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Personal Narrative: The Gang Of One

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“The Gang of One” describes a young boy’s experience in China during the Cultural Revolution. Since birth, Fan Shen had been raised to be a revolutionary. To follow in his parents and grandparents footsteps. He was sent to a boarding school at the age of three, where revolutionary thoughts were instilled in him.
As a young and naive boy, Shen enjoyed his time as a “little revolutionary”, caught up in the thrill of it all. However, at some point in his life, personal ambition took over. This was very dangerous for a revolutionary, because revolutionaries were meant to be “selfless and free of personal ambition.” For years, he pretended to be a revolutionary, and stayed on the path he was set on, for his own safety and his family’s.
I too set …show more content…
As I walk the halls of my apartment, I see pictures of me as a toddler wearing a hard hat and surrounded by blocks. When I was two my parents asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I’m sure they were stretching it a bit, but apparently I said that I wanted to be a structural engineer. In pre-K the block area intrigued me. I would build my kingdom, and the next day build it up again.
My parents supported me in my passion of STEM. They bought me blocks and science kits since I had no interest in playing with dolls. They sent me to science camps, which I loved and continued to go to every year, and encouraged me to join clubs that involved making things. In 6th grade, I had a workspace built into my room, filled with tools and junk I had been hoarding in my room.
My family has been incredibly supportive and I have been able to choose my own path. There are times when I don’t feel as passionate as I used to, and that maybe this is not what I want to do. Times when I think that I might be putting pressure on myself to stick with something I that I decided for myself thirteen years ago. Maybe I’m scared that if I let this go I will not know what I want to do with my life. Maybe there is something inside me that says that, this is the path that I set out to take and I can’t turn back now. Maybe that same thing inside me would be ashamed to put aside something I have wanted and that my family has supported for so

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