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Pros And Cons Of Border Wall

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Along with affecting the lives of animals directly, there is also a danger to waterways too. A border wall “Would disrupt the flow of what meagre water there is, upon which an ecosystem precariously depends” (Paumgarten). This is likely the effect of the redirections of water from rain storms; either, being cut off early from the final destination or altering flow to new areas (Kessler). Border walls also pool up water which may damage the wall as it acts as a dam. Or, lateral flow of water will makes its way to the eventual gaps, which in turn, will then cause flash flooding to a very specific area. Consequently, the flooding will cause massive damage to delicate ecosystems, breeding grounds, and land (McCombs).
Opposing viewpoints suggest that the cost of this is it not that terrible, and may be fixable. Many say that $25 billion dollars is equatable to a rounding area considering the size of the federal budget, which is $4 trillion (Samuelson). Adjustments to tariffs on Mexican imports could lower the U.S. trade deficit with them, effectively paying for the wall. If net imports with Mexico were taxed at a rate of 20%, it could generate $12.6 billion billion in …show more content…
In total, Mr. Kobach has charged 20 people with crimes relating to voting (Lowry). With most of these people being U.S. citizens, but illegally voted in more than one district. There is not substiantially much to show for the commission's roughly 6 month tenure. Despite believing that there was widespread illegal voting in the 2016 election, Kobach did not find much. When the commission ended in early January, there was no evidence of mass illegal voting. The committee ended abruptly, without any further course of action, than to send this reins of the issue to Homeland Security (Lowry and Woodwall). Additionally, experts in election law say that non citizens successfully voting in U.S. elections rarely ever occurs

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