...females, were the key drivers of the company’s growth. Recent research has shown that many young parents especially mothers are currently undergoing through stressful lives as a result of changes in families’ dynamics and structures (Hadden & Borgatta, 2010). Background of the study The 20th century witnessed very remarkable adjustments in the families’ dynamics and structures in America and Western Europe. There are many smaller households in terms of family size which is a further change from the extended families to nuclear families. However, these changes have been accompanied by decrease in nuptiality and increase in divorce (Young, 2008). New forms of unions such as living-apart-together, unmarried cohabitation, changing gender and...
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...Brandon School & Society 8 December 2014 Race And Gender Discrimination The issue of discrimination has been the cause of raging debates for a long time in the history of the United States. Such discrimination may be based on race, gender color, ethnicity, or any other basis that distinguishes people and tends to favor specific groups over others. During the history of America, the American people have observed discrimination on many fronts and especially so against black people and the minority. The concepts of race, gender, and class have had a tremendous effect on children’s experiences through the American education system. Different children and people have different life experiences as well as different backgrounds. As such, one cannot wish away these elements of race gender and class in an education system that has real people from real societies. As such, a society can only hope to find ways of reducing the distinctions and the discrimination associated with those elements in the schools. The discussion in this paper will analyze the modern forms of racial and sexual discrimination, which affects access and treatment of students in schools. It will propose an argument for ways of creating racial and gender equality in schools in the United States. Equality of education in American schools refers to the provision of similar opportunities, expectations, and support in education for people from both gender as well as for people from different backgrounds...
Words: 1518 - Pages: 7
...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0268-3946.htm JMP 21,5 RESEARCH NOTE Income, the love of money, pay comparison, and pay satisfaction 476 Received June 2005 Revised February 2006 Accepted February 2006 Race and gender as moderators Thomas Li-Ping Tang Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA Theresa Li-Na Tang Affinion Group, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA, and Beeta Yazmeen Homaifar Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, Denver, Colorado, USA Abstract Purpose – This study aims to test a model of pay satisfaction and argue that the income-pay satisfaction relationship depends on one’s love of money and how one compares. Design/methodology/approach – The paper investigates: a direct path (income ! total pay satisfaction); an indirect path (income ! the love of money ! pay equity comparison ! total pay satisfaction) using a structural equation model (SEM) based on 210 full-time employees; and the model across race and gender in multi-group analyses. Findings – The paper finds that for the whole sample, there was one significant path (pay equity comparison ! total pay satisfaction). Since African-Americans ($32,073.15) and women ($32,400.58) tended to have lower income than Caucasians ($37,180.73) and men ($38,287.97), respectively, income significantly increased the importance of the love of money for African-Americans and females, but not for Caucasians...
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...Birgit Rommelspacher Gender, race, class Ausgrenzung und Emanzipation Kein Thema ist derzeit so aktuell wie die Gleichstellung der Frau. Die ganze Gesellschaft debattiert darüber – sobald es um Muslimas geht. Es scheint, als hätten breite Schichten der Bevölkerung unversehens ihr Engagement für die Emanzipation der Frau entdeckt. An dieser Frage droht sogar die multikulturelle Gesellschaft in Deutschland beziehungsweise die Erweiterung Europas zu scheitern. So einigten sich etwa kürzlich die TeilnehmerInnen einer Fernsehdiskussion im Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg unter der Leitung des „ZEIT“-Herausgebers Michael Naumann darauf, dass es bei dem Beitritt der Türkei zu Europa „im Kern um die Frauenfrage gehe“. Warum ist das Interesse an der Gleichstellung der Frauen plötzlich so groß? Wird es so sehr von der Sorge um die Unterdrückung der Frauen getragen oder spielen dabei auch noch andere Motive eine Rolle? Dieser Verdacht liegt nahe, wenn man sich daran erinnert, dass frau zu Zeiten des feministischen Kampfes von einer solchen, breiten und vollmundigen Unterstützung nur träumen konnte. Zudem ist zu fragen, wenn dieser Diskurs auch anderen Interessen dient, wie er dann auf das Anliegen der verschiedenen Frauen zurückwirkt beziehungsweise das Verständnis von Emanzipation und deren Bedeutung in dieser Gesellschaft verändert. ihre Aufstiegschancen deutlich geringer als die ihrer deutschen Kolleginnen (vgl. MÜNZ /SEIFERT/ULRICH 1997). Die Zurücksetzung von Migrantinnen hängt also...
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...Questions and Answers If You Are in Favor of Genetics in the Courtroom… Question 1: Why do you think that evidence of a defendant's genetic makeup should be allowed in a courtroom? Do you think that a person with genes that make him or her aggressive and unable to control his or her impulses is "less guilty" than someone who commits the same crime but has a normal set of genes? Yes but only if the behavioral genetic mutation has been peer reviewed by other medical scientists and there has been several cases of the mutation present. On the other hand, using behavioral genetic mutation as an excuse to decrease the severity of the punishment, could lead to more tax dollars put into someone that does society no justice, or purpose. I do not see the point on wasting money on someone that will just sit in jail and require extra attention. Extra attention means more staffing and with more staffing, leads to an increase in cost per inmate. Housing inmates has no return on this investment. This particular gene that creates the enzyme called monoamine oxidase- A would need to be measure in the “normal” human and the “mutated” human to compare the level of potency of the enzyme. If this person was a frequent drug user that caused the low level on MOAO, then the argument should not be valid, since they made the conscience choice to alter their body make up; however, if one was born with the lack of MOAO, I believe it would be okay. Genetics should not be allowed in the courtroom...
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...Shakespeare’s Othello is a complex play full of deceit and dicey issues of race and gender where controversial marriage is destroyed by one man’s malicious revenge. The degree to which this work, written in the seventeenth century, can be read as a progressive play is a highly debatable and complex question. While it is undeniable that Othello offers a plethora of large scale progressive points, upon assessment of its details and more nuanced points, it is clear that this play is largely, even predominantly regressive with regards to it's presentation of race and gender. To begin, while this play may seem progressive in its navigation of gender, the reality is that beneath the surface level of occasional empowerment and equality, there is a strong undercurrent of sexism and problematic gender relations that go undisputed. The first issue regarding...
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...Schiebinger’s Theories of Gender and Race explores the complex interplay between society and science, namely, the interaction between enlightenment era science and political values and 18th century bigotry. In the 1700s, the dominant political force (European men) found themselves up against a society of changing social attitudes that threatened to usurp their power and superiority. “If social inequalities were to be justified within the framework of Enlightenment thought,” Schiebinger writes, “scientific evidence would have to show that human nature is not uniform, but differs according to age, race and sex.” (pg. 144) Thus, she explains, a concerted effort began to differentiate the anatomy of women versus men, caucasians versus “coloreds,” laying a racist and sexist foundation in...
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...imprisonment. Seeing how imprisonment is important especially in a Criminal Analysis class it wasn’t a shock to me. Under the imprisonment theme sprung up a couple more themes that will be discussed which is inequality and racism. In the reading Race, Gender, and Punishment from Colonialism to the War on Terror there was a whole chapter dedicated to what we learned in Lecture Seven. During Lecture Seven we spoke about different theories of punishment such as retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation. Retribution is the form of punishment which is, according to the lecture, to punish for “justice.” The goal of this punishment was to regain justice by matching the harm...
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...category of people” (Heldke & O’Connor 2004:530). “Class refers to endure and systematic differences in access to and control over production of goods and services, as well as the resources for provisioning and survival” (Acker 2006: 442). “Gender, refers to the socially constructed differences between male and female and the beliefs and identities that support difference and inequality, is also present in all organizations” (Acker 2006:444). “Race, refers to socially defined differences based on physical characteristics, culture, and historical domination and oppression, justified by entrenched beliefs” (Weber 2001 :10).This paper will analyze and discuss the issue of oppressions in relation to class, gender, and race using W.E.B. Du Bois’ thoughts on race, gender, and class. Also, the intersectional theory according to Patricia Hill Collins will be used for analyzing and discussion in regards race, gender and class. The work of W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963) has recently become recognized for its significant contributions to sociological theory (Zuckerman 2004:3). Although Du Bois himself was overwhelmingly concerned with the scientific perspective of "value free" sociological research, later social theorists have found his views on race to offer one of...
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...FTVS 598: TAKE HOME FINAL ESSAY. By Vivek Nipani 1. In Ridley Scott’s Alien (1979) what qualities does Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) project or possess that make her seem so tough? How or where does her femininity figure in her toughness? According to Sherrie A. Inness in “Lady Killers, Tough Enough?” what are two ways that Hollywood cinema undermines and punishes tough or powerful women? How is this twice demonstrated in Elizabeth (Shekhar Kapur,1998)? And how does Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett) re-assess her gender to secure lasting power? Finally, in what way can she be considered according to Inness’s formulation, “pseudo-tough?” It is interesting to note that women in Hollywood are not considered tough even when they play characters that can break and haunt a male protagonist in the film. Sherrie A. Inness in her chapter, “Women warriors and wonder women in popular culture,” mentions that, all women in Hollywood are not as tough as they seem. They repeatedly show the tough and masculine killer nature is nothing but all women or feminine underneath. They are made and designed to be desirable by men, even if they are found in the middle of an intense battle, they show no signs of breaking a sweat, with their beautiful hair flowing in high speed shots and are lithe stylistically to make them look like an Amazon warrior with a ton of sexuality. I found this analogy true and very interesting as we were shown the clip from the Ridley Scot film, Alien...
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...or try out a relationship by going out together to various places and doing different things together depending upon interests and preferences. The time spent together determines whether the pair will continue to see each other and further establish their relationship or end things and date someone else with whom they might feel a stronger connection. This research intends to question the differences in the practices of dating between gender, race and socioeconomic status and why these differences persist. Is it just the societal norms that further reinforce these practices or is it because of other factors, which tie in to gender roles, cultural values, or social class status. Throughout the research there were similar ideas of social norms that are accepted when one is dating. The most common ones appeared to be gift giving, meeting each other’s family, dressing up and going out, and labeling the relationship when asked. These are all considered important moments that signify to society that two people are in a relationship. As far as genders go the results when looking into dating habits seemed...
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...consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice (American Heritage Highschool Dictionary(Third Edition) 397). It could also mean being bias towards different groups and minorities. Discrimination is a form of bullying and people often think about it as being a black and white issue. There is a lot of discrimination against immigrants, which sometimes make it difficult to find a job or accommodations to support their financial needs. Discrimination has caused some people to kill others or themselves. Ways of discrimination can be given indirectly and directly. The negativity of discrimination has led to numerous problems. Types of discrimination causing controversy worldwide today are racial, gender, disability, and homosexuality....
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...When I look at America today, I see a country divided by race, gender, wealth, political views, or someone's sexual orientation. This is not how it has to be though. Our country is an incredible place, founded upon the idea of all men being equal, no man better than another. Although today, that is not the case. We are divided by such things, things that seem immense, but in reality, are just minor differences. This country is divided by groups, some that are just now emerging, but are not accepted, and others have been around for centuries, and are still not considered as equals. When you look at everyone in each group, they are people, human beings, like you, like me, and they should not be treated as anything less than that. When I think...
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...Gender, Class, and Race Stereotypes in American Television A Content Analysis Gender, class, and race stereotypes abound in contemporary society, much like they have done throughout human history. With the advent of television, however, stereotypical assumptions have become so pervasive, and so diffused, that some call for a serious and purposeful scrutiny of television's contents. On the following pages, various content analyses of television programs will be addressed, followed by discussions on the greater implications race, class, and gender stereotypes have on society. The research method most often used in studying media images is called content analysis. Content analysis is a descriptive method in which researchers analyze the actual content of documents and/or programs. By systematically counting items pertaining to a specific category, researchers are able to conceptualize a larger theoretical framework based on their observations of media content (Wiseman 1970). Content analyses of television programming show, that during prime time hours, men make up the vast majority of characters shown. Furthermore, women characters found during that same time frame are mainly in comedies, while men predominate in dramas. Thus, the implications are that men are to be taken serious, while women should not. (Tuchman 1978). Similarly, content analyses on soap operas reveal highly stereotypical representations of the genders. In soap operas, strong, willful women are predominantly...
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...Influence of gender, race and socioeconomic differences on depression Introduction According to Link and Phelan (1995), socioeconomic resources are a major determinant of differences in wellbeing of people. This paper draws heavily on the work of Roxburgh (2009) to extend on the fundamental cause perspective by expanding of the definition of resources, examining how race and gender influence the differences in relations between resources and mental health and modeling the relation between social status, gender and race while taking into account any differences in effect of resources across race and gender. While Roxburgh (2009) used a 2003 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) dataset, this study used the 2011 NHIS dataset. According to fundamental cause perspective, socioeconomic resources (education, income and wealth) enables one to access resources which leads to better health outcomes through its influences on attitudes and behavior. According to role theory, the relation between role occupancy and health stems from access to resources, for example, social support which is derived from occupying socially value roles (Simon, 1995). For example, the primary social roles of marriage and employment confer one psychosocial support, social support and economic resources which lead to differences in welfare of individuals. For the case of employment, economic benefit in terms of income and co-worker social support plus the structured working routines encourage healthy...
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