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Self Evaluation Research Paper

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My Self Evaluation
I am writing this paper as a self-evaluation of myself as a writer and my growth in writing as a college student. College is something many people try to tackle in their lifetime and also a fear many people never tackle during their life. At eighteen years old I was one of those people fearful to become a college student and because of that I did not attend college until I was twenty one years old. When attending my first semester of college I thought that the English class I attended that semester would be the only English class I would have to attend throughout my college experience and the only form of writing I would have to tackle. Little did I know that it was only the beginning of my journey with writing? When starting English 102 I was very nervous not only knowing that there would be an extremely long and time consuming paper involved but also the numerous comments I’ve heard about how hard the class truly is. One of those comments being that the national average drop rate for the course was a 60%. During my first night in class we were informed that our first paper would be a website evaluation. I was frightened just starting …show more content…
The research paper was defiantly my most feared paper throughout the semester. Not only because of how much focus and work had to go into finishing the paper but also because of my past attempt in high school writing a research paper. One thing that made writing the research paper a little easier was the JJC database without that tool I would of struggled and spent many more hours then I already had pulling in my sources for the paper. I chose to focus my research paper on children going through poverty because I feel many of the issues are left unspoken and unresolved. I enjoyed writing and reading different sources learning even more about the issues that I didn’t even know existed. I did however found myself limited on what to talk about and to complete the 2500 word

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