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Rosie The Riveter: Gender Stereotypes

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Before World War II, no one knew women could do what men could do. When Rosie The Riveter became a popular, that’s when men started to get frustrated with the fact that women were finally stepping up to what they can do and becoming independent. Till this day it is still believed that men are angered, maybe even more now, by the reality that women are coming up in this world socially, economically, and sexually. But why are men so angered by this? Men have their minds set on these gender stereotypes, their beliefs are that men should be supporting the family and women should be caring for the family. It can be said that not all men are like this but there is that percentage of men who think like that. So when men hear that women are starting to get into a higher power they don’t like the idea, they don’t think women are capable of taking on the task of ordering around a whole army. What makes them incensed is knowing that many women do have the capability to do this. …show more content…
Women have the power to be the change and a great person that displays that is current Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth. Tammy served in the military service for 23 years where she lost both of her legs, she was a Lieutenant Colonel. She was the first Asian American women, the first disabled woman, and the first member to have been born in Thailand to be a senator in the United States. Next to being the Senator and being a Lieutenant Colonel, she became Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs after that Obama designated her to be Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs. There is a long list of the many accomplishments she did. She has shown many qualities of an empowered woman but she has really shown what she is capable of doing as a woman in the United States of

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