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Police Officer Research Paper

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They gather facts and collect evidence in order to protect the people from further harm. Their job results in physically demanding, stressful, and dangerous everyday tasks. In fact, police detectives are some of the smartest people out there. The job outlook is 5%, which is slower than average. A police detective requires a high school education, lots of training, and a good sense of judgment. For one thing, becoming a police detective takes lots of rigorous training and just like any other career, an education. The education requirements consist of a high school degree; usually a police department will prefer a college education and sometimes even require it. Something that is a great addition to the education requirements is the knowledge of a foreign …show more content…
The knowledge of a foreign language will expand the work, detectives do to a whole other level. In order to get a job at a police department there are requirements to be a United States citizen and usually an age requirement of at least 21 years or older. In addition, the requirements include having a driver's license and passing the physical qualifications in the application process. Some agencies test for vision, hearing, strength, and agility along with the other physical requirements. Something such as a felony conviction may have an applicant disqualified from the application process. Some of the training requirements include graduating from the agency's training academy, which is not only physically grueling, but also mentally. One part of the training academy are classroom instructions in constitutional laws, civil rights, state laws, local ordinances, and police ethics. The other part of the training includes the uses of firearms, self-defense, first aid, traffic control, and emergency response. Some

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