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Rape In America Essay

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Since I am able to formally declare that woman are vulnerable beings couple of anonymous proves that, around the world at least one woman in three has been violated and raped by a trusted person or a stranger or strangers which are males or man. This is not an issue that affect a household, society, province or a country is a world problem. Has the society forgotten the importance of a woman? Day in and day out we face a woman who has been raped, it kills an individual inside out and her trust for man these may also lead to them being depressed and some killing themselves so rape takes every right of the woman
Rape does not only kill a person, it says to a woman you do not have strength enough. You are not important that you do not deserve to be treated with respect, love and compassion. As a women in the sick society of men who are self-lovers, no emotions it seems the equality that South Africa passed in (1996) is not practiced by men …show more content…
It will take a man who honour and respect himself enough not to hurt the other good creation of God, be the as a protector not a predator who practice good morals and be a good citizen all that can start being practiced in a home after all charity begins at home.
The essay aims to give definition of rape using other authors, and look at how it affects an individual, family, society, health and the world as a whole. Come up with possible ways to reduce or even end the one in three woman being raped in the world and give guidelines that will lead us to a rape free world

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