...Sejarah singkat ilmu sirep. Dalam Khasanah ilmu ilmu kuno, ilmu sirep memang menempati tempat tersendiri. Ada yang menganggapnya sebagai ilmu sesat, tetapi banyak pula yang menyangkalnya. Hanya saja, banyak cara yang bisa digunakan untuk memiliki sirep ini. Sebab ada yang menempuhnya dengan laku biasa. Tak jarang menempuhnya dengan laku khusus, dengan ritual khusus yang menyerempet bahaya. Hampir semua maling jaman dulu, memiliki ilmu sirep, sebab, ilmu ini memang mutlak dibutuhkan dalam setiap operasi mereka. Untuk maling saat ini juga masih ada yang memiliki, terutama yang beroperasi di kampung-kampung. Umumnya, untuk para maling itu ilmunya sesat. Sebab, dikalangan mereka, ilmu sesat itu lebih cocok dengan darah dan kepribadiaannya. Jadi kekuatannya tambah dahsyat. Salah satu jenis sirep maling tempo dulu yang cukup berbahaya adalah sirep tanah kuburan. Dinamakan sirep tanah kuburan karena piranti yang digunakan memang berasal dari tanah kuburan, Sahdan sirep jenis ini mampu menidurkan penghuni rumah mirip orang mati, jadi selama maling beroperasi, tidak dimungkinkan penghuni rumah terbangun dari sirep ini. Pada awal tahun 1990-an di Rengel Tuban pernah terjadi heboh dengan sirep ini. Begitu ia akan beroperasi maka lebih dulu ia matek ajiannya disekitar rumah korban lalu menaburkan tanah kuburan di atap rumah atau pekarangan, maka tanpa menunggu lebih lama seluruh penghuni rumah akan tertidur seperti orang mati. Dulu begitu ada salah seorang penghuni rumah yang...
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...BEGINNING KOREAN: A GRAMMAR GUIDE DAVID J. SILVA THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS AND TESOL DRAFT: AUGUST 2004 DO NOT CITE. Beginning Korean: A Grammar Guide Getting Started in Korean Note: This material is optional; ask your instructor / tutor if s/he would like to review these basic phrases during the first week of class. Listen carefully as your instructor teaches you the following greetings and classroom instructions. Don’t worry about grammar. Rather, listen to how each of these phrases sounds, and associate the sounds with what they mean and then learn how you should respond in each case. Basic Greetings 안녕 하세요? annyeong haseyo? Hello. / Greetings. (lit: Are you at peace?) - Yes. Hello / Greetings. Goodbye! Go well. (said to one leaving) Goodbye! Stay well. (said to one staying) - 네. 안녕하세요? ne. annyeonghaseyo? 안녕히 가세요. annyeonghi gaseyo. 안녕히 계세요. annyeonghi gyeseyo. Classroom Instructions 들으세요. deureuseyo. Listen(, please). Listen carefully(, please). Repeat (after me). Answer(, please). Speak up(, please). Speak louder(, please). 잘 들으세요. jal deureuseyo. 따라 하세요. ttara haseyo. 대답하세요. taedaphaseyo. 크게 말하세요. keuge malhaseyo. 더 크게 말하세요. deo keuge malhaseyo. ii Autumn 2004 D.J. Silva 일어나세요. ireonaseyo. Stand up(, please). Sit down(, please). Read(, please). Write (it down, please). Write it on the chalkboard(, please). Look at me(, please). Look at the chalkboard(,...
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...Título: Observação microscópica de microrganismos eucariontes Rute Lopes, nº 24 Cascais, 12 de janeiro de 2012 Índice * Título 1 * Data e Identificação. 2 * Índice. 3 * Introdução Teórica. 4 * Procedimento Experimental 8 * Discussão 10 * Conclusão 12 * Fontes 13 Introdução Teórica Este trabalho, proposto pela professora de Biologia e Geologia, Ana Rosa Amorim, tem como objetivo, observar organismos eucariontes ao microscópio ótico. O meu objeto de estudo foi os protistas, um grupo de organismos ao qual pertencem milhares de espécies que se distribuem por todo o planeta onde exista água doce ou salgada, desde as regiões polares às nascentes termais. Apesar da grande biodiversidade atualmente existente no planeta terra, os biólogos consideram que os seres vivos existentes podem ser englobados em dois grandes grupos: seres procariontes e eucariontes. Os seres procariontes são constituídos por células procarióticas e os seres eucariontes são constituídos por células eucarióticas. As células procarióticas são as mais simples, sem núcleo organizado e sem a maioria das estruturas celulares conhecidas; estão representadas pelas bactérias e cianobactérias. As células eucarióticas têm uma estrutura mais complexa, apresentando um núcleo organizado e organelos celulares; estão representadas em todos os restantes grupos de seres vivos. As células procarióticas têm dimensões muito reduzidas, já as células eucarióticas têm uma dimensão...
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...To purchase a paperback copy please visit: http://www.cafepress.com/hanmilounge Thinking of starting your own online business or writing career? Try My Favorites: Internet and Computer Tutorials Newbie Club *** LOW COST - HIGH QUALITY! Websites and Domain names Netfirms *** E-Book Creation Software E-book Gold *** Sell your books and more. CafePress Self Publishing House *** Personalized Merchandise You create it, they sell & ship it! Zazzle *** Many resources for writers The Writers Store *** Search hundreds of Literary Agents in seconds! FirstWriter English Korean Phonetic Dictionary ROMANIZED Travel Companion Edition A beginner’s guide to the Korean language By D.L. Bangerter Emergency Word List ambulance bleeding breathless (not breathing) choking doctor food poisoning headache heart heart failure help hospital injured medicine pain painful painkiller pharmacy poison sick unconscious urgent g(k)oo-guuhp-chah pee-nah-yoh soom-ah-moht-sae-oh soom-mahk-hee-dah uuhee-sah s(sh)eek-joong-d(t)ohk d(t)oo-tohng sheem-jahng sheem-jahng-mah-bee d(t)oh-ah-choo-sae-oh b(p)yuhng-wuhn d(t)ah-chee-dah yahk g(k)oh-tohng ah-puuhn j(ch)een-tohng-jeh yahk-gook d(t)ohk-yahk mah-nee-ah-puuh-yoh moo-uuhee-sheek g(k)een-guuhp-hahn 구급차 피나요 숨 못쉬어요 숨막히다 의사 식중독 두통 심장 심장마비 도와주세요 병원 다치다 약 고통 아품 진통제 약국 독약 많이아프다 무의식 긴급한 Public Places airport bank downtown hotel immigration office market (small store) money changer police station post office...
Words: 27439 - Pages: 110
...1. Which of the following is the characteristic of the living thing? A. have specific shape B. have regular shape C. have organized body D. none of the above 2. Which of the followings includes in homeostasis? a. To maintain the shaped of the body b. To maintain the balance of the body c. To maintain the temperature of the body d. To keep the animal away from the body 3. Your hearts starts beating before seven month of your birth. The study of your body at this stage comes within: (a) Morphology (b) Embryology (c) Anatomy (d) Histology 4. A doctor is studying the contraction and relaxation of a heart. He is studying: (a) Morphology (b) Embryology (c) Anatomy (d) Histology 5. Study of different parts of eye is called (a) Histology (b) Anatomy (c) Physiology (d) None of these 6. A biologist removes some bones of dinosaurs from a rock. He is studying: (a) Morphology (b) Paleontology (c) Ecology (d) None of these 7. Darwin sys, “man has formed from monkey”. He talked about (a) Fossil (b) Evolution (c) Taxonomy (d) None of these 8. Kangaroo lives in Australia but buffaloes lives in Pakistan. The study of this distribution of animals is called (a) Ecology (b) Environmental biology (c) Taxonomy (d) Zoogeography 9. The study of structure of molecule of starch is called: (a) Molecular biology (b) Biochemistry (c) Morphology (d) None 10. The study of Amoeba comes with in the branch of biology: (a) Taxonomy (b) Ecology (c) Microbiology (d) None 11. The study...
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...Linguistics Introduction the scientific study of language. The word was first used in the middle of the 19th century to emphasize the difference between a newer approach to the study of language that was then developing and the more traditional approach of philology. The differences were and are largely matters of attitude, emphasis, and purpose. The philologist is concerned primarily with the historical development of languages as it is manifest in written texts and in the context of the associated literature and culture. The linguist, though he may be interested in written texts and in the development of languages through time, tends to give priority to spoken languages and to the problems of analyzing them as they operate at a given point in time. The field of linguistics may be divided in terms of three dichotomies: synchronic versus diachronic, theoretical versus applied, microlinguistics versus macrolinguistics. A synchronic description of a language describes the language as it is at a given time; a diachronic description is concerned with the historical development of the language and the structural changes that have taken place in it. The goal of theoretical linguistics is the construction of a general theory of the structure of language or of a general theoretical framework for the description of languages; the aim of applied linguistics is the application of the findings and techniques of the scientific study of language to practical tasks, especially to the elaboration...
Words: 30965 - Pages: 124
...Muy bien, HISTORIA SOCIO-POLÍTICA DE MÉXICO El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes S. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Nació en Alcalá de Henares en 1547 y murió el 3 de mayo de 1616. Es el fundador de la novela moderna, integrando elementos renacentistas y barrocos. Razones para estudiar el Quijote: • Entender el origen de nuestro idioma; • Es la obra maestra de la literatura castellana; • Señala las características de la sociedad española de la época; y • Muestra la confrontación de tiempos alrededor de la voluntad de poder. CaPítulo XLII De los consejos que dio Don Quijote a Sancho Panza antes que fuese a gobernar la ínsula, con otras cosas bien consideradas EL duque le dice a Sancho que se aliste para tomar el gobierno de la isla. Sancho cambiaría el gobierno de la isla por un trozo del cielo, pues se ha dado cuenta de cuan pequeño es el hombre en la inmensidad del universo. El duque contesta a Sancho que no le corresponde a él darle el cielo, pues este es un beneficio del que sólo Dios dispone. Sancho acepta ser gobernador, pues esto puede ayudarle a ganar el cielo, además de que se le antoja saber que se siente ser gobernador. El duque asegura que Don Quijote llegará a ser imperator. Al día siguiente Sancho partirá al gobierno de la isla, pues se está alistando su ajuar para la ceremonia, el cual será medio de letrado y medio de soldado, pues así lo amerita su cargo. Sancho confiesa que no sabe leer...
Words: 47163 - Pages: 189
...ANALOGY EXERCISE A Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative. 1 . Moon : Satellite : : Earth :? (A) Sun (B) Planet (C)Solar System (D) Asteroid Ans: (B) Explanation: Moon is a satellite and Earth is a Planet . 2 . Forecast : Future : : Regret :? (A) Present (B) Atone (C)Past (D)Sins Ans: (C) Explanation: Forecast is for Future happenings and Regret is for past actions . 3. Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid : ? (A) Bacillus (B)Parasite (C)Protozoa (D) Bacteria Ans: (D) Explanation: First is the disease caused by the second . 4. Fear : Threat : : Anger : ? (A)Compulsion (B)Panic (C)Provocation (D)Force Ans: (C) Explanation: First arises from the second . 5. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ? (A)Ice (B)Condense (C)Solid (D)Crystal Ans: (C) Explanation: First is the process of formation of the second . 6. Clock : Time : : Thermometer : ? (A)Heat (B)Radiation (C)Energy (D)Temperature Ans: (D) Explanation: First is an instrument used to measure the second . 7. Muslim : Mosque : : Sikhs : ? (A)Golden Temple (B)Medina (C)Fire Temple (D)Gurudwara Ans: (D) Explanation: Second is the pace of worship for the first . 8. Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ? (A)Horse (B)Lion (C)Lamb (D)Elephant Ans: (A) Explanation: First...
Words: 44982 - Pages: 180
...THE STUDENT'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY ; fNdkoq ; CONTAINING English words with English and Hindi Meanings and Pronunciation in Deva Nagri Character with an Appendix containing Familiar Foreign Words and Phrases and Abbreviations in Common use. FIFTEENTH EDITION Thoroughly Revised,Improved,Enlarged and Illustrated PRICE 3 RUPESS ALLAHABAD RAM NARAIN LAL PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER 1936 ISCII text of dictionary taken from from TDIL's ftp: anu.tdil.gov.in pub dict site I N 1.m I Pron 1.m a Det 1.ek, abatement N abbey N 1.kmF, GVtF, GVAv, mdApn, b A, 2.yAg, smAE ag jF vZmAlA kA Tm a"r tTA -vr, 2.tk mphlA kESpt pzq vA -tAv , aback Adv 1.acAnk, ekAek, 2.pFC abandon VT 1.CoX nA, yAg nA, yAgnA, tjnA, d d 2.EbnA aAj^ nA nOkrF CoXnA, apn kodrAcAr aAEd mCoX nA, d , nA d d abandoned A 1.CoXA h,aA, Enjn-TAn, 2.EbgXA h,aA, iEdy lolp, lMpV, drAcArF, aAvArA , , abandonment N 1.pZ yAg, sMpZ aAmosg, EbSkl CoX nA d , abate VI 1.km honA, GVnA, DFmA honA abate VT 1.km krnA, GVAnA, DFmA krnA, m@ym krnA, rok nA, smA krnA d 1 1.IsAiyo kA mW, gz\ArA, kVF, mW, , , 2.mht aADFn sADao kF mXlF k , abbot N 1.mht, mWDArF, mWAEDkArF abbreviate VT 1.km krnA, s" krnA, CoVA krnA, p sAr EnkAlnA abbreviation N 1.s" , GVAv, sAr, lG,!p, skt, p 2.sE" pd yAf, fNd yA pd kA lG!p ^ , abdicate VTI 1.-vQCA s CoXnA, yAg krnA, tjnA, pd yAg krnA abdication N 1.pd yAg abdomen N 1.X, V, k"F, udr p p , abdominal A 1.udr sMbDF, V kA p abduct VI 1.BgA l jAnA, EnkAl l...
Words: 164153 - Pages: 657
...NEW EDITION HIGH SCHOOL English Grammar & Composition BY WREN & MARTIN (With New Appendices) REVISED BY N.D.V. PRASADA RAO S. CHAND Page i New Edition HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION By P.C. WREN, MA. (OXON) and H. MARTIN, M.A. (OXON), O.B.E. Revised By N.D.V. PRASADA RAO, M.A., D.T.E., Ph.D. Dear Students, Beware of fake/pirated editions. Many of our best selling titles have been unlawfully printed by unscrupulous persons. Your sincere effort in this direction may stop piracy and save intellectuals' rights. For the genuine book check the 3-D hologram which gives a rainbow effect. S. CHAND AN ISO 9001: 2000 COMPANY S. CHAND & COMPANY LTD. RAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI -110 055 Page iii PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION Wren and Martin's monumental work High School English Grammar and Composition now appears in two editions. One is a de luxe edition, illustrated in full-colour, and the other is an ordinary edition without illustrations. The material in the book has been further updated where called for. It has been felt necessary in particular to revise some material in the chapters dealing with adjectives, active and passive voice, articles and prepositions. Appendix I, which deals with American English, has been expanded. Appendix II has been replaced with a newer set of tests covering the important areas of grammar. It was in the year 1972 that the shrewd visionary Mr. Shyam Lai Gupta obtained the permission of Manecji Cooper Education Trust for the revision of this book...
Words: 211294 - Pages: 846