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Pathological Gambling: A Qualitative Study

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The current article is a qualitative study in which the researchers specifically used narratives as a way to put together experiences of recovery from individuals dealing with gambling problems. The researchers of this article started by pointing out that for many years gambling was simply a leisure activity, in other words people just did it for entertainment. Today, that is not necessarily the case, gambling has become a major problem not only for those who gamble but also for their family and friends. Thousands of people around the world have been identified as having a gambling problem. “Pathological gambling” is a term use for those people who meet the criteria stated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorder (DMS). In the DSM, …show more content…
For the purpose of the study, researchers looked at narratives from individuals who have recovered or are in the process of recovering from this disorder focusing on their perception of the self and how that relates to their change in behavior. One thing the researchers of this article were really interested on was determining, how the way people saw themselves and how they thought other people saw them as, affected their behaviors. There were 50 participants recruited for this study that were going to be interviewed three times but only 38 completed all three interviews. Out of these 38 participants only 31 applied to be considered respondents for the purposes of this study. As part of the results, some of the things respondents talked about the most was this issue of ‘disordered identities’ basically individuals did not felt like hey were themselves while gambling instead they felt like they had a ‘gambling self’. Some other respondents identified this as duality, where they described there was an external force controlling them and their actions. The gambling self was often described by respondents in a very negative way, they felt disgust, shame, and embarrassment towards their

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