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Sample Research Proposal on Motivation


Submitted By zahidbim
Words 1192
Pages 5
Sample Research Proposal on Motivation

Executive Summary
With such a rapid moving economy, a shortage of qualified workers, and plentiful business opportunities, the topic of motivating employees has become extremely important to the employer, as motivation has a great impact on the way employees perform in an organisation. If employees do not enjoy their work, it will affect the success of the organization’s goals. As an internal drive to satisfy unsatisfied needs, motivation can direct individuals’ behavior to satisfy those needs. Hence, the employer must understand what employees need and how to achieve those needs.

To be effective, the employer needs to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Different people are motivated by different factors because individuals differ in the level of their needs. Some employees may want more income but others may require a more interesting and challenging job. In today’s world, it seems that money has become less of a motivator. The employee’s request is more than just good wages. They now do require some benefit and flexibility to bring their work and personal life together. A good working relationship with colleagues, as well as the opportunity for growth is a must. It becomes the employer’s responsibility to involve employees in the business and let them know that the employer appreciates their ideas and suggestions.

Knowing what it takes to do what is right for employees can help a business succeed. Accordingly, motivating staff is part of an employer’s responsibility to attract and retain employees. The motivation process will help maximise the ability of human resource and develop sustainable management strategies for the organisation seeking success and longevity.

Terms of Reference
Over the past few years, society has had a great interest in studying motivation,

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