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SMART Goals Paper

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S.M.A.R.T Goals

List of financial goals
i. Earn more money ii. Spend less money iii. Save more money for investment
List of financial goals suing the SMART criteria
i. Earn an extra $1000 every month by focusing on a promotion at my full-time job and grabbing a part-time job ii. Spend less money by cutting down my expenditures on shopping iii. Saving more for investment by allocating $500 from my earnings for savings
The process of creating SMART goals changed the way I looked at my goals by ensuring that my financial goals are more specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. The process of creating SMART goals involve creating goals that are specific by stating exactly what one wish to accomplish with the money saved. The goals also have to be measurable by indicating the exact amount needed for accomplishing the goal (Scott, 2014). Attainable by identifying the steps needed for reaching the goal. The goal also has to be relevant by being meaningful and time-bound through indication of when the goal has to be met. Through the SMART criteria, one can be able to formulate a specific description of their idea by helping them to answer questions about what exactly …show more content…
The goal thus became more specific through indication of the ways through which I would be able to earn more money and the exact dollar amount I intend to earn each month as an additional earning from my current monthly earning. The goal also became attainable by indicating the ways that can be used to ensure successful accomplishment of the goal, that is focusing on a promotion and grabbing a part-time job to ensure increased earnings. The goal is also realistic since the targeted amount can be easily earned through a promotion or a part-time

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