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Perception Towards Islamic Banking


Submitted By michelisaac90
Words 4135
Pages 17
1.0 Abstract
Islamic Finance is an abstract concept until the first half of the twentieth century. In Malaysia, it has been almost three decades when the first Islamic bank makes its debut. Islamic banks have to compete with its competitors which is a conventional banks which have longer history than Islamic banks. For this competition, Islamic Finance have to know the awareness, understanding and perceptions of Malaysians towards it. Islamic Finance not only available for Muslims, but it also available for non-Muslims as well. In Malaysia, 40% of the population is non-Muslims and hence non-Muslims market is equally important to Islamic Finance (Bashir & Mail, 2011; Latiff, 2007).
The purpose of this research is to examine the level of awareness, understanding and perceptions of Muslims in Malaysia of Islamic Banking products and services. In additional, this study also aims to investigate if any demographic influence it’s means the structure of population of the awareness, understanding and perceptions of Islamic Finance products and services among Muslims in Malaysia. A total of 50 respondents from different course and carrier in Unikl are selected for the purpose of this study. For the analysis, we used the primary data and Secondary data was adopted to analyse the results. The results show that more than half of the respondents are aware of the Islamic Finance in Malaysia but they do not aware of most of the products and services offered by Islamic banks. Muslims understanding level towards Islamic finance concepts are at average level but they do not understand most of the Arabic terms. The perceptions of Muslims towards Islamic Finance are varied among themselves. This study also provides theoretical and managerial implications for the Islamic bankers to attract Muslims customers and recommendations for future research in Islamic Banking or Finance.

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