idea of their total cost of poor quality. The cost of poor quality is defined as the costs that would disappear if systems, processes and products were perfect“ (p. 10). This paper shall define quality, describe how a quality pioneer used it to be successful, look at some elements of quality that are useful in today’s environment, and look at the future of quality. What is Quality Quality means different things to different people. Also, different people place various levels of worth on quality whether it be for a product or for a service. Therefore it may be difficult to accurately define quality. However, one thing is clear. One may not be able to define quality, but one knows it when he or she sees it. “Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch, & Davis, 2010, p. 5). Quality...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Vanessa Quality Management and Productivity/MGT 449 September 13, Total Quality Pioneers In this paper, quality and elements will be defined, a description on how the quality pioneer’s use of total quality elements made the pioneer successful, explanation on why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment, and the foresee future of quality. Quality can mean different things depending on the industry being discussed.” Quality can be defined as a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environment that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value”(Goetsch&Davis,2010). Elements important to an organization are vision, mission, objectives, customer focus, obsession with quality, commitment, continual improvement, education, and training. The elements assist organizations with creating a new foundation and maintaining a structure that may allow an organization to be successful if the elements are utilized and there is continual improvement. There are three well-known quality pioneers known for the use of total quality elements. The pioneers are W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, and Philip B. Crosby. The United States and international countries did not warmly welcome Deming and the United States dismissed Deming as the United States believed there was little competition with international countries and his opinion was not needed. After World War II, Japan had to make...
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...Quality Improvement Implementation Paper “Continual improvement is fundamental to success in the global marketplace” (Goetsch & Davis, 2010, p. 481). An improvement process cannot be implemented and left to run on its own. The process will continually to be monitored and improved upon. “A company that is just maintaining the status quo in such key areas as quality, new product development, adoption of new technologies, and process performance is like a runner who is standing still in a race” (Goetsch & Davis, 2010, p. 481). Hartman Industries, LLC has hired Team B to draft a proposal with recommendations to improve the company’s manufacturing process. Hartman Industries, LLC is an industry leader in the field of plastic injection molding, headquartered in San Jose, California. Hartman Industries creates innovative plastic designs that have earned international acclaim. Team B will identify a quality management system for process or organizational improvement as well as summarize the requirements of the choose system. Team B will explain how the chosen quality management system will benefit the organization as well as define the variation identified in the as is flowchart. Finally, Team B will detail the implementation plan for the chosen quality improvement process and provide examples of the quality tools that be used for indentifying and reducing process variability. Quality Management System for Improvement Team B will recommend that Hartman Industries...
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...Total Quality Pioneers University of Phoenix Daisy Keys September 5, 2011 Instructor: Professor Raul Enciso Japan’s net worth was negative in 1950, and natural resources were not significant. Also Japan’s consumer goods were cheap, and badly made. However, Japanese management was receptive to new ideas and realized quality was the way to improve their economy. Today Japan manufactures top quality products and is the envy of the world. However, their management approach of resources is unique from the American traditional approach. This paper will attempt to define quality and its elements as well as describe how quality pioneers’ use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful. Also attempts to explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment and discuss what is foreseen about the future of quality. According to Goetsch (2010) quality is a standard or level of something as measured against another thing of a similar kind, the degree of excellence of something, for instance, the quality of life. Also quality is an interpretation of superiority or the non-inferiority of something. Customers and consumers value quality in everything in life whether expected or perceived. However, the elements of quality are useful in the environment today because without quality many products may fail. Looking at what consumers or customers need or expect to fulfill their wants or needs, quality is necessary. Good quality is necessary to achieve...
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...Running Head: Total Quality Pioneers Paper Total Quality Pioneers Paper xxxx MGT/449 Quality Management and Productivity June 29, 2011 xxxx Total Quality Pioneers Paper In this paper Philip Crosby will be discussed as one of the pioneers of total quality. Quality and its elements will be defined and also total quality elements will be discussed as to why they helped the pioneer in his success. Finally it will be explained why the elements of quality are useful today’s business and what the future quality might look like? In today’s world the majority of consumers require that all of the products and services will have quality. Quality for a manager, consumer or laborer might have different standards or meanings that are why quality has several definitions. Quality is performance to the standard expected by the customer, meeting customer needs the first time and every time, doing the right thing right the first time (Goetsch2010). Quality is made up of elements which are the dynamic state element, products, service, people, processes, environmental elements, and superior value element. The Dynamic states that what is quality nowadays will change in the future as time goes on. While the superior value states that quality is a key element in providing superior value, superior quality, costs and services (Goetsch2010). In order to answer the question on the pioneer’s success total quality has to be defined. Total quality is the customer focus which can be internal or...
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...Running head: ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTHCARE PAPER ASSIGNMENT Access to Quality Healthcare Paper Rudolphe Lubin University of Phoenix Lori Lewellen MBAJOGZL57 April 27, 2009 Quality Healthcare Introduction It will be evident to realize that financial, educational, and socio – demographic implications can bring serious impact on access to quality healthcare in the organization. Labor shortage will stay an important component that can affect as well the access to quality care. Socio – demographic changes linked with chronic illnesses can have an effect on the aging population, which may reduce the quality of life, increase costs for healthcare and rise resource allocation. In point of fact, both labor shortage and socio – demographic changes are exactingly dominant in the admittance to quality care in the United States. Besides, the demand for registered nurses and changes in science is already exceeding supply in U.S. nation, including more implications associated with other ethical dilemmas. Healthcare Labor Shortage People have to realize that progresses in medical technology, increasing expenses and market forces provide to the financial decline of many rural healthcare organizations. In reality, small rural healthcare suppliers, particularly hospitals, cannot meet the costs of the equipment and practitioners needed to treat the range of modern syndrome and injury...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Jaime Martinez MGT/449 8/23/2011 Lawrence Holzer People often say that quality is in the eyes of the beholder, but consumers have the final say concerning the quality of an organization. "Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value" (Goetsch & Stanley, 2010, p. 5). W. Edwards Deming was a quality pioneer in the United States who developed the Deming Cycle, which linked the production of products with consumer needs. He also focused on the resources and departments (research, design, production, marketing) cooperation to meet those needs. This paper will define quality and its elements, explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment, and what the future will foresee about quality. Without good quality of a goods and services any organization is sure to fail. According to Bexcellence (2009), "[The meaning of quality differs depending upon circumstances and perceptions. For example, quality is a different concept when focusing on tangible products versus the perception of a quality service]" (What Is Quality, Para. 2). The Deming's cycle defines five key elements of quality which are plan, do, check, act, analyze. The first element is planning, which means an organization must do consumer research and use it to plan their product. The second element is do, which simply means to produce...
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...Total Quality Pioneer Paper Virginia Rackins MGT/449 Bill White October 3, 2011 Quality is something every customer wants in a product he or she is buying. As consumers, we value quality in everything we purchase and expect in life. Quality is something every human need to fulfill his or her wants and needs in life. In this paper, I will try to make the readers understand on how important quality is to our environment and will break down the different elements for quality. “Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes and environments that meet or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch and Davis, 2010). Quality simply means that a consumer needs are being met when a product has no defects or deficiencies in it and when the service, people, and the overall experience are handled with the best quality. What is considered as today’s standards may change as time passes. In order for a business to succeed in the business world the consumer has to continually get quality service provided by the employees and the management of the business. Total quality definition has two elements which include: what and the how of total quality. The how element of total quality has eleven components which include: strategically base, customer focus, making quality the #1 focus, scientific approach, hard work and dedication, teamwork, continual process improvement, education and training, freedom through control, unity...
Words: 770 - Pages: 4
...Total Quality Pioneers Paper By: Alton Lee May 17, 2011 MGT/449 Thomas Ach In this paper I will attempt to define quality, explain why the elements are useful in today’s society, explain what I think the future of quality is and show how the use of the elements made a quality pioneer successful. Quality is a factor that consumers eagerly refer to when describing a favorable or unfavorable good, service, or experience. As a consumer, it is hard to give a definition of what quality is, because quality differs depending on the individual. Quality can be summed up as when the consumer’s needs are met or surpassed when overall experiences. Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value. (Goetsch & Davis, 2010). Kaoru Ishikawa knew that the way people was thinking about work and wanted to that. He pushed for manager to refuse to accept being satisfied with just improving the quality of a product, but be adamant on taking that quality improvement one step further with continuous customer services. Ishikawa believed that a company’s overall quality control should have continued customer service. This means that when a customer purchase a product their service will extend beyond the store and they will still receive the good quality customer service even after receiving the product. Mr Kaoru Ishikawa believes that good customer...
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