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Pet Violence Research Paper

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How do your pets react to loud noises like thunder and fireworks? I've seen reactions from nonchalant to extreme terror. My friend's Golden Retriever likes to wrap himself around whatever human is available, shaking in fear. A neighbor's dog acquired super-canine powers and actually ate through the fence and ran into a busy street. Fortunately someone brought her home safe, but others have not been so lucky.

Dogs, cats and other animals react like this because they are extremely afraid and anxious, thinking that you can make the noise stop or that they can run away from it. Here are some tips to help noise-sensitive animals deal with the noises of summer:

Do not:

Above all - do not punish your pets for annoying or destructive behavior brought on by noise anxiety. When pets get their adrenaline …show more content…
When you know a storm is coming or the fireworks will fly, let your pets go where they feel safe. Your cat might want to hide under a bed or chair, and your dog might feel secure in his kennel. If a dog is not used to a kennel, then put him in an interior room or a basement with a dog bed or blanket and some familiar toys.
Distract pets from the noise. Turn on the radio or a fan to detract from the noise that scares them. Roll a ball on the floor to play catch (and not break anything...).
If you are at home with your pets, stay with them, as your presence may calm them. Relax to demonstrate that there is nothing to fear, and use a soothing voice to reassure them.
Use flower essence remedies formulated to calm anxiety and stress in your pets. Use them as a preventative on the days leading to July 4th (Independence Day in the U.S.) and times you know a storm is moving in. If your pet is already stressed, you can use the Bach Rescue Remedy flower essence formulation. Use about four drops in the water dish each time you fill

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