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Peat Bog Research Paper

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Peat bogs are marshy areas of land consisting of decomposing vegetation. They contain carbon dioxide and have multiple uses such as for fuel, for thermal energy, and finally by gardeners to improve soil to grow nutrients, because of the fact that they improves soil structure and increase acidity, which is needed in order to grow a large variety of crops. One of the most important advantages of preserving peat bogs is the fact that they contribute to climate change as they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As a result, it is imperative that they are preserved and prevented from doing this, as climate change has severe consequences for habitats and ecosystems. There are very few peat bogs left in the UK, at just around 60km they are rapidly declining and need to be saved with urgency in order to retain the benefits humans and the ecosystem gain from it, as well as prevent the consequences that come with the loss of it. …show more content…
The animals present here are butterflies, moths, dragonflies and damselflies. One of the reasons peat bogs are so rich in biodiversity is because of the fact that they are not closely managed by humans, in contrast to areas such as farms that are closely managed, but have a low level of biodiversity. Every plant and animal species present in the ecosystem is dependent on each other for survival, for example the variety of plants serves as the ideal food for insects, which in turn provide sustenance for larger animals such as birds. The species native to peat bogs are also specialised to live in extreme conditions such as a large amount of water and a low level of nutrients. The loss of peat bogs would result in a loss of these specialised

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