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School Not for Everyone


Submitted By merlex10
Words 415
Pages 2
Why students should go to university immediately after junior college

After graduating from junior college, some students decide to take at least a one year break before attending university. By taking this break, they put themselves at an disadvantage that cost could them in the long run when it comes to retaining material they learned in high school & the time it would take to get their degree as well as deciding if they really want to attend college after the break.

Students are discouraged about attending university after taking a break after junior college because they've been away from education for that short period. Sometimes students are sidetracked by events that are happening in their everyday lives. A study at John Hopkins University concluded that students who took a break after junior college were most likely sidetracked by marriage and became parents before they decided to attend university. Many students grow comfortable working their minimum salary jobs and feel as though that is enough to get them through life; however, they don't realize that eventually they'll need to earn a degree in order to make a decent living in the future.

By taking a break after graduating, students often forget what they've learned in junior college. The majority of students who attend university right after junior college retain a lot of what they've learned in the past years; however, students who take a break end up forgetting majority of what they've learned. When students forget what they've learned during the break, they have a harder time getting back on track when it comes to university. It can also take extra years just to earn a degree, it puts them one year behind. Students who take breaks end up not graduating with the their original class.

When headed towards college, many students keep in contact with their junior college counselors. The counselors continue to advise the students and can sometimes find resources that help the student. Delays in education can cause students become economically disadvantaged in the future. Not only that but, the students future is put in jeopardy and their future families as well. A associate degree isn't much either which is why students shouldn't delay their education. A year may seem like a small break but that small break could turn into a permanent break which could cost a person in the long run. Students should choose to go directly to university so they're not at an disadvantage when it comes to life.

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