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Personal Narrative: Going To A Catholic School

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Imagine having almost no religious background, besides the church you used to play pickup basketball games at, and then going to a catholic school. At my catholic school not only was I one of the few people who weren't catholic, but I was also only one of the few people of color. I started going to catholic school after 6th grade. The next two years of my life really shaped and put together most all of who I am today. In just two short years I became who I am.I decided a stance on how I feel about religion, figured out what i accel most at, and I even had my first relationship.
Going to catholic school was exactly like you'd expect. Religion class, sisters as teachers, and a walk to the church for Mass every friday. What you wouldn't expect though are the people. Not all of them are as preppy as you might think. The first day i had school i was really nervous for one class in particular. Religion. Going into religion I had some fears that i would be behind and get made fun of because I didn't know what the other kids knew. Fortunately, the class was just like any other history class. Read and study from the text book then take a test. Even though it was easy I didn't …show more content…
Turns out that the thing I hated most would actually become the thing that I loved most and excelled at. When I got to Catholic school I found that I was having almost no trouble at all in school with math. It just wasn't challenging. I would come home and tell my parents and eventually they decided to step in. They moved me up a grade level in math after I tested out of the class. Moving up a grade level in math was great for me because i finally felt like i was being challenged for once in my life. And when that acceleration carried over to the public school I transferred into it showed. Today math continues to be my favorite subject and I have taken all the courses my school

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