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Security And Privacy Controversy Online

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This paper outlines why security and privacy cannot be mutually exclusive. As we continue to advance with information and communication technologies, our society will require cyberlaws and the government needs to equip law enforcement with modernized tools to protect society’s most vulnerable in cyberspace. To achieve a happy medium between security and privacy, I propose the concepts of transparency, accountability, integrity, and professionalism in the security-privacy debate.

Today, there are over three billion online users, which make up about 40% of the world population (ITU 2014). The users are online, conducting daily communications, transactions, and sharing of information.
The Internet has created an increasing amount of personal …show more content…
However, is everything truly private if we voluntarily surrender it? From the day we got our social security card to applying for bank accounts or credit cards to opening a Facebook account, we were voluntarily surrendering our privacy. And as we entered into the information age where we opened social media accounts, conducted online shopping, and stored online data to Dropbox or iCloud, we have once again voluntarily surrendered the exact same information to third parties without our knowledge. And is my iPhone considered private information if I do not have it passcode protected or …show more content…
In my years working in the law enforcement field, police is not interested in “Internet spying” or “snooping”, but simply acquiring basic building blocks such as name, subscriber, address, IP address, or email, to aid in a particular investigation. Providing a fast response in prosecuting the criminal is always the outcry from the public. But society needs to understand that technological advancements have changed the way we communicate and how crimes are being committed. Because of this, police also require advance technological tools to be one step ahead of the criminals in order to protect and provide security in our technological society. But this must be done within reasonable grounds to also ensure protection of privacy. Police must follow the right protocols, be transparent, and provide an accurate process in doing

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