...THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Introduction In the recent past, the global business environment has become turbulent characterized by a number of rapid changes. Senior and Swailes (2010) posit that “there is a relationship between the level of environmental turbulence and forces for change”. This has placed hyper-competitive demands for organizational change where organizational leaders are faced with the experience and challenge of whether they have an option when it comes to change (Boston 2000). However; despite the importance for organizational change, Durant (1999) notes that 60% - 70% of all organizational change projects fail with tremendous cost implications to the organizations in resources, time, money, etc. This has given rise to growing concerns at this time when change has become a norm in the life of organizations as a strategy for competitiveness and sustainability in response to the business environment (Connor et al 2003). Durant (1999) posits that one of main reasons for failed organizational change projects is linked to the role of leaders in organizational change. It is no doubt that organizational change involves complex and challenging change processes; thus, the imperative role of leadership been noted as key in addressing the complex and challenging issues of organizational change (Kennedy 2000). Senior & Fleming (2006) in discussing the role of leadership in organizational change posits organizational leader...
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...appreciation of the nature of research and the goals of academic reading, information searching and communication. 2 A critical appreciation of the clarity, scientific approach and structure of academic writing. This item will allow you to get feedback on skills that you need to help with the Research Plan in Portfolio item 2. TASK You are required to do a comparative literature review of the following topics (you may need to customise the title to include the domain) Choose one of the following topics on which to do a comparative literature review (word limit 2000 words): * The impact of personality traits of the project leaders in project success * Managing change management * Communication skills and project success * Network security and social networking * The role of effective IT management strategies in organisations * Assessing risks in home and public access wireless networks * Ethics in the design of business applications You may find the Q5 technique useful to map out the structure of each paper before you do the review. The task You will select a topic then find two or more academic papers that address the topic. You are required to write a comparative review of the topic from the perspective of these papers. This may require you to examine several schools of thought, issues, or the positions taken by different sets of authors. You may create a hierarchy of issues and sub-issues to compare and contrast, as suggested by the following...
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...Organizational change can make an organization capable to better respond the future trends, technological changes, social and economical changes, and can also provide a competitor edge in this age of high competitions. Change can also improve the performance of an organization which at the later end may lead organizations towards a long term success and sustainability. While talking about organizations the leadership and its role are the most concerning issue in managing organizations and organizational change. It is accepted by scholars that organizational leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization. It can help the member of an organization and working teams to face the challenges and to work for organizational goal in a worthy way. The role of a leader is also very prominent while addressing the change issue for organizations. The process of organizational change is very demanding and challenging. The strategic leadership is eagerly needed for organizations, which is well capable to predict the essential alterations and changes, in advance and create required commitment and highly suitable atmosphere for worker and teams to understand and adopt these changes successfully. The leader is a person, anyways, who can have different competencies, capabilities and characteristics. Different scholars present different theories and discuss the characteristics of leadership. They also point out some capabilities of a leader which can make him more...
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...Academy of Management Journal 2009, Vol. 52, No. 3, 527–544. CHANGE IN NEWCOMERS’ SUPERVISOR SUPPORT AND SOCIALIZATION OUTCOMES AFTER ORGANIZATIONAL ENTRY MARKKU JOKISAARI Finnish Institute of Occupational Health JARI-ERIK NURMI University of Jyväskylä Using a four-wave longitudinal research design and a latent growth modeling approach, we modeled change in newcomers’ perceived supervisor support and socialization outcomes (role clarity, work mastery, job satisfaction, and salary). Further, the role of perceived supervisor support in socialization outcomes was examined. The results showed that, on average, newcomers’ perceived supervisor support declined during the period 6–21 months after organizational entry. The results showed further that the steeper the decline in perceived supervisor support, the greater the rate of decrease in role clarity and job satisfaction, and the slower the increase in salary over time. Organizational socialization is an important process for both newcomers and organizations. How newcomers “learn the ropes” and assimilate to an organization during this socialization process presumably has long-lasting effects on their job attitudes and behavior (e.g., Schein, 1978; Wanous, 1992). A pivotal assumption in the organizational socialization literature is that interaction between newcomers and organizational insiders, such as supervisors, plays an important role in newcomers’ socialization and related adjustment to work (e.g., Graen, 1976; Louis...
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...GROUP 1 THEORIES AND APPROACHES OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Classical Organizational Theory Four Principles: 1. Organization exists for economic reasons and to achieve productivity goal. 2. Scientific analysis will devise and orchestrate methods for production. 3. Specialization and strategic deployment of labor will maximize production. 4. Both employees and the organization act in accordance with rational economic principles. Bureaucracy Fundamentally the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge Division of Labor - each position has its own set of responsibilities Traditional Organizational Hierarchy - represents a top down organizational structure. Delegation of authority - work is distributed to a defined responsible participant. Span of Control- neutralizes workforce delegation in equal basis. Humanistic Organization Theory The theory of organizational humanism emphasizes the use of intrinsic motivation to grow personnel qualifications, thereby increasing the economic efficiency of an organization. This theory stresses the need to formulate management goals, which incorporate humanistic values. Open System Theory This theory drives a constant feedback cycle of lessons learned to drive continuous improvement efforts. - Open system is also known as constant volume system and flow system - A system which continuously interacts with its environment or surroundings. The interaction can take the form of information, energy, or material transfers...
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...Discuss the role of leaders and leadership in serving as effective change agents. Abstract Change has an important place in the study of organizational life. Whether a corporate giant or a small start-up, every organization today faces the challenge to change and adapt, either as a response to the external environment or simply a deliberate internal procedure to re-look at business operations to maintain its viability. Generally, people are usually inclined to defend the status-quo and resist change for a multitude of reasons ranging from a straightforward intellectual disagreement to deep-seated psychological factors. The degree of skepticism and resistance to change from employees make implementation difficult and their counter-productive behaviors tend to jeopardise the success of the change process and thus the intended objectives. Successfully reducing resistance and motivating employees through the transition is vital in organizational change efforts. Salient factors from literature reviews in enabling organizational change are presented and the need of leadership and role of leaders as effective change agents is discussed in this essay. Successful organisational change is about the interplay of all organizational elements such as human resources, systems and technologies. Good leaders and leadership skills have been identified as pivotal to garnering support of people in championing change initiatives that steer organisations...
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...AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY KEMISHA N WARE A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP AT THE LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY PADM520 JUNE 2014 Introduction An organization’s culture forms over years of interaction between the persons involved in that organization. Those in the leadership positions set the tone and standards that will be followed by others involved. But what happens when that leadership fails to lead? How does an organization tackle the issues of poor communication, no defined or set policies, an inadequate administrative system and lack of leadership? This is the problem that Local Education Authority (LEA) was faced with when its new leader, Ales Rakovich, took over the organization as the LEA head when the organization had a negative culture already in place. Rakovich failed to make changes within the organization, which resulted in multiple mistakes. Mistakes made included failing to communicate with one another and failure of the secretary to handle correspondence and effectively perform her job functions. Rakovich reported to the head of the Regional Education Authority (REA). More than once, the REA expressed their dissatisfaction with the job performance and working habits of the LEA staff. As the head of the LEA, Rakovich was responsible for organizing and monitoring the organizations work. But after failing to effectively lead the organization, not only was the LEA’s reputation damaged but so...
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...The Role of Leaders in Creating a Learning Organization Introduction The concept of learning organization is undeniably an emerging one necessitated by the ever changing environment in which organizations operate. This dynamism requires an organization with structural designs which are flexible enough to allow for an organization to draw lessons from experiences especially its own and actually apply these lessons. This particular paper describes the role of leadership in creating a learning organization. Role of Leadership in Organizational Learning Therefore, it is imperative that the organization’s culture and ultimately, its leadership style are accommodative enough to encourage and allow for a change in the mindset and behaviors of the employees and the organization by extension. Learning within an organization is a complex undertaking that involves various processes which go on indefinitely and requires ‘motion’ from all levels of management of the organization. Information must be created and shared amongst all employees within the organization their rank and seniority notwithstanding. Moreover, it has serious financial implications to the organization but this alleviated by the numerous benefits of learning within the organization. The organization will not only become competitive in the labor market but also in the product market because its labor force is highly productive, innovative and creative as a result of sharing information. Both motion of ideas and information...
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...UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS IN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Table of Contents 1. Abstract 3 2. Introduction 3 3 Relating Emotions and Identity and Change 4 3.1 Emotions and Identity connection 4 3.2 Continuous Change Challenges Identities 5 3.3 Identity Work and Emotion in Change 6 3.4 Organizational change and Emotions 7 4. Counter Productive Emotion Management 8 4.1 Display Rules 8 4.2 Change Roles and Obligations 9 4.3 Interpersonal Influence 9 5. Guidelines for managing emotions during change 9 6. Discussion 10 7. Conclusion 11 8. References 12 Abstract Change is endemic. It is rapid, and often has significant implications. Change has become the norm rather than the exception, leading organizations through fundamental change processes still poses a major challenge to management. Emotional reactions are often viewed as one of the obstacles to successful change. In this paper I re-conceptualize the emotional experience of change through an identity lens, guided by the question of how and why organizational changes tend to be experienced emotionally. Firstly, I argue that continuous organizational changes are experienced emotionally. Secondly, I view identity as constructed from experiences relating a person to his/her world. I argue that organizational change alters such relationships which form our identity. And third I assume that as outcome of such disruptive changes, individuals engage...
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...Strategic Leadership In An Organizational Change Process Management Essay 10/12/15 13:51 Strategic Leadership In An Organizational Change Process Management Essay The following essay will critically discuss the role of strategic leadership in an organizational change process using relevant theories and example. The objective of this paper is to come up with a solution of the many challenges that occur in the process of organizational change through implementing proper leadership. Organizational change refers to a situation whereby an organization adopts a new strategy in the way it carries out its activities and management for better or removes a major section or an operational department (McNamara, 2011). Strategic leadership on the other hand refers to the implementation of strategies in the management of workers in any organization. Organizations always go through change, at times gradual and other times drastic throughout their normal life cycle whereby organizational leaders may create change driving forces within the organization. For example, radical changes may take place in an organization leading to structural transformation through which organizations attempt to revitalize business orientations through changing the reporting structure. Other changes, for instance, merger and acquisition, transforming the top management of an organization, reorganization and restructuring of the company may affect the organization culture and processes. Most of these...
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...Influencing Corporate Culture Change Keywords Corporate culture, organizational culture, culture change, factors of organizational culture change Introduction The main reason in reviewing this article, Factors of Organizational Culture Change, by Kulvinskienė and Šeimienė is to understand how the authors have clearly explored the factors that play the biggest role in influencing change in corporate culture. Without understanding the reasons behind successful or unsuccessful corporate culture change, the management of an organization cannot properly understand the role played by the culture in creating and sustaining acceptable performance Abstract In overall, the article argues that corporate culture is an important factor towards any strategy implementation in an organization. The need to have a comprehensive organizational culture is, therefore, imperative to all companies. In support of this argument, the article primarily provides factors that have large impact on cultural change in organizations. Based on research on a furniture manufacturing company, Kulvinskienė and Šeimienė (2009) identify the main contributing factors to be incorporation of new technology and inclusion of outside persons in an organization. Reflections From a personal perspective, the article makes plausible arguments on the factors that drive cultural change in companies; hence, I agree with the article’s findings. Firstly, based on the furniture manufacturer, change in corporate culture depends...
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...and Education 2013 New HR organizational structures in Czech and Slovak organizations Marek Striteskya* a University of Econonics, Prague, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67 Prague, Czech Republic Abstract The paper deals with Human Resource Organizational Structures in Czech and Slovak organizations, reflecting new trends which are related to HR Business Partner model. HR organizational structure is the framework within a human resources department that divides the decision making functions within HR into specific groups with distinct job functions. HR Business Partner model reflects modern expectations arising from new roles of human resources managers in organizations which include its strategic consequences, change support and also its abilities of HR systems development and improvement of employee engagement. The paper in its first part describes basic principles of new roles of human resource departments in organizations based on HRBP concept and also new competencies required. In the second part the paper presents situation in these aspects in organizations from different sectors of the Czech and Slovak economy (especially secondary and tertiary sector), benefits of the HR department transformation and some conclusions drawn from the analysis of data obtained from qualitative and quantitative survey. It also compares specific situations and documents specific applications of these new trends with more or less developed HR organizational structures. The contribution of...
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...the announcements of change. Giangreco and Peccei (2005) and Oreg (2006) reported that individuals’ concerns and perceptions of both the personal and organizational implications and outcomes of the change guide their reactions to the change. Chreim (2006) found that individuals’ reactions were also influenced by whether or not they believe they had the skills and competencies to be effective in their new roles. Potential threats and benefits of change. In the Giangreco and Peccei (2005) study of an Italian electric company, the researchers surveyed 359 mid-levelmanagers to examine the influence of individuals’ perceptions of the benefits of change on attitudes towards change, and ultimately on their level of resistance to change. They reported that individuals’ perceptions of the actual content and the outcomes of a change initiative and the extent they will personally gain or lose as a result of the change are strong predictorsStudies included in this section examined individuals’ reactions to the announcements of change. Giangreco and Peccei (2005) and Oreg (2006) reported that individuals’ concerns and perceptions of both the personal and organizational implications and outcomes of the change guide their reactions to the change. Chreim (2006) found that individuals’ reactions were also influenced by whether or not they believe they had the skills and competencies to be effective in their new roles. Potential threats and benefits of change. In the Giangreco and...
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...Organizational Behaviour (BAM – 317) Assignment Topic: * Group Dynamics with example. * Current trends in the field of organizational behaviour. Submitted to - Mr P. S. Lakhawat Submission date -: 18th March’2015 Submitted by -: Himanshu Sharan P.Id -: 12BTCSE052 Stream -: B.Tech CSE 6th Sem. * Group Dynamics with example Kurt Lewin a social psychologist and change management expert, is credited with coining the term "group dynamics" in the early 1940s. He noted that people often take on distinct roles and behaviours when they work in a group. "Group dynamics" describes the effects of these roles and behaviours on other group members, and on the group as a whole. The phrase "Group Dynamics" contains two words -: I. Group- a social unit of two or more individuals who have in common a set of beliefs and values, follow the same norms and work for an establishable common aim. The members of the group share a set of common purpose, tasks or goals. II. Dynamics- the flow of, coherent activities which as envisaged, will lead the group towards the establishment of its set goals. Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioural patterns of a group. Group dynamics concern how groups...
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...Running Header: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTING Organizational Development and Consulting [Name of Writer] [Name of Organization] [Date] Organizational Development and Consulting Introduction With the rapid development of science and technology and the growth of research and development activities, the external environment of the organization has been remodeling. In order to help the organization to better adapt to this change, organizational development through the organization of the diagnosis, the action and the outcome of such a diagnosis - improved cycle, deep-seated, long-term organizational change. Organizational development is not only caused by the change of knowledge and information, the more important is the psychological change of attitudes, values, skills, interpersonal skills, and culture, it is considered to be an effective tool to improve employee enthusiasm and conscientiousness , is also a way to enhance organizational efficiency. Organizational development is a process of learning and problem-solving ideas and is built on the basis of full diagnosis, focused learning, proven. Companies in the management of psychological aspects of intellectual Ding accumulated a lot of experience, through a combination of diagnosis, development tools, can help employees establish compliance with the organization needs a code of conduct, in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Organizational development delves into...
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